< 出埃及記 9 >

1 上主對梅瑟說:「你去見法朗,向他說:上主希伯來人的天主這樣說:你應放走我的百姓,叫他們去崇拜我。
The Lord told Moses, “Go and speak to Pharaoh. Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they can worship me.
2 你若拒絕不放,仍然扣留他們,
If you refuse to let them go and keep holding onto them,
3 看,上主的手必用一種嚴厲的瘟疫加在你田野間的一切牲畜:就是馬、驢、駱駝、牛、羊身上。
I will punish you by bringing a very severe plague on your livestock—on your horses, donkeys, camels, herds, and flocks.
4 上主要分清以色列子民的牲畜和埃及人的牲畜,凡是以色列子民的,一個也不死。
But the Lord will distinguish between the livestock of the Israelites and the Egyptians, so that none of those belonging to the Israelites will die.’
5 上主規定了時間說:明天上主要在此地實行這事。」
The Lord has set a time, saying, ‘Tomorrow this is what is going to happen here in the country.’”
6 第二天上主便作了這事。埃及人的牲畜完全死了,但以色列子民的,一個也沒有死。
The following day the Lord did what he had said. All the Egyptians' livestock died, but not a single animal belonging to the Israelites died.
7 法朗打發人去看,果然以色列子民的牲畜,連一個也沒有死。但是法朗仍然心硬,不肯放走百姓。第六災、膿瘡
Pharaoh sent out officials and discovered that not a single one of the Israelites' livestock had died. But Pharaoh was stubborn, and he would not let the people leave.
8 上主又對梅瑟和法郎說:「你們滿手抓把爐灰,梅瑟要在法朗眼前向天揚起。
The Lord told Moses and Aaron, “Go and get some handfuls of soot from a furnace. Then have Moses throw it into the air in front of Pharaoh.
9 這灰要在埃及全國變成塵土,使全埃及國的人和牲畜身上生出紅疹和膿瘡。」
It will spread like fine dust over the whole country of Egypt, and open sores will break out on people and animals throughout the land.”
10 他們就取了爐灰站在法朗面前;梅瑟將灰向天揚起,人和牲畜身上便起了紅疹和膿瘡。
They got soot from a furnace, and went to see Pharaoh. Moses threw it into the air, and open sores broke out on people and animals.
11 巫士們因為生了瘡,不能站在梅瑟面前,因為巫士和一切埃及人身上都生了瘡。
The magicians were unable to come and appear before Moses, because they and all the other Egyptians were covered in sores.
12 上主使法朗心硬,法朗仍不肯聽梅瑟和法郎的話,正如上主向梅瑟說過。第七災、冰雹
But the Lord gave Pharaoh a stubborn attitude, and he would not listen to them, just as the Lord had told Moses.
13 上主對梅瑟說:「明天早晨你去見法朗,向他說:上主,希伯來人的天主這樣說:你要放走我的百姓,使他們去崇拜我。
The Lord told Moses, “Tomorrow morning get up early and go to Pharaoh, and tell him that this is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they can worship me.
14 因為這一次我要使我的一切災禍降到你、你的臣僕和你的人民身上,為叫你知道全世界上沒有相似我的。
This time I will direct all my plagues against you and your officials and your people, so you will realize that there is no one like me in all the earth.
15 現在如果我伸手用瘟疫打擊你和你的人民,你早已從地上消滅了。
By now I could have reached out to strike you and your people with a plague that would have completely destroyed you.
16 我所以保留你的原故,是為叫你看見我的能力,向全世界傳揚我的名。
However, I have let you live so you can see my power, and that my reputation may be spread throughout the earth.
17 你若仍然固執壓迫我的百姓,不放走他們,
But in your pride you are still tyrannizing my people, and refuse to let them leave.
18 看我明天此時要降下可怕的冰雹,是埃及建國以來直到現在所未有過的。
So watch out! About this time tomorrow I will send down the worst hailstorm that has ever fallen on Egypt, from the beginning of its history until now.
19 所以你快派人把你的牲畜和田野間的一切,帶到安全地方,因為凡在田野間的人和牲畜而不聚到屋內的,冰雹必降在他們身上,將他們砸死。」
So order your livestock and everything you have in the field to be brought inside. Every person and every animal that stays outside and is not brought inside will die when the hail falls on them.’”
20 法朗臣僕中凡害怕上主的話的,就叫自己的奴僕和牲畜逃避到家中;
Those of Pharaoh's officials who took seriously what the Lord said rushed to bring their servants and livestock inside.
21 那不把上主的話放在心上的,就將奴僕和牲畜捨在田間。
But those who didn't care what the Lord said left their servants and livestock outside.
22 上主對梅瑟說:「向天伸開你的手,使冰雹降在埃及全國,降在人和牲畜身上,降在埃及國內田野間的植物上。」
The Lord told Moses, “Lift your hand towards the sky so that a hailstorm will fall over the whole of Egypt, on people and on animals, and on everything growing in the fields of Egypt.”
23 梅瑟把他的棍杖向天一伸,上主便叫打雷,下雹,閃電打在地上。上主使冰雹降在埃及地時,
Moses held up his staff toward heaven, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and made lightning hit the ground. This is how the Lord rained hail down on Egypt.
24 冰雹和冰雹中夾雜著不停的閃電,情形極其可怕,是全埃及國自從有人民以來所沒有過的。
As the hail fell it was accompanied by lightning flashing back and forth. The hail that fell was so severe that nothing like it had ever been seen in the whole of Egypt since the beginning of its history.
25 冰雹把埃及全境,田野間所有的一切,連人和生畜都打死了,打壞了田野間的一切蔬菜,打斷了郊野間的一切樹木;
All across Egypt hail hit everything in the fields, both people and animals. It knocked down everything growing in the fields, and stripped every tree bare.
26 只有以色列子民所居住的歌笙地沒有冰雹。
Only in the land of Goshen where the Israelites lived was there no hail.
27 法朗打發人召梅瑟和亞郎來,對他們說:「這次我犯了罪,上主是正義的,我和我的人民都有罪過。
Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and told them, “I admit that I sinned this time! The Lord is right, and I and my people are wrong!
28 請你祈求上主! 天主的雷和冰雹已夠受了;我決放走你們,你們不要再留在這裏。」
Pray to the Lord for us, because there's been more than enough of God's thunder and hail. I will let you leave. You don't need to stay here any longer.”
29 梅瑟回答他說「我出城後,就向上主伸手,雷必會停止,冰雹也不再降下,為叫你知道,大地是屬於上主的。
“Once I've left the city, I will pray to the Lord for you,” Moses told him. “The thunder will stop, and there'll be no more hail, so that you will realize that the earth belongs to the Lord.
30 但是我知道,你和你的臣僕,仍不敬畏上主天主。」
But I know you and your officials still do not really respect the Lord our God.”
31 麻和大麥都被打壞,因為大麥已經吐穗,麻也開花,
(The flax and barley were destroyed, because the barley was ripe and the flax was flowering.
32 只是小麥和粗麥,因為長的遲些,沒有被打壞。
However, the wheat and the spelt were not destroyed because they grow later.)
33 梅瑟離開法朗出了城,向上主伸手,雷和雹就停止了,雨也不往地上下了。
Moses left Pharaoh and went out of the city, and prayed to the Lord. The thunder and hail stopped, and the rainstorm finished.
34 法朗見雨、雹、雷都停止了,又再犯罪,他和他的臣僕又心硬了。
When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again, and he chose to become stubborn again, along with his officials.
35 法朗更加心硬,不肯放走以色列子民,正如上主藉梅瑟所說的。
Because of his stubborn attitude, Pharaoh would not let the Israelites leave, just as the Lord had predicted through Moses.

< 出埃及記 9 >