< 創世記 36 >

1 以下是厄撒烏,即厄東的後裔:
These are the generations of Esau which is called Edo.
2 厄撒烏由客納罕女人中娶的妻子,有赫特人厄隆的女兒阿達,有曷黎人漆貝紅之子阿納的女兒敖曷里巴瑪;
Esau toke his wyues of the doughters of Canaan Ada the doughter of Elon an Hethite and Ahalibama the doughter of Ana which Ana was the sonne of Zibeon an heuyte
3 還有依市瑪耳的女兒,乃巴約特的姊妹巴色瑪特。
And Basmath Ismaels doughter and sister of Nebaioth.
4 阿達給厄撒烏生了厄里法次;巴色瑪特生了勒烏耳;
And Ada bare vnto Esau Eliphas: and Basmath bare Reguel:
5 敖曷里巴瑪生了耶烏士、雅藍和科辣黑:以上都是厄撒烏在客納罕地生的兒子。
And Ahalibama bare Ieus Iaelam and Rorah. These are the sonnes of Esau which were borne him in the lande of Canaan.
6 厄撒烏帶了自己的妻子兒女,和家中所有的人,並自己所有的牛羊家畜,以及在客納罕地所獲得的財物,遷移到色依爾,離開他的弟弟雅各伯,
And Esau toke his wyues his sonnes and doughters and all the soules of his house: his goodes and all his catell and all his substance which he had gott in the land of Canaan ad went in to a countre awaye from his brother Iacob:
7 因為他們家產太多,不能住在一起;他們寄居的地方,由於家畜太多,也容不下他們。
for their ryches was so moch that they coude not dwell together and that the land where in they were straungers coude not receaue the: because of their catell.
8 厄撒烏就住在色依爾山地。厄撒烏即是厄東。
Thus dwelt Esau in moute Seir which Esau is called Edo
9 以下是色依爾山地厄東人的始祖厄撒烏的後裔。
These are the generations of Esau father of the Edomytes in mounte Seir
10 以下是厄撒烏子孫的名譜:厄撒烏的妻子阿達的兒子厄里法次;厄撒烏的妻子巴色瑪特的兒子勒烏耳。
and these are the names of Esaus sonnes: Eliphas the sonne of Ada the wife of Esau ad Reguel the sonne of Basmath the wife of Esau also.
11 厄里法次的兒子:特曼、敖瑪爾、則缶加堂和刻納次。
And the sonnes of Eliphas were. Theman Omar Zepho Gactham and kenas.
12 厄撒烏的兒子厄里法次的妾提默納給厄里法次生了阿瑪肋克:以上是厄撒烏的妻子阿達的子孫。
And thimna was concubyne to Eliphas Esaus sonne and bare vnto Eliphas Amalech. And these be the sonnes of Ada Esaus wyfe.
13 勒烏耳的兒子:納哈特、則辣黑、沙瑪和米匝:以上是厄撒烏的妻子巴色瑪特的子孫。
And these are the sonnes of Reguel: Nahath Serah Samma and Misa: these were the sonnes of Basmath Esaus wyfe.
14 以下是漆貝紅之子阿納的女兒,厄撒烏的妻子敖曷里巴瑪的兒子:她給厄撒烏生了耶烏士、雅藍和科辣黑。
And these were the sonnes of Ahalibama Esaus wyfe the doughter of Ana sonne of Zebeo which she bare vnto Esau: Ieus Iealam and Korah.
15 以下是厄撒烏子孫中的族長:厄撒烏的長子厄里法次的子孫中,有特曼族長,敖瑪爾族長,則缶族長,刻納次族長,
These were dukes of the sonnes of Esau. The childern of Eliphas the first sone of Esau were these: duke Theman duke Omar duke Zepho duke Kenas
16 科辣黑族長,加堂族長和阿瑪肋克族長:以上是厄東地厄里法次族的族長,都是阿達的子孫。
duke Korah duke Gaetham and duke Amalech: these are ye dukes that came of Eliphas in the lande of Edom ad these were the sonnes of Ada.
17 厄撒烏的兒子勒烏耳的的子孫中,有納哈特族長,則辣黑族長,沙瑪族長和米匝族長:以上是厄東地勒烏耳族的族長,都是厄撒烏的妻子巴色瑪特的子孫。
These were the childern of Requel. Esaus sonne: duke Nahath duke Serah duke Samma duke Misa. These are the dukes that came of Reguel in the lande of Edom ad these were the sonnes of Basmath Esaus wyfe.
18 厄撒烏的妻子敖曷里巴瑪的子孫中有耶烏士族長,雅藍族長和科辣黑族長:以上是阿納的女兒,厄撒烏的妻子敖曷里巴瑪子孫中的族長。
These were the childern of Ahalibama Esaus wife: duke Ieus duke Iaelam duke Korah these dukes came of Ahalibama ye doughter of Ana Esaus wife.
19 以上都是厄撒烏的子孫,都是族長。這就是厄東。
These are the childern of Esau and these are the dukes of them: which Esau is called Edom:
20 以下是當地居民曷黎人色依爾的子孫:羅堂、芍巴耳、漆貝紅、阿雅、
These are the childern of Seir the Horite the in habitoure of the lande: Lothan Sobal Zibeon Ana
21 狄雄、厄責爾和狄商:以上是厄東地色依爾子孫曷黎人的族長。
Dison Eser and Disan. These are the dukes of ye horites the childern of Seir in the lande of Edom.
22 羅堂的兒子:曷黎和赫曼;羅堂的姊妹是提默納。
And the childern of Lothan were: Hori and Hemam. And Lothans sister was called Thimna.
23 芍巴耳的兒子:阿耳汪、瑪納哈特、厄巴耳、舍佛和敖南。
The childern of Sobal were these: Alvan Manahath Ebal Sepho and Onam.
24 漆貝紅的兒子:阿雅和阿納;那在曠野裏放牧他父親漆貝紅的驢,發現溫泉的,就是這位阿納。
These were the childern of Zibeo. Aia and ana this was yt Ana yt foude ye mules in ye wildernes as he fed his father Zibeons asses.
25 阿納的兒子狄雄;阿納的女兒就是敖曷里巴瑪。
The childern of Ana were these. Dison and Ahalibama ye doughter of Ana.
26 狄雄的兒子:赫默丹、厄市班、依特蘭和革蘭。
These are the childern of Dison. Hemdan Esban Iethran and Chera.
27 厄責爾的兒子:彼耳漢、匝汪和阿甘。
The childern of Ezer were these Bilhan Seavan and Akan.
28 狄商的兒子:伍茲和阿郎。
The childern of Disan were: Vzand Aran.
29 以下是曷黎人的族長:羅堂族長,芍巴耳族長,漆貝紅族長,阿納族長,
These are the dukes that came of Hori: duke Lothan duke Sobal duke Zibeo duke Ana
30 狄雄族長,以上是色依爾地曷黎人各族的族長。
duke Dison duke Ezer duke Disan. These be the dukes that came of Hory in their dukedos in the land of Seir.
31 以下是在以色列子民未有君王統治以前,統治厄東地的君王。
These are the kynges that reigned in the lande of Edom before there reigned any kynge amonge the childern of Israel.
32 貝敖爾的兒子貝拉在厄東作王,他的京城名叫丁哈巴。
Bela the sonne of Beor reigned in Edomea and the name of his cyte was Dinhaba.
33 貝拉死後,波責辣人則辣黑的兒子約巴布繼他為王。
And when Bela dyed Iobab the sonne of Serah out of Bezara reigned in his steade.
34 約巴布死後,特曼地人胡商繼他為王。
When Iobab was dead Husam of the lande of Themany reigned in his steade.
35 胡商死後,貝達得的兒子哈達得繼他為王,他曾在摩阿布平原擊敗了米德楊人。他的京城名叫阿威特。
And after the deth of Husam Hadad the sonne of Bedad which stewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes reigned in his steade and the name of his cyte was Avith.
36 哈達得死後,瑪斯勒卡人撒默拉繼他為王。
Whe Hadad was dead Samla of Masteka reigned in his steade.
37 撒默拉死後河間的勒曷波特人沙烏耳繼他為王。
Whe Samla was dead Saul of the ryver Rehoboth reigned in his steade.
38 沙烏耳死後,阿革波爾的兒子巴耳哈南繼他為王。
When Saul was dead Baalhanan the sonne of Achbor reigned in his steade.
39 阿革波爾的兒子巴耳哈南死後,哈達得繼他為王;他的京城名叫帕烏。他的妻子名叫默塔貝耳,是默匝哈布人瑪特勒得的女兒。
And after the deth of Baal Hanan the sonne of Achbor Hadad reigned in his steade and the name of his cyte was Pagu. And his wifes name Mehetabeel the doughter of matred the doughter of Mesaab.
40 厄撒烏族的族長名稱,依族系和地區名列如下:提默納族長,阿耳瓦族長,耶太特族長,
These are the names of the dukes that came of Esau in their kynreddds places and names: Duke Thimma duke Alua duke Ietheth
41 敖曷里巴瑪族長,厄拉族長,丕農族長,
duke Ahalibama duke Ela duke Pinon
42 刻納次族長,特曼族長,米貝匝爾族長,
duke Kenas duke Theman duke Mibzar
43 瑪革狄耳族長和依蘭族長:以上是厄東人在所佔有的地方,依住區所有的族長。厄東人的始祖即是厄撒烏。
duke Magdiel duke Iram. These be the dukes of Edomea in their habitations in the lande of their possessions. This Esau is the father of the Edomytes.

< 創世記 36 >