< 以西結書 32 >

1 十一年十二月一日,上主的話傳給我說:「
And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 人子,你要唱哀歌追悼埃及王法郎,向他說:你曾自比作列國的雄獅,其實你卻似海中的鱷魚,衝入你的河中,用爪攪混了水,弄污了河流。
Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and say unto him, Thou didst deem thyself like a young lion among the nations: while thou art as a crocodile in the seas; and thou issuedst forth with thy rivers, and madest turbid the waters with thy feet, and didst stir up their rivers.
3 吾主上主這樣說:我要藉列國的聯軍向你張開我的羅網,用我的往把你拖上來。
Thus hath said the Lord Eternal, I will therefore spread out my net over thee through the assemblage of many people, and they shall draw thee up in my net.
4 我要把你丟在地上,拋在田野間,使天上的各種飛鳥落在你身上,使地上的各種野獸吃你個飽。
Then will I cast thee upon the land, upon the open field will I hurl thee, and will cause all the fowls of the heaven to dwell upon thee, and I will satisfy off thee the beasts of all the earth.
5 我要把你的肉丟在山上,用你的屍首填滿山谷,
And I will lay thy flesh upon the mountains, and fill the valleys with thy carcass.
6 用你的流汁灌溉大地,以你的血灌溉至山邊,以你的腐屍填滿溝壑。
I will also saturate the land wherein thou swimmest with thy blood, even to the mountains; and the ravines shall be full of thee.
7 當你被消滅時,我要遮蔽天空,使星辰也昏暗;以雲彩遮住太陽,使月亮不放光明。
And I will cover up the heavens, when thou art quenched, and make their stars obscure: the sun will I cover up with a cloud, and the moon shall not let shine her light.
8 我要使天上一切照在你身上的光體變為黑暗,使黑暗籠罩你的國土──吾主上主的斷語--
All the light-dispensing lights of the heavens—these will I make obscure because of thee, and I will lay darkness upon thy land, saith the Lord Eternal.
9 當我在列國把你滅亡的消息,傳到你不認識的國家時,我要使許多民族心神憂傷。
And I will aggrieve the heart of many people, when I bring those who are broken off from thee among the nations, into countries which thou hast not known.
10 當我在他們面前揮動我的刀劍時,我要使許多民族,為了你而驚駭,使她們的君王驚惶失措;在你傾覆之日,他們每人都為自己的性命而戰慄,
Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, and on their kings the hair shall stand on end because of thee, when I brandish my sword before their faces: and they shall tremble at every moment, every man for his own life, on the day of thy downfall.
11 因為吾主上主這樣說:巴比倫王的刀劍必臨於你。
For thus hath said the Lord Eternal, The sword of the king of Babylon shall come over thee.
12 我必使你的民眾喪身在眾英雄,即列國中最兇殘之人的刀下;他們必要破壞埃及的光華,消滅她的民眾。
By the swords of the mighty will I cause thy multitude to fall, the fiercest of nations are all of them: and they shall destroy the pride of Egypt, and all her multitude shall be annihilated.
13 我要從大水之旁,把她所有的牲畜滅絕,人腳不再攪混此水,獸蹄也不再使水混濁;
And I will cause to vanish all her beasts from beside the great waters; and the foot of man shall not make them turbid any more, nor shall the hoofs of beasts make them turbid.
14 那時,我要澄清他們的水,使他們的河徐徐流下如油一般──吾主上主的斷語──
Then will I make clear their waters, and cause their rivers to flow like oil, saith the Lord Eternal;
15 當我使埃及地荒蕪,使其他所有的一切荒廢,打擊其中所有居民時,他們必要承認我是上主。
When I render the land of Egypt desolate and wasted, the country bereft of what now filleth it, when I smite all those that dwell therein: and they shall know that I am the Lord.
16 這是列國女子所要唱的哀歌,她們詠唱此歌憑弔埃及其人民──吾主上主的斷語。」
This is the lamentation wherewith they shall lament for her; the daughters of the nations shall lament for her: for Egypt, and for all her multitude, shall they lament with it, saith the Lord Eternal.
17 十二年一月十五日,上主的話傳給我說:「
And it came to pass in the twelfth year, on the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
18 人子,你要哀悼埃及的民眾,因為我要將她和各強國的女兒推入陰間,同已下到陰府的人在一起。 (questioned)
Son of man, moan for the multitude of Egypt, and say that it shall go down, yea, she, and the daughters of powerful nations, unto the land of the nether world, with those that go down to the pit.
19 你比誰更華美呢﹖你下去罷! 同未受割損的人臥在一起罷!
Whom dost thou surpass in loveliness? go down [then], and be thou laid with the [other] uncircumcised.
20 他們必倒在喪身刀下的人中,刀已交出,必使她和她的群眾一起喪亡。
In the midst of those that are slain by the sword shall they fall: to the sword is she given up; drag her away and all her multitudes.
21 最英勇的戰士和她的同盟,必從陰府中論及她說:他們也下來了,同未受割損的人,同那些喪身刀下的人,臥在一起。 (Sheol h7585)
Then will speak of him the strongest among the mighty out of the midst of the nether world with those that once helped him, They are gone down, there lie the uncircumcised, —slain by the sword. (Sheol h7585)
22 在那裏有亞述,她的民眾都圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的。
There is Asshur and all his assemblage; round about him are his graves; all of them the slain that are fallen by the sword;
23 他們的墳墓位於極深的坑中,她的民眾圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的,他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖。
Whose graves are placed in the lowest depth of the pit, and his assemblage is round about his grave; all of them are slain, fallen by the sword, who once spread terror in the land of the living.
24 在那裏有厄藍,她的民眾都圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的,未受割損而降入陰間的;他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以他們與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。 (questioned)
There is 'Elam and all her multitude round about her grave, all of them the slain, that are fallen by the sword, who are gone down uncircumcised into the land of the nether world, who once spread their terror in the land of the living; and they have borne their confusion with those that go down to the pit.
25 在喪亡者中為她安置了床榻,她的民眾圍繞著她的墳墓:他們全是未受割損,喪身刀下的,因為他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以被安置在被殺的人中,與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。
In the midst of the slain have they set a couch for her with all her multitude; all round about are her graves; all of them are uncircumcised, slain by the sword; because their terror was once spread in the land of the living; and they have borne their confusion with those that go down to the pit: in the midst of the slain was she placed.
26 在那裏有默舍客和突巴耳,她們的民眾都圍繞著她們的墳墓:他們全是未受割損,喪身刀下的;他們曾在活人地上散布過恐怖。
There is Meshech, Thubal, and all her multitude; all round about her are her graves: all of them are the uncircumcised, slain by the sword; because they once spread their terror in the land of the living.
27 他們不得與古代已死的英雄臥在一起,這些人帶著武器降入陰府,人們把他們的刀劍放在他們頭下,盾牌放在他們的骨骸上,因為他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖。 (Sheol h7585)
And those who are fallen of the uncircumcised shall not lie with the mighty, who are gone down to the nether world with their weapons of war, while men laid their swords under their heads, and the [instruments of] their iniquities were upon their bones; for the terror of the mighty was in the land of the living. (Sheol h7585)
28 至於你,你要臥在未受割損的人中,同喪身刀下的人在一起。
But thou shalt be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised, and shalt lie with those that are slain by the sword.
29 在那裏有厄東和她的君王,以及她所有的首長,他們雖然英勇,卻同喪身刀下的人被安置在一起,同未受割損而下到深淵的人臥在一起。
There are Edom, her kings, and all her princes, who are laid despite their prowess by those that are slain by the sword: they shall lie with the uncircumcised, and with those that go down to the pit.
30 在那裏有北方的一切首領和所有的漆冬人,他們雖然英勇,令人驚駭,也同被殺者一起下去了;他們同未受割損的人和喪身刀下的臥在一起,與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。
There are the chieftains of the north, all of them, and all the Zidonians, who are gone down with the slain: despite the terror they excited through their prowess are they made ashamed; and they lie uncircumcised with those that are slain by the sword, and bear their confusion with those that go down to the pit.
31 法郎看見那些人,便為自己所有的人民,感到安慰,因為法郎和他的軍隊也都是喪身刀下的──吾主上主的斷語──
These shall Pharaoh see, and he shall be comforted over all his multitude: slain by the sword are Pharaoh and all his army, saith the Lord Eternal.
32 因為他曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以法郎和他所有的人民,也都要臥在未受割損的人中,與喪身刀下的人在一起──吾主上主的斷語。」
For I spread my terror in the land of the living; and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with those that are slain by the sword, —yea, Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord Eternal.

< 以西結書 32 >