< 創世記 21 >

1 上主照所許的,眷顧了撒辣;上主對撒辣實踐了他所說的話。
And YHWH has looked after Sarah as He has said, and YHWH does to Sarah as He has spoken;
2 撒辣懷了孕,在天主所許的時期,給年老的亞巴郎生了一個兒子。
and Sarah conceives, and bears a son to Abraham, to his old age, at the appointed time that God has spoken of with him;
3 亞巴郎為撒辣給他所生的兒子,起名叫依撒格。
and Abraham calls the name of his son who is born to him, whom Sarah has borne to him—Isaac;
4 生後第八天,亞巴郎照天主所吩咐的給自己的兒子依撒格行了割損。
and Abraham circumcises his son Isaac, [being] a son of eight days, as God has commanded him.
5 他兒子依撒格誕生時,亞巴郎正一百歲;
And Abraham [is] a son of one hundred years in his son Isaac being born to him,
6 為此撒辣說:「天主使我笑,凡聽見的也要與我一同笑。」
and Sarah says, “God has made laughter for me; everyone who is hearing laughs for me.”
7 又說:「誰能告訴亞巴郎,撒辣要哺養兒子呢﹖可是我在他老年,卻給他生了個兒子。」
She also says, “Who has said to Abraham, Sarah has suckled sons, that I have born a son for his old age?”
8 孩子漸漸長大,斷了乳;在依撒格斷乳的那天,亞巴郎擺了盛宴。
And the boy grows, and is weaned, and Abraham makes a great banquet in the day of Isaac’s being weaned;
9 撒辣見那埃及女人哈加爾給亞巴郎生的兒子,戲笑自己的兒子依撒格,
and Sarah sees the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she has borne to Abraham, mocking,
10 就對亞巴郎說:「你該趕走這婢女和她的兒子,因為這婢女的兒子不能和我的兒子依撒格一同承受家業。」
and she says to Abraham, “Cast out this handmaid and her son; for the son of this handmaid has no possession with my son—with Isaac.”
11 亞巴郎為了他這兒子的事很是苦惱。
And the thing is very wrong in the eyes of Abraham, for his son’s sake;
12 但天主對亞巴郎說:「你不必為這孩子和你的婢女苦惱;凡撒辣對你說的,你都可聽從,因為只有藉依撒格你的名才能傳後。
and God says to Abraham, “Let it not be wrong in your eyes because of the youth, and because of your handmaid: all that Sarah says to you—listen to her voice, for in Isaac is a seed called to you.
13 至於這婢女的兒子,我也要使他成為一大民族,因為他也是你的孩子。」
As for the son of the handmaid also, for a nation I set him, because he [is] your seed.”
14 第二天,亞巴郎清早起來拿了餅和一皮囊水,交給哈加爾,放在她肩上,又將孩子交給她,打發她走了。她一路前行,在貝爾舍巴曠野迷失了路。
And Abraham rises early in the morning, and takes bread, and a bottle of water, and gives to Hagar (placing [it] on her shoulder), also the boy, and sends her out; and she goes on, and goes astray in the wilderness of Beer-Sheba;
15 那時皮囊裏的水已用盡,她把孩子丟在一堆小樹下,
and the water is consumed from the bottle, and she places the boy under one of the shrubs.
16 自己走開,在約離一箭之遠的對面坐下,自言自語說:「我不忍見這孩子夭折。」就坐在對面放聲大哭。
And she goes and sits by herself opposite [him], far off, about a bow-shot, for she said, “Do not let me look on the death of the boy”; and she sits opposite [him], and lifts up her voice, and weeps.
17 天主聽見孩子啼哭,天主的使者由天上呼喚哈加爾說:「哈加爾! 你有什麼事﹖不要害怕,因為天主已聽見孩子在那裏的哭聲。
And God hears the voice of the youth; and the messenger of God calls to Hagar from the heavens and says to her, “What to you, Hagar? Do not fear; for God has listened to the voice of the youth where he [is];
18 起來,去扶起孩子來,用手攙著他,因為我要使他成為一大民族。」
rise, lift up the youth, and lay hold on him with your hand, for I set him for a great nation.”
19 天主於是開了她的眼,她看見了一口水井,遂去將皮囊灌滿了水,給孩子喝。
And God opens her eyes, and she sees a well of water, and she goes and fills the bottle [with] water, and causes the youth to drink;
20 天主與孩子同在,他漸漸長大住在曠野,成了個弓手。
and God is with the youth, and he grows, and dwells in the wilderness, and is an archer;
21 他住在帕蘭曠野;他母親由埃及地給他娶了一個妻子。
and he dwells in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother takes for him a wife from the land of Egypt.
22 那時阿彼默肋客同他的司令非苛耳對亞巴郎說:「在你所作的一切事上,天主常與你同在。
And it comes to pass at that time that Abimelech speaks—Phichol also, head of his host—to Abraham, saying, “God [is] with you in all that you are doing;
23 現在你在這裏要指著天主對我起誓:總不要虧待我和我的子子孫孫。我怎樣厚待了你,你也要怎樣厚待我和你寄居的地方。」
and now, swear to me by God here: you do not lie to me, or to my continuator, or to my successor; according to the kindness which I have done with you—do with me, and with the land in which you have sojourned.”
24 亞巴郎回答說:「我願起誓。」
And Abraham says, “I swear.”
25 亞巴郎為了阿彼默肋客的僕人霸佔了一口水井,就責斥阿彼默肋客。
And Abraham reasoned with Abimelech concerning the matter of a well of water which Abimelech’s servants have violently taken away,
26 阿彼默肋客回答說:「我不知道誰作了這事,你也沒有通知我,我到今天才聽說。」
and Abimelech says, “I have not known who has done this thing, and even you did not declare to me, and I also, I have not heard except today.”
27 亞巴郎遂把牛羊交給阿彼默肋客,二人互相立了約。
And Abraham takes sheep and oxen, and gives to Abimelech, and they make, both of them, a covenant;
28 亞巴郎又將羊群中七隻母羔羊,另放在一邊。
and Abraham sets seven lambs of the flock by themselves.
29 阿彼默肋客問亞巴郎說:「將這七隻母羔羊另放一邊,請問有什麼意思﹖」
And Abimelech says to Abraham, “What [are] they—these seven lambs which you have set by themselves?”
30 他答說:「你要由我手中接受這七隻母羔羊,作我挖了這口水井的憑據。」
And he says, “For—the seven lambs you accept from my hand, so that it becomes a witness for me that I have dug this well”;
31 因為他們二人在那裏起了誓,為此那地方叫做貝爾舍巴。
therefore he has called that place “Beer-Sheba,” for both of them have sworn there.
32 他們在貝爾舍巴立了約,阿彼默肋客同他的司令非苛耳起身回培肋舍特地去了。
And they make a covenant in Beer-Sheba, and Abimelech rises—Phichol also, head of his host—and they return to the land of the Philistines;
33 亞巴郎在貝爾舍巴栽了一株檉柳,在那裏呼求了上主,永恒天主的名。
and [Abraham] plants a tamarisk in Beer-Sheba, and preaches there in the Name of YHWH, the perpetual God;
34 亞巴郎在培肋舍特人地內住了許久。
and Abraham sojourns in the land of the Philistines many days.

< 創世記 21 >