< 出埃及記 37 >
1 貝匝肋耳用皂莢木做了一個櫃,長二肘半,寬一肘半,高一肘半,
Then Bezalel made the [sacred] chest from acacia wood. It was (45 in./110 cm.) long, (27 in./66 cm.) wide, and (27 in./66 cm.) high.
He covered it with pure gold inside and outside the chest, and he made a gold border around the top of it.
3 鑄了四個金環,安在四個腳上:這邊兩個,那邊兩個。
He made/cast four rings from gold [and fastened them] to the legs of the chest. He put two rings on each side of the chest.
He made [two] poles from acacia wood, and covered them with gold.
He put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest, in order that the chest could be carried [by means of the poles].
He made a lid for the chest. That was [the place where Yahweh would] forgive people’s sins. It [also] was (45 in./110 cm.) long and (27 in./66 cm.) wide.
He made two winged creatures from hammered gold.
8 在這端做了一個革魯賓,在那端做了一個革魯賓;贖罪蓋兩端的革魯賓與贖罪蓋連在一起;
One of these was put at each end of the chest. The gold [with which they were made] was joined to the gold from which the lid [was made].
9 革魯賓的翅膀,伸展其上,翅膀遮著贖罪蓋;他們的臉彼此相對,面朝贖罪蓋。製作供桌
[He placed] the winged creatures facing each other so that their wings touched each other and spread out over the lid.
10 又用皂莢木做了供桌,長二肘,寬一肘,高一肘半,
Bezalel made a table from acacia wood. It was (36 in./88 cm.) long, (18 in./44 cm.) wide, and (27 in./66 cm.) high.
He covered it with pure gold, and he put a gold border around it.
12 周圍做了一掌寬的框子,框子周圍,也做了金花邊。
He made a rim all around it, (3 in./7 cm.) wide. He put a gold border around the rim.
He made/cast four rings from gold and fastened the rings to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg [of the table].
The rings were fastened to the table near the rim.
He made two poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold. These poles for carrying the table were then inserted into the rings.
16 又用純金做了供桌上的器物:盤、碟、杯和為奠祭用的爵。燈台
He also made from pure gold all the things to be put on the table. He made the plates, the cups, and the jars and bowls to be used [when the priests] poured out wine [as an offering to Yahweh].
17 又用純金做了燈台:燈台同燈座以及登幹,全用鎚工做成;花朵,即花托和花瓣,都由燈台發出。
[He] made the lampstand from pure gold. Its base and its shaft were hammered from [one large lump of] gold. [The branches of the lampstand], the cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the petals [that decorated the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft were all hammered from] one [big] lump of gold.
There were six branches on the lampstand, three on each side [of the shaft].
19 在一叉上,有像杏花的三朵花,都有花托和花瓣;在另一叉上也有像杏花的三朵花,都有花托和花瓣;由燈台發出的六叉都是一樣。
Each of the branches had on it three [gold decorations that looked like] almond blossoms. These decorations also had flower buds and [flower] petals.
20 在燈台的直幹上,有像杏花的四個花朵,都有花托和花瓣。
On the [shaft of the] lampstand there were four [gold decorations that also looked like] almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and [flower] petals.
21 由燈幹發出的每兩叉之下,各有一個花朵;從燈幹發出的六個叉都是如此。
On each side, beneath and extending from each of the branches, there was one [flower] bud.
22 這些花朵和燈叉,都從燈台發出,全是用整塊純金鎚成。
All these [flower] buds and branches, along with the shaft, were hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
23 又做了燈台上的七盞燈,以及純金的燈剪和碟子。
Bezalel also made seven small cups [for holding oil. He put one cup on top of the shaft and he put the others on top of the branches]. He made from pure gold the tongs [for removing the burned wicks] and the trays [in which to put the burned wicks].
He used (75 pounds/35 kg.) of pure gold to make the lampstand and all the things that were used to take care of it.
25 以後用皂莢木做了香壇,長一肘,寬一肘,方形,高二肘,四角從壇上突出。
From acacia wood, Bezalel made the altar [for burning] incense. It was square, (18 in./45 cm.) on each side. It was (3 ft./90 cm.) high. He made [a projection that looked like] a horn on each of the top corners. The projections were carved from the same block of wood that the altar was made of.
26 又用純金包了壇、壇的上面、四壁、周圍和四角;壇周圍做了金花邊。
He covered the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. He put a gold border around the altar, [near the top].
27 壇兩側花邊下,做了兩個金環,兩面都有,為穿杠桿抬壇之用。
He made two gold rings for carrying the altar. Then he attached them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. The poles by means of which the altar was to be carried were to be inserted into those rings.
He made those [two] poles from acacia wood and covered them with gold.
29 以後又以配製香料的方法,做了為傅禮用的聖油,和為焚香用的純香料。
He also made the sacred oil for anointing and the pure sweet-smelling incense. He mixed the incense together as a skilled perfumer would.