< 以西結書 6 >

1 上主的話傳給我說:「
The LORD’s word came to me, saying,
2 人子,你要面對以色列的群山,講預言攻斥他們,
“Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy to them,
3 說以色列的群山,請聽吾主上主的話:吾主上主這樣對高山、丘陵、山溪、山谷說:看,我要使刀兵臨於你們,蕩平你們的丘壇;
and say, ‘You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD! The Lord GOD says to the mountains and to the hills, to the watercourses and to the valleys: “Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword on you, and I will destroy your high places.
4 破壞你們的祭壇,打碎你們的太陽柱,並使你們被殺的人倒在你們的偶像之前。
Your altars will become desolate, and your incense altars will be broken. I will cast down your slain men before your idols.
5 我還要把以色列屍體放在他們的偶像前,把你們的骨頭散在你們的祭壇周圍。
I will lay the dead bodies of the children of Israel before their idols. I will scatter your bones around your altars.
6 在你們居住的地方,城池變為荒野,丘壇遭受破壞,為叫你們的祭壇也成為荒涼,變為廢墟,偶像被粉碎,被消滅,太陽柱被打碎,你們所製造的東西都剷除淨盡。
In all your dwelling places, the cities will be laid waste and the high places will be desolate, so that your altars may be laid waste and made desolate, and your idols may be broken and cease, and your incense altars may be cut down, and your works may be abolished.
7 被殺的人橫臥在你們中間:如此你們要承認我是上主。」「
The slain will fall among you, and you will know that I am the LORD.
8 當我把你們分散到各國時,我還要把一些倖免於刀兵的人,殘留在異民中。
“‘“Yet I will leave a remnant, in that you will have some that escape the sword among the nations, when you are scattered through the countries.
9 你們被擄到異民中的遺民,必要想念我,因為我擊碎了他們好淫而背棄我的心,也擊碎了他們好淫而隨從偶像的眼睛,那時他們必要為了一切邪神所行的事而自怨自艾。
Those of you that escape will remember me among the nations where they are carried captive, how I have been broken with their lewd heart, which has departed from me, and with their eyes, which play the prostitute after their idols. Then they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations.
10 如此,他們會承認,我上主說要對他們施行懲罰,並非空話。」
They will know that I am the LORD. I have not said in vain that I would do this evil to them.”’
11 吾主上主這樣說:「我要拍手頓足地說:禍哉! 以色列家,因了一切醜惡的罪行,她必要亡於刀兵、饑荒和瘟疫:
“The Lord GOD says: ‘Strike with your hand, and stamp with your foot, and say, “Alas!”, because of all the evil abominations of the house of Israel; for they will fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.
12 遠處的要死於瘟疫,近處的要喪身刀下,剩餘而被圍困的,要死於饑餓,我必要這樣對他們發洩我的怒火。
He who is far off will die of the pestilence. He who is near will fall by the sword. He who remains and is besieged will die by the famine. Thus I will accomplish my wrath on them.
13 幾時被殺的人橫臥在他們的祭壇四周,在他們的偶像中間,在各高山,各山頂,在各綠樹下,在密茂的樟樹下,即在他們給各偶像獻香的地方,那時,你們必承認我是上主。
You will know that I am the LORD when their slain men are among their idols around their altars, on every high hill, on all the tops of the mountains, under every green tree, and under every thick oak—the places where they offered pleasant aroma to all their idols.
14 我要伸手打擊他們,凡他們所居之地,我要使田地變為沙漠和荒野,自曠野直到黎貝拉:這樣,他們必承認我是上主。」
I will stretch out my hand on them and make the land desolate and waste, from the wilderness toward Diblah, throughout all their habitations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.’”

< 以西結書 6 >