< 以西結書 21 >
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 人子,你轉面向耶路撒冷,發言攻斥聖所,講預言攻斥以色列地域,
“Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuaries; prophesy against the land of Israel.
3 向以色列地域說:吾主上主這樣說:看,我要攻擊你,我要拔劍出鞘,剷除你境內的義人和惡人,
Say to the land of Israel, 'Yahweh says this: Behold! I am against you! I will draw my sword from its sheath and cut off both the righteous person and the wicked person from you!
4 因為我要剷除你境內的義人和惡人,為此,我的劍從鞘內抽出,攻擊由南至北一切有血肉的人;
In order for me to cut off both the righteous and the wicked from you, my sword will go out from its sheath against all flesh from the south to the north.
5 這樣,凡有血肉的人都知道:是我,上主拔劍出鞘,決不再放回。
Then all flesh will know that I, Yahweh, have drawn my sword from its sheath. It will no longer hold back!'
As for you, son of man, groan as your loins break! In bitterness groan before their eyes!
7 假使有人問你說:你為什麼哀歎﹖你就說:是為了一個凶信,當這事來到,所有的心靈必要沮喪,手臂必要無力,精神必要頹唐,膝蓋必要軟弱如水。看,災禍來到時,必將如此──吾主上主的斷語。」
Then it will happen that they will ask you, 'For what reason are you groaning?' Then you will say, 'Because of the news that is coming, for every heart will faint away, and every hand will falter! Every spirit will grow faint, and every knee will flow like water. Behold! It is coming and it will be like this!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.'”
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
9 人子,講預言罷! 吾主這樣說:你要說:有一把劍:是一把磨快而擦亮的劍。
“Son of man, prophesy and say, 'The Lord says this: “Say: A sword! A sword! It will be sharpened and polished!
It will be sharpened in order to engage in great slaughter! It will be polished in order to be like lightning! Should we rejoice in my son's scepter? The coming sword hates every such rod!
11 把它拿去擦亮,好握在掌中;這把磨快的劍,這把擦亮的劍,是為交在屠殺者的手中。
So the sword will be given to be polished, and then to be grasped by the hand! The sword is sharpened and it is polished and it is to be given into the hand of the one who kills!”'”
12 人子,你要哀號痛哭,因為劍擊在我百姓身上,砍在以色列的一切首領身上。他們同我的百姓都喪身刀下。為此你應擊股示哀,
Call for help and lament, son of man! For that sword has come against my people! It is against all the leaders of Israel. They are thrown against the sword with my people. Therefore, slap your thigh!
13 因為已試過一次,這要怎麼辦﹖它連權杖都輕視了,以致不叫它存在──吾主上主的斷語──
For there is a trial, but what if the scepter does not last?—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
14 人子,你講預言,且鼓掌罷! 那劍將是雙刃的,是屠殺的劍;那把大屠殺的劍向他們揮起,
Now you, son of man, prophesy and hit your two hands together, for the sword will attack even a third time! A sword for the ones to be slaughtered! It is a sword for the many to be slaughtered, piercing them everywhere!
15 叫他們膽顫心驚,死亡的人加多。我將屠殺的劍尖指向他們所有的門戶上:劍擦亮了,是為閃爍;磨快了,是為屠殺。
In order to melt their hearts and to multiply their fallen, I have set the sword for slaughter at all their gates. Ah! It is made like lightning, it is grasped for slaughter.
16 你的刀鋒無論轉向何方,或向左,或向右,都應是鋒利的。
You, sword! Strike to the right! Strike to the left! Go wherever your face is turned.
17 我也要親自鼓掌,以平息我的憤怒:這是我上主說的。」
For I will also hit my two hands together, and then I will bring my fury to rest! I, Yahweh, declare it!”
The word of Yahweh came to me again, saying,
19 人子,你應劃出兩條路,叫巴比倫王的劍沿路而來。這兩條路應由一地出發;又劃出一隻手,置於通往城市的道路起點。
“Now you, son of man, assign two roads for the sword of the king of Babylon to come. The two roads will start in the same land, and a signpost will mark one of them as leading to a city.
20 你所劃的路,一條使劍至阿孟子民的辣巴特;一條使劍至猶大的堅城耶路撒冷。
Mark one road for the Babylonian army to come to Rabbah, the city of the Ammonites. Mark the other to lead the army to Judah and the city of Jerusalem, which is fortified.
21 因為巴比倫王站在岔路上,在兩條路口上占卜、搖籤、求問「忒辣芬,」窺察牲肝。
For the king of Babylon will stop at the crossroads, at the junction, in order to practice divination. He will shake some arrows and ask direction from some idols and he will examine a liver.
22 在他右手中出現了指向耶路撒冷的籤,他便下令屠殺,吶喊衝鋒,架起攻城門機,堆起高台,建造雲梯。
In his right hand will be an omen about Jerusalem, to set battering rams against it, to open his mouth to order the slaughter, to sound a war cry, to set battering rams against the gates, to build a ramp, and to erect siege towers.
23 可是在曾經發過誓願的以色列子民看來,那籤是假的。但他卻想起了他們的罪過,為使他們俯首就擒。
It will seem to be a useless omen in the eyes of the ones in Jerusalem, those who had sworn an oath to the Babylonians! But the king will accuse them of violating their treaty in order to besiege them!
24 為此吾主上主這樣說:因為你們顯露了你們的過犯,在你們的行為上,現出你們的惡行,使我想起了你們的罪惡;你們既然使我想起你們的罪惡,你們必在他們手中俯首就擒。
Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this: Because you have made your guilt to be remembered, making your transgressions to be revealed, so that in all your actions your sins will be seen— because you have done this you will be taken in hand.
25 你這無恥而萬惡的以色列首領,你的日子到了,犯罪的時候完了。
As for you, profane and wicked ruler of Israel, whose day of punishment has come, and whose time of committing iniquity has ended,
26 吾主上主這樣說:取下頭巾,摘去冠冕,一切都要轉變:卑下的要高陞,崇高的要降低。
the Lord Yahweh says this to you: Remove the turban and take off the crown! Things will no longer be the same! Exalt the lowly and humble the exalted!
27 我必要使他的國澈底滅亡,再也不能存在,直到那掌權者來到,我再交給他。」「
A ruin! A ruin! I will make it a ruin! It will not be restored until the one comes who is assigned to execute judgment.
28 人子,你應講預言說,吾主上主這樣攻斥阿孟子民和他們的侮辱說:你要說:有一把劍,拔出是為屠殺,磨快是為毀滅,擦亮是為閃爍──
So you, son of man, prophesy and say, 'The Lord Yahweh says this to the people of Ammon concerning their coming disgrace: A sword, a sword is drawn! It is sharpened for the slaughter in order to devour, so it will be like lightning!
29 那時人所給予你的,是虛假的異像,欺騙的占卜──是為砍在作惡犯罪者的脖子上,他們的日子到了,犯罪的時候完了。
While prophets see empty visions for you, while they perform rituals to come up with lies for you, this sword will lie on the necks of the wicked who are about to be killed, whose day of punishment has come and whose time of iniquity is about to end.
30 把劍插入鞘內,我要在你受造之地,在你生長之地裁判你。
Return the sword to its sheath. In the place of your creation, in the land of your origin, I will judge you!
31 我要在你身上發洩我的怒氣,在你身上點起我的怒火,將你交在善於破壞的野蠻人手中。
I will pour out my indignation on you! I will fan the fire of my rage against you and put you into the hand of cruel men, craftsmen of destruction!
32 你要成為烈火的燃料;你的血要傾流在國中,以後再沒有人記念你,因為我上主說了。」
You will become fuel for the fire! Your blood will be in the midst of the land. You will not be remembered, for I, Yahweh have declared this!'”