< 以西結書 34 >
And the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
2 人子,你應說預言攻斥以色列的牧者,向他們講預言說:吾主上主這樣說:禍哉以色列的牧者! 你們只知牧養自己;牧人豈不應該牧養羊群﹖
Sonne of man, prophesie against the shepherdes of Israel, prophesie and say vnto them, Thus saieth the Lord God vnto the shepherds, Wo be vnto the shepherds of Israel, that feede them selues: should not the shepherds feede the flockes?
Yee eate the fat, and yee clothe you with the wooll: yee kill them that are fed, but ye feede not the sheepe.
4 瘦弱的,你們不扶養;患病的,你們不醫治;受傷的,你們不包紮;迷路的,你們不領回;遺失的,你們不尋找,反而用強力和殘暴去管治他們。
The weake haue ye not strengthened: the sicke haue ye not healed, neither haue ye bounde vp the broken, nor brought againe that which was driuen away, neither haue yee sought that which was lost, but with crueltie, and with rigour haue yee ruled them.
5 因為沒有牧人,羊都四散了;羊四散後,便成了一切野獸的食物。
And they were scattered without a shepherde: and when they were dispersed, they were deuoured of all the beastes of the fielde.
6 我的羊在群山峻嶺中迷了路,我的羊四散在全地面上,沒有人去尋,沒有人去找。
My sheepe wandred through all the mountaines, and vpon euery hie hill: yea, my flocke was scattered through al the earth, and none did seeke or search after them.
Therefore ye shepherds, heare the woorde of the Lord.
8 我指著我的生命起誓──吾主上主的斷語──因為我的羊群由於沒有牧者,成了獵物;我的羊群成了一切野獸的食物,因為我的牧者不尋找我的羊,只知牧養自己,而不牧養我的羊:
As I liue, sayeth the Lord God, surely because my flocke was spoyled, and my sheepe were deuoured of all the beasts of the fielde, hauing no shepherde, neither did my shepherdes seeke my sheepe, but the shepherdes fedde them selues, and fedde not my sheepe,
Therefore, heare ye the word of the Lord, O ye shepherds.
10 吾主上主這樣說:我要攻擊那些牧者,從他們手裏追討我的羊,我不再讓他們牧放羊群;這樣,牧者便不能再牧養自己了;我要從他們口中救出我的羊,不再作他們的食物。
Thus saieth the Lord God, Behold, I come against the shepherds, and will require my sheepe at their hands, and cause them to cease from feeding the sheepe: neither shall the shepherds feede them selues any more: for I wil deliuer my sheepe from their mouthes, and they shall no more deuoure them.
11 因為吾主上主這樣說:看,我要親自去尋找我的羊,我要親自照顧我的羊。
For thus sayeth the Lord God, Beholde, I will search my sheepe, and seeke them out.
12 猶如牧人在羊群失散的那日怎樣尋找他的羊,我也怎樣尋找我的羊;我要把那些曾在陰雲和黑暗之日四散在各地的羊,從那些地方救回來。
As a shepherd searcheth out his flocke, when he hath bene among his sheepe that are scattered, so wil I seeke out my sheepe and wil deliuer them out of all places, where they haue beene scattered in the cloudie and darke day,
13 我要從各民族中將他們領出,從各國將他們聚集起來,領他們回到自己的地域;我要在以色列的群山上,溪水畔,以及本國的一切牧場上牧放他們。
And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countreis, and will bring them to their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers, and in all the inhabited places of the countrey.
14 我要在茂盛的草原上牧放他們,在以色列的高山上有他們的羊棧,在那裏他們要臥在舒適的羊棧裏,在以色列的群山上,在肥美的牧場上吃草。
I will feede them in a good pasture, and vpon the hie mountaines of Israel shall their folde be: there shall they lie in a good folde and in fat pasture shall they feede vpon the mountaines of Israel.
15 我要親自牧放我的羊,親自使他們臥下──吾主上主的斷語──
I will feede my sheepe, and bring them to their rest, sayth the Lord God.
16 失落的我要尋找;迷路的,我要領回;受傷的,我要包紮;病弱的,我要療養;肥胖和強壯的,我要看守;我要按正義牧放他們。
I will seeke that which was lost, and bring againe that which was driue away, and will binde vp that which was broken, and will strengthen the weake but I wil destroy the fat and the strong, and I will feede them with iudgement.
17 我的羊群啊! 關於你們,吾主上主這樣說:看,我要在羊與羊,綿羊與山羊之間,施行審判。
Also you my sheepe, Thus saieth the Lord God, behold, I iudge betweene sheepe, and sheepe, betweene the rammes and the goates.
18 你們在茂盛的草場上吃飽後,就用蹄子把吃剩的踐踏;喝足了清水,就用蹄子把剩下的弄髒,你們還以為是件小事嗎﹖
Seemeth it a small thing vnto you to haue eaten vp the good pasture, but yee must treade downe with your feete the residue of your pasture? and to haue drunke of the deepe waters, but yee must trouble the residue with your feete?
19 我的羊群就該吃你們蹄子踏過的草,喝你們蹄子弄髒的水﹖
And my sheepe eate that which yee haue troden with your feete, and drinke that which ye haue troubled with your feete.
20 為此,吾主上主向他們這樣說:看我要,親自在肥羊與瘦羊之間施行審判,
Therefore thus sayth the Lord God vnto them, behold, I, euen I wil iudge betweene the fat sheepe and the leane sheepe.
21 因為你們用臀部,和肩膀排擠,用角牴撞一切病弱的,直到把他們趕到外面;
Because ye haue thrust with side and with shoulder, and pusht al the weake with your hornes, till ye haue scattered them abroade,
22 因此我要拯救我的羊,使之不再作獵物;我要在羊與羊之間施行審判。
Therefore wil I helpe my sheepe, and they shall no more be spoyled, and I wil iudge betweene sheepe and sheepe.
23 我要為他們興起一個牧人,那即是我的僕人達味,他要牧放他們,作他們的牧人。
And I wil set vp a shepherd ouer them, and he shall feede them, euen my seruant Dauid, he shall feede them, and he shalbe their shepherd.
24 我,上主要作他們的天主,我的僕人達味在他們中作領袖:這是我上主說的。
And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shalbe the prince amog them. I the Lord haue spoken it.
25 我要同他們訂立平安盟約,使猛獸由那地上滅絕,他們便可在曠野中安居,在森林裏安眠。
And I will make with them a couenant of peace, and will cause the euil beastes to cease out of the land: and they shall dwel safely in the wildernesse, and sleepe in the woods.
26 我要祝福他們和我山丘的四周,按時降雨,那是滿帶幸福的雨;
And I wil set them, as a blessing, euen roud about my mountaine: and I will cause rayne to come downe in due season, and there shalbe raine of blessing.
27 因此田間的樹木要結果,地要有出產;他們將安居在本鄉。當我打斷他們所負的軛,由奴役他們者的手中救出他們時,他們必承認我是上主。
And the tree of the fielde shall yeeld her fruite, and the earth shall giue her fruite, and they shalbe safe in their land, and shall know that I am the Lord, when I haue broken the cordes of their yoke, and deliuered them out of the hands of those that serued themselues of them.
28 他們不再作異民的獵物,地裏的野獸也不吞噬他們,他們反而要安居樂業,不再受人恐嚇。
And they shall no more be spoyled of the heathen, neither shall the beastes of the land deuoure them, but they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afrayd.
29 我要使植物為他們而茂盛,他們在這地上不再為飢荒所消滅,也不再受異民的羞辱:
And I will rayse vp for them a plant of renoume, and they shalbe no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither beare the reproche of the heathen any more.
30 如此,他們必承認我上主是他們的天主,且與他們同在,而他們──以色列家族,是我的百姓──吾主上主的斷語──
Thus shall they vnderstande, that I the Lord their God am with them, and that they, euen the house of Israel, are my people, sayth the Lord God.
31 你們作我的羊群,是我牧場上的羊群;我是你們的天主──吾主上主的斷語。」
And yee my sheepe, the sheepe of my pasture are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God.