< 以西結書 18 >

1 上主的話傳給我說:「
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
2 在以色列地區內,你們有這樣流行的俗話說:『祖先吃了酸葡萄,而子孫的牙酸倒』這話有什麼意思﹖
“What [is it] to you [that] you are using this allegory Concerning the ground of Israel, saying, Fathers eat unripe fruit, And the sons’ teeth are blunted?
3 我指著我的生命起誓──吾主上主的斷語──在以色列決不能再容許這俗話流行。
[As] I live,” a declaration of Lord YHWH, “You no longer have the use of this allegory in Israel.
4 所有的生命都屬於我,祖先的生命與子孫的生命全屬於我;誰犯罪,誰喪亡。
Behold, all the souls are Mine, As the soul of the father, So also the soul of the son—they are Mine, The soul that is sinning—it dies.
5 一個人若正義,必行公道正義的事。
And a man, when he is righteous, And has done judgment and righteousness,
6 他不上山吃祭物,不舉目瞻仰以色列家族的偶像,不污辱近人的妻子,不接近經期中的婦女,
He has not eaten on the mountains, And has not lifted up his eyes To idols of the house of Israel, And did not defile his neighbor’s wife, And did not come near to a separated woman,
7 不欺壓任何人,清還債戶的抵押,不搶劫,施給饑餓者食物,給赤身者衣穿,
He does not oppress a man, He returns his pledge to the debtor, He does not take away plunder, He gives his bread to the hungry, And covers the naked with a garment,
8 不放重利,不取息金,使自己的手遠避邪惡,在人與人之間執行公正的審斷,
He does not give in usury, and does not take increase, He turns back his hand from perversity, He does true judgment between man and man.
9 遵行我的法度,謹守我的誡命,行事忠信:這樣的人纔是正義的,必得生存──吾主的斷語──
He walks in My statutes, And he has kept My judgments—to deal truly, He [is] righteous—he surely lives,” A declaration of Lord YHWH.
10 倘若這人生了一個兒子,性暴好殺,只行這類的事;
“And he has begotten a son, A burglar—a shedder of blood, And he has made a brother of one of these,
11 對上述的事不但不作,反而上山吃祭物,污辱近人的妻子,
And he has not done all those, For he has even eaten on the mountains, And he has defiled his neighbor’s wife,
12 欺壓貧窮無告的人,搶劫,不清還抵押,舉目瞻仰偶像,行醜惡之事,
He has oppressed the afflicted and needy, He has taken away plunder violently, He does not return a pledge, And he has lifted up his eyes to the idols, He has done abomination!
13 放重利,取利息:這樣的人決不能生存,因為他行了這些醜事,必要喪亡,他的血債必由他自己來負。
He has given in usury, and taken increase, And he lives? He does not live, He has done all these abominations, He surely dies, his blood is on him.
14 倘若這人生了一個兒子,這兒子雖看見了他父親所行的一切罪過,但考慮之後,卻未依照去做;
And—behold, he has begotten a son, And he sees all the sins of his father, That he has done, and he fears, And does not do like them,
15 不在山上吃祭物,不舉目瞻仰以色列家族的偶像,不污辱近人的妻子,
He has not eaten on the mountains, And he has not lifted up his eyes To idols of the house of Israel, He has not defiled his neighbor’s wife,
16 不欺壓,不索取抵押,不搶劫,施給饑餓者食物,給赤身者衣穿,
He has not oppressed a man, He has not bound a pledge, And he has not taken away plunder, He has given his bread to the hungry, And he covered the naked with a garment,
17 使自己的手戒絕邪惡,不取重利和利息,謹守我的法律,遵行我的法度:這人必不因他父親的罪而喪亡,必得生存。
He has turned back his hand from the afflicted, He has not taken usury and increase, He has done My judgments, He has walked in My statutes, He does not die for the iniquity of his father, He surely lives.
18 至於他的父親,由於暴行,搶劫,在自己人民中從未行過善。看,他必因自己的罪而喪亡。
His father—because he used oppression, Violently plundered a brother, And did that which [is] not good in the midst of his people, And behold, he is dying in his iniquity.
19 你們或問:兒子為什麼不承當父親的罪過﹖因為兒子遵行法律和正義,謹守了我一切法度,而一一遵行,他必得生存。
And you have said, Why has the son not borne of the iniquity of the father? And the son has done judgment and righteousness, He has kept all My statutes, And he does them, he surely lives.
20 誰犯罪,誰就該喪亡;兒子不承當父親的罪過,父親不承當兒子的罪過;義人的正義歸於義人自己,惡人的邪惡也歸於惡人自己。
The soul that sins—it dies. A son does not bear of the iniquity of the father, And a father does not bear of the iniquity of the son, The righteousness of the righteous is on him, And the wickedness of the wicked is on him.
21 若惡人悔改,遠離所犯的罪過,遵守我的法度,遵行我的法律和正義,必得生存,不至喪亡。
And the wicked—when he turns back From all his sins that he has done, And he has kept all My statutes, And has done judgment and righteousness, He surely lives, he does not die.
22 他所行的一切邪惡必被遺忘;他必因所行的正義而得生存。
All his transgressions that he has done Are not remembered to him, In his righteousness that he has done he lives.
23 我豈能喜歡惡人的喪亡﹖──吾主上主的斷語──我豈不更喜歡他離開舊道而得生存﹖
Do I take pleasure [or] delight in the death of the wicked?” A declaration of Lord YHWH, “Is it not in his turning back from his way—And he has lived?
24 若義人離棄了正義而行惡,一如惡人所慣行的醜惡,他豈能生存﹖他行過的正義必被遺忘,因為他背信違約,犯了罪過,必要喪亡。
And in the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he has done perversity, According to all the abominations That the wicked has done, Does he then live? All his righteous deeds that he has done are not remembered, For his trespass that he has trespassed, And for his sin that he has sinned, For them he dies.
25 你們或說:上主的作法不公平! 以色列家族,請聽我說:是我的作法不公平嗎﹖豈不是你們的作法不公平﹖
And you have said, The way of the Lord is not pondered. Now hear, O house of Israel, My way—is it not pondered? Are not your ways unpondered?
26 若是義人離棄正義而行惡,因而喪亡,是因為他所行的惡而喪亡。
In the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he has done perversity, And he is dying by them, He dies for his perversity that he has done.
27 若惡人遠離他所行的惡事,而遵行法律和正義,必能保全自己的生命,
And in the turning back of the wicked From his wickedness that he has done, And he does judgment and righteousness, He keeps his soul alive.
28 因為他考慮之後,離棄了所行的一切惡事,他必生存,不至喪亡。
And he sees and turns back, From all his transgressions that he has done, He surely lives, he does not die,
29 若以色列家族還說:吾主的作法不公平。以色列家族! 是我的作法不公平嗎﹖豈不是你們的作法不公平﹖
And the house of Israel has said, The way of the Lord is not pondered, My ways—are they not pondered? O house of Israel—are not your ways unpondered?
30 以色列家族! 我要照各人的行為裁判你們──吾主上主的斷語──你們應回心轉意,離開你們的一切罪惡,避免它們再做你們犯罪的絆腳石。
Therefore, I judge each according to his ways, O house of Israel,” A declaration of Lord YHWH, “Turn back, indeed, turn yourselves back, From all your transgressions, And iniquity is not for a stumbling-block to you,
31 由你們身上拋契一切得罪我的惡行罷! 你們應改造一個新心,一種新的精神! 以色列家族,為何你們偏要喪亡﹖
Cast away all your transgressions from over you, By which you have transgressed, And make a new heart and a new spirit for yourselves, And why do you die, O house of Israel?
32 因為我不喜歡任何人喪亡──吾主上主的斷語--你們回心轉意罷! 你們必得生存!
For I have no pleasure in the death of the dying,” A declaration of Lord YHWH, “Therefore turn back and live!”

< 以西結書 18 >