< 以西結書 27 >

1 上主的話傳給我說:「
And the word of the Lord came to me saying,
2 人子,你唱哀歌憑弔提洛,
And you, son of man, take up a lamentation against Sor;
3 向位於海口,同許多島嶼及人民通商的提洛說:吾主上主這樣說:提洛,你曾說過:我是一隻完美華麗的船;
and you shall say to Sor that dwells at the entrance of the sea, to the mart of the nations coming from many islands, Thus says the Lord to Sor; You have said, I have clothed myself with my beauty.
4 你的領域伸入海心,你的建築者造成了你的豪華:
In the heart of the sea your sons have put beauty upon you for Beelim.
5 他們用色尼爾的松柏製造了你的舷板,以黎巴嫩的香柏做了你的桅檣,
Cedar in Senir was employed for you in building: boards of cypress timber were taken out of Libanus, and wood to make you masts of fir.
6 以巴商的橡木做了你的櫓槳,用由基廷島運來的松柏做了嵌有象牙的甲板,
They made your oars [of wood] out of the land of Basan; your sacred utensils they made of ivory, your shady houses of wood from the isles of Chetiim.
7 用埃及的繡花麻布做了你的帆幔,作了你的旗幟,用厄里沙島的紫色與朱色的布做了你的船蓬;
Fine linen with embroidery from Egypt supplied the couch, to put honour upon you, and to clothe you with blue and purple from the isles of Elisai; and they became your coverings.
8 漆冬和阿爾瓦得的居民給你搖櫓,責默爾的技工在你那裏作你的舵手,
And your princes were the dwellers in Sidon, and the Aradians were your rowers: your wise men, O Sor, who were in you, these were your pilots.
9 革巴耳的長老和技工在你那裏修理你的漏洞。一切航海的船隻和海員都到你那裏,交易貨物。
The elders of the Biblians, and their wise men, who were in you, these helped your counsel: and all the ships of the sea and their rowers traded for you to the utmost west.
10 波斯、路丁和普特人在你隊伍中作你的軍人,他們將盾牌和銅盔懸在你中間,增加你的光彩。
Persians and Lydians and Libyans were in your army: your warriors hung in you shields and helmets; these gave [you] your glory.
11 阿爾瓦得和赫肋客子民圍繞在你的城牆上,加瑪得人在你的角樓中;他們把自己的盾,掛在四周的城牆上,使你的華麗更為圓滿。
The sons of the Aradians and your army were upon the walls; there were guards in your towers: they hung their quivers on your battlements round about; these completed your beauty.
12 塔爾史士因你的財帛豐富,作你的客商以銀、鐵、錫、鉛來與你交易。
The Carthaginians were your merchants because of the abundance of all your strength; they furnished your market with silver, and gold, and iron, and tin, and lead.
13 雅汪、突巴耳、默舍客和你通商,以人口和銅器與你交易貨物。
Greece, both the whole [world], and the adjacent coasts, these traded with you in the persons of men, and they gave [as] your merchandise vessels of brass.
14 由托加爾瑪地方,有人以馬、戰馬、騾子來交換貨物。
Out of the house of Thogarma horses and horsemen furnished the market.
15 德丹人也和你通商,許多島民作你手下的商人,以象牙角和烏木作送給你的貢物。
The sons of the Rhodians were your merchants; from the islands they multiplied your merchandise, [even] elephants' teeth: and to them that came in you did return your prices,
16 阿蘭人因你的出品多,也作你的客商,以紫寶石、紅布、刺繡、細麻、珊瑚和紅瑪瑙與你交換貨物。
[even] men [as] your merchandise, from the multitude of your trading [population], myrrh and embroidered works from Tharsis: Ramoth also and Chorchor furnished your market.
17 猶大和以色列地也和你通商,以米尼特穀、蠟、蜜、油和香料與你交易貨物。
Juda and the children of Israel, these were your merchants; in the sale of corn and ointments and cassia: and they gave the best honey, and oil, and resin, to your trading [population].
18 大馬士革因你出產多,財帛豐富,也作你的客商,以赫耳朋酒和匝哈爾羊毛與你交易。
[The people of] Damascus were your merchants by reason of the abundance of all your power; wine out of Chelbon, and wool from Miletus; and they brought wine into your market.
19 此外丹、雅汪和烏匝耳也與你交易,以鋼鐵、肉桂和香菖蒲交換你的貨物。
Out of Asel [came] wrought iron, and there is the sound of wheels amongst your trading [population].
20 德丹以騎馬的坐墊和你交易。
[The people of] Daedan were your merchants, with choice cattle for chariots.
21 阿剌伯和刻達爾的一切酋長也作你手下的商人,以羔羊、山羊和公羊與你交換貨品。
Arabia and all the princes of Kedar, these were your traders with you, [bringing] camels, and lambs, and rams, in which they trade with you.
22 舍巴和辣阿瑪的買賣人也作你的顧客,以各種上等的香料,各種寶石和黃金和你交換貨品。
The merchants of Sabba and Ramma, these were your merchants, with choice spices, and precious stones: and they brought gold to your market.
23 哈郎、加乃、厄登和舍巴的商人,亞述和一切瑪待人也與你通商。
Charra, and Chanaa, these were your merchants: Assur, and Charman, were your merchants:
24 他們在你的商場上,以華麗的衣服、朱色的外氅、刺繡、花毯、編織的結實繩索與你交易。
bringing [for] merchandise blue, and choice stores bound with cords, and cypress wood.
25 塔爾史士船隻載運你的貨物。你在海上滿了載,極其沉重。
Ships were your merchants, in abundance, with your trading [population]: and you were filled and very heavily loaded in the heart of the sea.
26 你的槳夫將你划到汪洋大海,東風將你在海中吹毀。
Your rowers have brought you into great waters: the south wind has broken you in the heart of the sea.
27 你的財帛、商品、貨物,你的水手、舵手、船工,同你交易的商人,在你中間的一切戰士,以及在你中間所有的民眾,都在你沉沒之日,溺死海中。
Your forces, and your gain, and that of your traders, and your rowers, and your pilots, and your counsellors, and they that traffic with you, and all your warriors that are in you: and all your company in the midst of you shall perish in the heart of the sea, in the day of your fall.
28 海岸都因你舵手的狂叫聲而震動。
At the cry of your voice your pilots shall be greatly terrified.
29 所有搖櫓的人、水手和航海的舵手都要離船登岸,
And all the rowers and the mariners shall come down from the ships, and the pilots of the sea shall stand on the land.
30 狂呼吶喊哀弔你,在頭上撒灰,輾轉於塵埃之中,
And they shall wail over you with their voice, and cry bitterly, and put earth on their heads, and spread ashes under them.
31 並且為你而剃光了頭,穿上苦衣,痛心哭泣,悲痛哀悼你。
32 他們在痛苦中,向你唱哀歌,追悼你說:『有誰相似沉沒於海中的提洛﹖
And their sons shall take up a [lament] for you, even a lamentation for Sor, [saying],
33 你的貨品由海中運出時,曾使許多民族滿足;以你大量的財帛和貨物,使陸地上的列王豐富。
How large a reward have you gained from the sea? you have filled nations out of your abundance; and out of your mixed merchandise you have enriched all the kings of the earth.
34 現今你沉入海中,落在海底,你的財物和所有的人,都隨著你而沉沒了。』
Now are you broken in the sea, your traders are in the deep water, and all your company in the midst of you: all your rowers have fallen.
35 群島所有的居民都為你而驚駭,那裏的列王都極為戰慄,面帶憂色。
All the dwellers in the islands have mourned over you, and their kings have been utterly amazed, and their countenance has wept.
36 各國的商人都要嗤笑你;你竟成了恐怖的對象,且永遠不復存在。」
Merchants from the nations have hissed at you; you are utterly destroyed, and shall not be any more for ever.

< 以西結書 27 >