< 以西結書 31 >
and to be in/on/with one ten year in/on/with third in/on/with one to/for month to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
2 人子,你要向埃及王法郎和他的民眾說:你的偉大相似誰呢﹖
son: child man to say to(wards) Pharaoh king Egypt and to(wards) crowd his to(wards) who? to resemble in/on/with greatness your
3 看,你是一棵黎巴嫩香柏,枝葉美觀,蔭影濃密,枝幹高大,樹梢插入雲霄。
behold Assyria cedar in/on/with Lebanon beautiful branch and wood to shade and high height and between: among cord to be treetop his
4 水使它長大,淵泉使它長高;河水由四周流入栽植它之地,支流灌溉田中其他的樹木。
water to magnify him abyss to exalt him [obj] river her to go: walk around plantation her and [obj] conduit her to send: depart to(wards) all tree [the] land: country
5 為此它的枝幹高過田間的一切樹木,因為水多,生長時枝業繁茂,枝條特長。
upon so to exult height his from all tree [the] land: country and to multiply bough his and to prolong (bough his *Q(K)*) from water many in/on/with to send: depart he
6 天上的一切飛鳥在它枝幹上築巢,田間的野獸在他的枝葉下生子,各國的人民住在它的蔭影下。
in/on/with bough his to make a nest all bird [the] heaven and underneath: under bough his to beget all living thing [the] land: country and in/on/with shadow his to dwell all nation many
7 它的枝葉廣闊,高大華麗,因為它的根深入多水之地。
and be beautiful in/on/with greatness his in/on/with length branch his for to be root his to(wards) water many
8 天主樂園中的香柏,都不能同它相比,扁柏不及它的枝幹,楓樹不及它的枝椏,天主樂園中所有的樹木都沒有它那樣美麗。
cedar not to darken him in/on/with garden God cypress not to resemble to(wards) bough his and plane tree not to be like/as bough his all tree in/on/with garden God not to resemble to(wards) him in/on/with beauty his
9 我使它枝葉茂盛而美麗,致令「伊甸」──天主樂園──中所有的樹木都嫉妒它。
beautiful to make him in/on/with abundance branch his and be jealous him all tree Eden which in/on/with garden [the] God
10 因此吾主上主這樣說:因它枝幹高大,枝梢插入雲霄,遂因自己高大而心高氣傲。
to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God because which to exult in/on/with height and to give: put treetop his to(wards) between: among cord and to exalt heart his in/on/with height his
11 我必將它交在列國最強的人手中,他們要任意對待它;我必要因它的罪行而將它剷除;
and to give: give him in/on/with hand: power leader nation to make: do to make: do to/for him like/as wickedness his to drive out: drive out him
12 列國最兇殘的人必要將它伐倒,把它拋棄在山上;它的枝椏,倒臥在山谷中,枝條折落在一切窪地上;萬國的人民都要離開它的蔭影,而棄捨它;
and to cut: cut him be a stranger ruthless nation and to leave him to(wards) [the] mountain: mount and in/on/with all valley to fall: fell(trees) branch his and to break bough his in/on/with all channel [the] land: country/planet and to go down from shadow his all people [the] land: country/planet and to leave him
13 天上飛鳥都棲在它倒了的枝幹上,田間的各種野獸都停在它的枝條下,
upon carcass his to dwell all bird [the] heaven and to(wards) bough his to be all living thing [the] land: country
14 這是為使一切有水滋潤的樹木,不要因自己的軀幹高大而自負,不要再讓枝梢插入雲霄,免得各種有水滋潤的樹木,因高聳而自大,因為他們都要歸於死亡,降到陰間,到那些已降入深淵的人子中。 ()
because which not to exult in/on/with height their all tree water and not to give: put [obj] treetop their to(wards) between: among cord and not to stand: rise terebinth their in/on/with height their all to drink water for all their to give: give to/for death to(wards) land: country/planet lower in/on/with midst son: child man to(wards) to go down pit
15 吾主上主這樣說:在它下到陰府的那天,我要使人哀弔它;為了它我要使深淵閉塞,使江河凝結,洪水停流,使黎巴嫩為它舉哀,使田間所有的樹木因它而枯萎。 (Sheol )
thus to say Lord YHWH/God in/on/with day to go down he hell: Sheol [to] to mourn to cover upon him [obj] abyss and to withhold river her and to restrain water many and be dark upon him Lebanon and all tree [the] land: country upon him fainting (Sheol )
16 當我使它下到陰府與已在深淵的人在一起時,也使列國因它下墜之聲而戰慄;那時「伊甸」中的各種樹木,黎巴嫩一切有水滋潤的華麗而高大的樹木,在陰間都感到安慰。 (Sheol )
from voice: sound carcass his to shake nation in/on/with to go down I [obj] him hell: Sheol [to] with to go down pit and to be sorry: comfort in/on/with land: country/planet lower all tree Eden best and pleasant Lebanon all to drink water (Sheol )
17 那些在各國住在它蔭影下幫助過它的的人,也隨它下到陰府,同那喪身刀下的人在一起。「 (Sheol )
also they(masc.) with him to go down hell: Sheol [to] to(wards) slain: killed sword and arm his to dwell in/on/with shadow his in/on/with midst nation (Sheol )
18 伊甸」的樹木中,就華麗和高大說,你相似那一棵﹖你也要同「伊甸」的樹木一起被推入陰間,在未受割損的人中,同喪身刀下的人臥在一起:這是指法郎和他所有的人民說的──吾主上主的斷語。」 ()
to(wards) who? to resemble thus in/on/with glory and in/on/with greatness in/on/with tree Eden and to go down with tree Eden to(wards) land: country/planet lower in/on/with midst uncircumcised to lie down: be dead with slain: killed sword he/she/it Pharaoh and all (crowd his *Q(K)*) utterance Lord YHWH/God