< 出埃及記 8 >

1 上主又對梅瑟說:「你去見法朗向他說:上主這樣說:你該放我的百姓走,好叫他去崇拜我。
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Go back to the king and tell him, ‘Yahweh says that you must let my people go, in order that they can worship me [in the desert].
2 你若拒絕不放,我要用蝦蟆打擊你的全境。
But if you refuse to let them go, I will punish you by sending frogs to cover your country.
3 河中要滋生蝦蟆,牠們要上來進入你的宮殿和臥室,爬上你的床榻,進入你臣僕和你百姓的房屋,進入你的爐灶和搏麵盆。
[Not only] will the Nile [River] be full of frogs, [but] the frogs will come up [out of the river] into your palace. They will come into your bedroom and onto your bed. They will be in the houses of your officials and all [the rest of] your people. They will even get into your ovens and your pans for mixing the materials for baking bread.
4 這些蝦蟆要爬到你、你百姓、你臣僕的身上。」
The frogs will jump up on you and your officials and [all the rest of] your people.’”
5 上主對梅瑟說:「你給亞郎說:將你手中的棍杖伸在河、溝渠和池沼之上,使蝦蟆上到埃及地上。」
Yahweh [also] said to Moses/me, “Say this to Aaron: ‘Hold your stick in your hand and stretch it out [as though you were stretching it] over the river, the canals, and over the pools, and cause frogs to come up [from all this water and] cover the land of Egypt.’”
6 亞郎將手一伸在埃及的水上,蝦蟆就上來遮蓋了埃及地。
[After Moses/I told that to] Aaron, he stretched out his hand [as though he were stretching it] over all the water in Egypt. And the frogs came up [from the water and] covered Egypt.
7 而巫士也用巫術作了同樣的事,使蝦蟆上到了埃及地。
But the men who performed magic did the same thing, and they caused [more] frogs to come up [from the water onto the land].
8 法朗召梅瑟和亞郎來說:「請你們祈求上主,使這些蝦蟆離開我和我的人民,我必放這百姓去祭獻天主。」
Then the king summoned Moses/me and said, “Ask Yahweh to take away these frogs from me and my people. After that happens, I will allow your people to go, in order that they can offer sacrifices to Yahweh.”
9 梅瑟回答法朗說:「請給我指定,叫我幾時為你,為你的臣僕和你的人民祈求,使蝦蟆離開你和你的宮殿,而只留在河中! 」
Moses/I said to the king, “I will be glad to pray for you and for your officials and for [the rest of] your people. [I will ask Yahweh] to get rid of the frogs from all your houses. The only frogs left will be [those] in the Nile [River]. Just tell me when I should pray.”
10 法朗說:「明天。」梅瑟回答說:「就照你說的話作,為叫你知道,沒有誰能相似上主,我們的天主。
He replied, “Tomorrow.” So Moses/I said, “[I will do] what you say, and then you will know that Yahweh God, the one we [worship, is the only true god], and that there is no other god like him.
11 蝦蟆必要離開你,你的宮殿,你的臣僕和你的人民,而只留在河中。」
The frogs will leave you and your officials and all [the rest of] your people. The only ones left will be in the Nile [River].”
12 於是梅瑟和亞郎離開法朗走了。梅瑟遂呼求上主,除去加於法朗的蝦蟆。
Aaron and Moses/I left the king. Then Moses/I prayed to Yahweh, [asking him to take away] all the frogs he had [brought to the king’s land].
13 上主就照梅瑟所求的作了;在房屋、院庭和田地中的蝦蟆都死了。
And Yahweh did just what Moses/I [asked him to do]. As a result, all the frogs in the houses, in their courtyards, and in the fields died.
14 人把蝦蟆堆成堆,遍地發出腥臭。
The people gathered together all the dead frogs into big piles, and the land stank [from the smell].
15 法朗見災情減輕,又硬了心,不肯聽梅瑟和法郎的話,正如上主所說。第三災、蚊子
But when the king saw that [the problem] was ended, he became stubborn [IDM] [again]. And just as Yahweh had predicted, he would not pay attention to what Aaron and Moses/we told him.
16 上主又對梅瑟說:「你給亞郎說:伸你的棍杖擊打地上的塵土,塵土要在埃及全地變成蚊子。」
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Tell Aaron to strike the ground with his stick. [When he does that], all the fine particles of ground/dust will become gnats, all over the land of Egypt.”
17 他們便照樣作了;亞郎伸手,用棍杖擊打地上塵土,蚊子就來到人和牲畜的身上。埃及全國的塵土都變成了蚊子。
So they/we did that. Aaron struck the ground with his stick, and all over Egypt, the fine particles of ground/dirt became gnats. The gnats covered the people and all [their] animals.
18 巫士也想照樣用巫術產生蚊子,但都沒有成功。蚊子仍留在人和牲畜的身上。
The men who worked magic tried to cause gnats to appear, but they were unable to do it. So the gnats [stayed] on the Egyptian people and on their animals.
19 巫士向法朗說:「這是天主的手指。」但是法朗還是心硬,不肯聽從梅瑟和亞郎,正如上主所說。第四災、狗蠅
The men who worked magic said to the king, “It is God who has done this with his power [MTY]!” But the king continued to be stubborn [IDM], and he would not pay attention to us, just as Yahweh had predicted.
20 上主對梅瑟說:「明天早晨,法朗往水邊去的時候,你要去見他對他說:上主這樣說:放我的百姓去崇拜我罷!
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Get up early [tomorrow] morning. [Go down] to the river and wait for the king. [When he comes to bathe] [MTY], say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh says to you: “Let my people go, in order that they may worship me [in the desert].
21 你若不放走我的百姓,看,我要叫狗蠅到你和你臣僕,以及你人民身上,進入你的宮殿,埃及人的房屋和他們所在的地方都要充滿狗蠅。
[I warn you that] if you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies to you. They will come down on you and on your officials and on [the rest of] your people. The houses of all you Egyptians will be full of flies. They will [even] cover the ground.
22 那時,我要使我百姓所住的哥笙地例外,在那裏沒有狗蠅,為叫你知道,在地上只有我是上主。
But when that happens, I will treat the Goshen region, where my people live, differently. There will be no swarms of flies there. In that way, you will know that I, Yahweh, am doing these things [here] in this land.
23 我要將我的百姓同你的百姓分開。明早必發生這奇事。」
I will distinguish clearly between [how I act toward] my people and [how I act toward] your people. And this plague is going to happen tomorrow!”’”
24 上主就這樣行了:成群的狗蠅進了法朗的宮殿和他臣僕的房屋,埃及全境的土地都為狗蠅毀壞。
[Early the next morning, Moses/I told that to the king, but the king would not pay any attention]. So Yahweh did what he said he would do. He sent great swarms of flies into the palace of the king and into the houses of his officials. The whole country of Egypt was ruined by the flies.
25 法朗又召梅瑟和亞郎來說:「你們去,在此地祭獻你們的天主! 」
Then the king summoned Aaron and Moses/me and said, “You Israeli people can go and offer sacrifices to your god, [but you must do it] here in [this] land.”
26 梅瑟回答說:「決不能這樣行,因為我們給上主我們的天主所獻的祭物,是埃及人視為不可侵犯的。若是我們在埃及人前祭殺他們視為不可侵犯的東西,他們豈不用石頭打死我們﹖
But Moses/I replied, “It would not be right [for us] to do that, because we will be offering sacrifices that are very offensive to the Egyptian people. If we offer sacrifices that the Egyptian people think are disgusting, they will kill us by throwing stones at us [RHQ]!
27 我們要走三天的路程,到曠野裏給上主我們的天主獻祭,全照他吩咐我們的。」
No, we need to travel for three days into the desert. There we will offer sacrifices to Yahweh, the God we worship, just as he commands (OR, has commanded) us.”
28 法朗回答說:「我讓你們到曠野裏給上主你們的天主獻祭,但是不可走的太遠。也請你們為我祈禱。」
So the king said, “I will let your people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh, your god, in the desert. But you must not go very far. [Now] pray for me!”
29 梅瑟說:「我現在辭別你去祈求上上主,明天狗蠅將會離開陛下,你的臣僕和你的人民,但希望陛下不再欺騙,不放百性去給上主獻祭。」
Moses/I said, “Listen [to me]! After I leave you, I will pray to Yahweh, [asking] that tomorrow [he will cause] the swarms of flies to leave you and your officials and [the rest of] your people. But do not deceive us again by refusing to let our people go to offer sacrifices to Yahweh!”
30 於是梅瑟離開法朗去祈求上主。
Then Moses/I left the king and prayed to Yahweh.
31 上主便照梅瑟祈求的行了,叫狗蠅離開法朗、他的臣僕和人民,一個也沒有留下。
And Yahweh did what Moses/I asked, and he got rid of the swarms of flies from [around] the king and his officials and [the rest of] his people. No flies remained.
32 但是這一次法朗還是心硬,不肯放走百姓。
But the king was stubborn [IDM] this time also, and he did not allow the Israeli people to go.

< 出埃及記 8 >