< 以西結書 2 >

1 他向我說:「人子,站起來! 我要同你講話。」
And he said vnto me, Sonne of man, stand vp vpon thy feete, and I wil speake vnto thee.
2 他向我講話時,有一種神力進入我內,使我站起來,也聽見他同我講話。
And the Spirite entred into me, when he had spoken vnto me, and set me vpon my feete, so that I heard him that spake vnto me.
3 他向我說:「人子,我派遣你到以色列子民,到反抗我的那個叛逆的人民那裏去,他們和他們的祖先,直到今天還違背我。
And he said vnto me, Sonne of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: for they and their fathers haue rebelled against me, euen vnto this very day.
4 那些子民雖厚顏無恥,心腸頑硬,我仍派遣你到他們那裏,向他們說:吾主上主這樣說:
For they are impudent children, and stiffe hearted: I do send thee vnto them, and thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God.
5 他們或是聽,或是不聽──他們原是叛逆的家族──終究要承認在他們中有一位先知。
But surely they will not heare, neither in deede will they cease: for they are a rebellious house: yet shall they knowe that there hath bene a Prophet among them.
6 人子,你不必怕他們,也不要怕他們說什麼,也不要怕他們反抗你,輕慢你,好像叫你坐在毒蠍之上;不要怕他們說什麼,在他們面前,也不要膽怯,因為他們是叛逆的家族。
And thou sonne of man, feare them not, neither be afraide of their wordes, although rebels, and thornes be with thee, and thou remainest with scorpions: feare not their wordes, nor be afrayde at their lookes, for they are a rebellious house.
7 無論他們聽,或是不聽,你應向他們宣講我的話,他們原是叛逆的家族。」「
Therefore thou shalt speake my words vnto them: but surely they will not heare, neither will they in deede cease: for they are rebellious.
8 人子,你要聽我向你講的話,你不要叛逆,像叛逆的家族。你要張口,把我給你的吞下。」
But thou sonne of man, heare what I say vnto thee: be not thou rebellious, like this rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eate that I giue thee.
9 我觀望時,看,有一隻手向我伸來,手上有一卷書。
And when I looked vp, beholde, an hande was sent vnto me, and loe, a roule of a booke was therein.
10 他把那卷書在我面前展開,內外都寫著字,寫的是:「哀傷、悲歎和災禍。」
And he spred it before me, and it was written within and without, and there was written therein, Lamentations, and mourning, and woe.

< 以西結書 2 >