< 以西結書 32 >

1 十一年十二月一日,上主的話傳給我說:「
On the first day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 人子,你要唱哀歌追悼埃及王法郎,向他說:你曾自比作列國的雄獅,其實你卻似海中的鱷魚,衝入你的河中,用爪攪混了水,弄污了河流。
“Son of man, sing a funeral song for Pharaoh king of Egypt and tell him: You think you're like a lion among the nations but in reality you're like a sea monster. You roll around in your rivers, stirring up the waters with your feet, making the water muddy.
3 吾主上主這樣說:我要藉列國的聯軍向你張開我的羅網,用我的往把你拖上來。
This is what the Lord God says: In the presence of many nations I'm going to spread my net over you, and they will pull you up in my net.
4 我要把你丟在地上,拋在田野間,使天上的各種飛鳥落在你身上,使地上的各種野獸吃你個飽。
I will drop you on the land; I will throw you down on the bare earth. I will make all the birds of prey come and land you; I will have all the wild animals eat you until they're satisfied.
5 我要把你的肉丟在山上,用你的屍首填滿山谷,
I will dump your flesh on the mountains and fill the valleys with your remains.
6 用你的流汁灌溉大地,以你的血灌溉至山邊,以你的腐屍填滿溝壑。
I will fill the land with your flowing blood, pouring it out on the mountains, filling the valleys.
7 當你被消滅時,我要遮蔽天空,使星辰也昏暗;以雲彩遮住太陽,使月亮不放光明。
When I put out the light of your life, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will use a cloud to cover the sun, and the moon will stop shining.
8 我要使天上一切照在你身上的光體變為黑暗,使黑暗籠罩你的國土──吾主上主的斷語--
I will darken all the bright lights in the heavens above you, and I will make your land go dark, declares the Lord God.
9 當我在列國把你滅亡的消息,傳到你不認識的國家時,我要使許多民族心神憂傷。
When I destroy you I will make many people frightened, even in countries you don't know anything about.
10 當我在他們面前揮動我的刀劍時,我要使許多民族,為了你而驚駭,使她們的君王驚惶失措;在你傾覆之日,他們每人都為自己的性命而戰慄,
Many will be shocked at what I do to you, and their kings will be horrified at what has happened to you, trembling when I wave my sword in front of them. On the day that you fall all of them will shake in fear for their lives.
11 因為吾主上主這樣說:巴比倫王的刀劍必臨於你。
For this is what the Lord God says: The sword of the king of Babylon will attack you!
12 我必使你的民眾喪身在眾英雄,即列國中最兇殘之人的刀下;他們必要破壞埃及的光華,消滅她的民眾。
I will allow your army to be defeated, your soldiers killed by the swords of the powerful enemy army from the cruelest of all nations. They will ruin of the glories of Egypt and destroy all your people.
13 我要從大水之旁,把她所有的牲畜滅絕,人腳不再攪混此水,獸蹄也不再使水混濁;
I will slaughter all your livestock living beside the wide rivers. Nobody will be there to stir rivers up with their feet; no livestock hooves will make them muddy.
14 那時,我要澄清他們的水,使他們的河徐徐流下如油一般──吾主上主的斷語──
I will allow their waters to settle and I will make her rivers flow smoothly like oil, declares the Lord God.
15 當我使埃及地荒蕪,使其他所有的一切荒廢,打擊其中所有居民時,他們必要承認我是上主。
When I turn Egypt into a wasteland, completely emptying it out, when I kill everyone who lives there, then they will acknowledge that I am the Lord.
16 這是列國女子所要唱的哀歌,她們詠唱此歌憑弔埃及其人民──吾主上主的斷語。」
This is the funeral song that foreign women will sing. They will sing it in mourning over Egypt and all its many people, declares the Lord God.”
17 十二年一月十五日,上主的話傳給我說:「
On the fifteenth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
18 人子,你要哀悼埃及的民眾,因為我要將她和各強國的女兒推入陰間,同已下到陰府的人在一起。 (questioned)
“Son of man, weep for all the many Egyptians. Send them along with the people of powerful nations down into the depths of the earth with those who go down into the grave.
19 你比誰更華美呢﹖你下去罷! 同未受割損的人臥在一起罷!
Do you think you're more beautiful than anyone else? Go down and take your place in the grave with the heathen!
20 他們必倒在喪身刀下的人中,刀已交出,必使她和她的群眾一起喪亡。
They will lie among those killed by the sword. A sword is ready to kill all the many people of Egypt.
21 最英勇的戰士和她的同盟,必從陰府中論及她說:他們也下來了,同未受割損的人,同那些喪身刀下的人,臥在一起。 (Sheol h7585)
Powerful chiefs will speak from Sheol about Egypt and its allies: ‘They have come down here and lie with the heathen, with those killed by the sword.’ (Sheol h7585)
22 在那裏有亞述,她的民眾都圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的。
Assyria is there with all its people—it's surrounded by graves. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword.
23 他們的墳墓位於極深的坑中,她的民眾圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的,他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖。
Its graves are set in the deepest parts of the place of the dead, and the graves of all its people surround Assyria's grave. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword, these people who once terrorized others when they were alive.
24 在那裏有厄藍,她的民眾都圍繞著她的墳墓:他們都是被殺而喪身刀下的,未受割損而降入陰間的;他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以他們與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。 (questioned)
Elam is there with all its people around its grave. All of them died violent deaths, killed by the sword. They went down into the grave, these heathen people who once terrorized others when they were alive. They are disgraced, along with all others who go down into the grave.
25 在喪亡者中為她安置了床榻,她的民眾圍繞著她的墳墓:他們全是未受割損,喪身刀下的,因為他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以被安置在被殺的人中,與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。
A resting place is made ready among those who have been killed for Elam and all its many people—their graves surround Elam's grave. They are all heathen and were killed by the sword, though they once terrorized others when they were alive. They are disgraced, along with all others who go down into the grave. They are laid to rest among those who have been killed.
26 在那裏有默舍客和突巴耳,她們的民眾都圍繞著她們的墳墓:他們全是未受割損,喪身刀下的;他們曾在活人地上散布過恐怖。
Meshech and Tubal are there with all their many people, surrounded by all their graves. They are all heathen and were killed by the sword, though they once terrorized others when they were alive.
27 他們不得與古代已死的英雄臥在一起,這些人帶著武器降入陰府,人們把他們的刀劍放在他們頭下,盾牌放在他們的骨骸上,因為他們曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖。 (Sheol h7585)
But they're not laid to rest with the fallen warriors of long ago who went down into Sheol with their weapons of war. Their swords were placed underneath their heads and their shields over their bones, although these powerful warriors once terrorized others when they were alive. (Sheol h7585)
28 至於你,你要臥在未受割損的人中,同喪身刀下的人在一起。
However, you will also be cut down and laid to rest with the heathen, with those killed by the sword.
29 在那裏有厄東和她的君王,以及她所有的首長,他們雖然英勇,卻同喪身刀下的人被安置在一起,同未受割損而下到深淵的人臥在一起。
Edom is there with all its kings and princes. Once they were powerful, but now they too are laid to rest with those killed by the sword. They lie with the heathen, with those who go down into the grave.
30 在那裏有北方的一切首領和所有的漆冬人,他們雖然英勇,令人驚駭,也同被殺者一起下去了;他們同未受割損的人和喪身刀下的臥在一起,與已下到深淵的人一同蒙受羞辱。
All the leaders from the north, and all the people of Sidon are there too. They also are disgraced, going down with those who were killed, in spite of their formidable power. They are heathen, lying there with those killed by the sword, and have the disgrace of those who go down into the grave.
31 法郎看見那些人,便為自己所有的人民,感到安慰,因為法郎和他的軍隊也都是喪身刀下的──吾主上主的斷語──
Pharaoh will see them and be pleased that he and all his many people are not the only ones killed by the sword, declares the Lord God.
32 因為他曾在活人地上,散布過恐怖,所以法郎和他所有的人民,也都要臥在未受割損的人中,與喪身刀下的人在一起──吾主上主的斷語。」
For I will terrorize those who are alive so that Pharaoh and all his many people will be laid to rest with the heathen, with those killed by the sword, declares the Lord God.”

< 以西結書 32 >