< 出埃及記 36 >

1 貝匝肋耳和敖曷里雅布以及所有各種技工,即上主賜給他們才能智慧為明瞭做聖所的一切工程的人,全按照上主所吩咐的一切去做。
And he will do Bezalel and Oholiab and every - person skillful of heart whom he has put Yahweh skill and understanding in them to know to do all [the] work of [the] service of the holy place to all that he has commanded Yahweh.
2 梅瑟將貝匝肋耳和敖曷里雅布以及上主賜給他們才能的一切技工,所有心甘情願來工作的人,都叫了來。
And he called Moses to Bezalel and to Oholiab and to every person skillful of heart whom he had put Yahweh skill in heart his every [one] whom it lifted him heart his to draw near to the work to do it.
3 他們當著梅瑟的面,接收了以色列子民為建造聖所的各種工程送來的一切獻儀。但以色列子民仍天天早晨將自願的獻儀送來;
And they received from to before Moses all the contribution which they had brought [the] people of Israel for [the] work of [the] service of the holy place to do it and they they brought to him still a freewill offering in the morning in the morning.
4 因此建造聖所各種的技工,人人都停止他們所做的工程,
And they came all the skillful [people] who were doing all [the] work of the holy place person person from work his which they [were] doing.
5 來向梅瑟說:「百姓送來的太多,已超過上主命令為完成這工程所需要的。」
And they said to Moses saying [are] multiplying the people to bring more than sufficiency of the service for the work which he has commanded Yahweh to do it.
6 梅瑟遂吩咐在營中傳令說:「無論男女,不必再為聖所的工程送獻儀。」百姓這才停止不送。
And he commanded Moses and they caused to pass a proclamation in the camp saying a man and a woman may not they make again work for [the] contribution of the holy place and it was restrained the people from bringing.
7 送來的材料足夠全工程之用,而且有餘。製帳棚的布幔和頂
And the work it was sufficiency their for all the work to do it and it was more than enough.
8 在作工的人中,最有技術的工人用十幅布幔做了帳棚;布幔是用捻的細麻,紫色、紅色、朱紅色的毛線做的,用繡工繡上革魯賓。
And they made every [person] skillful of heart among [those who] did the work the tabernacle ten curtains fine linen twisted and violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet cherubim [the] work of a skillful worker he made them.
9 每幅布幔長二十八肘,寬四肘;每幅布幔都是一樣的尺寸。
[the] length of The curtain one [was] eight and twenty by the cubit and [the] breadth [was] four by the cubit the curtain one size one [belonged] to all the curtains.
10 五幅布幔相連縫在一起,另五幅相連縫在一起。
And he joined five of the curtains one to one and five curtains he joined one to one.
11 在這一組布幔末幅的邊上做了紫色的鈕,在另一組布幔末幅的邊上也照樣做了;
And he made loops of violet stuff on [the] edge of the curtain one from an end in the joined set thus he did on [the] edge of the curtain outermost in the joined set second.
12 在這一幅上做了五十個鈕,在另一組布幔末幅的邊上,也做了五十個鈕;這些鈕都彼此相對。
Fifty loops he made on the curtain one and fifty loops he made on [the] edge of the curtain which [was] in the joined set second [were] opposite the loops one to one.
13 又做了五十個金鉤,用金鉤使布幔彼此相連,這樣成了一個帳棚。
And he made fifty hooks of gold and he joined the curtains one to one with the hooks and it was the tabernacle one.
14 又用山羊毛做了布幔,作帳棚頂用,共做了十一幅布幔,
And he made curtains of goat hair into a tent over the tabernacle one [plus] ten curtains he made them.
15 每幅長三十肘,寬四肘;十一幅布幔都是一樣尺寸。
[the] length of The curtain one [was] thirty by the cubit and [was] four cubits [the] breadth of the curtain one size one [belonged] to one [plus] ten curtains.
16 將五幅布幔縫在一起,
And he joined five of the curtains alone and six of the curtains alone.
17 將另六幅也縫在一起;在這一組布幔末幅的邊上做了五十個鈕,在另一組布幔末幅的一邊上,也做了五十個鈕;
And he made loops fifty on [the] edge of the curtain outermost in the joined set and fifty loops he made on [the] edge of the curtain the joined set second.
18 又製了五十個銅鉤,使棚頂連結在一起,成為一個。
And he made hooks of bronze fifty to join together the tent to be one.
19 以後用染紅的公羊皮作了棚頂的罩,上邊又蒙上一塊海豚皮的罩。帳棚的木架
And he made a covering for the tent skins of rams dyed red and a covering of skins of dolphins from to above.
20 為支帳棚,用皂莢木做了豎立的木板。
And he made the frames for the tabernacle wood of acacia standing upright.
21 每塊木板高十肘,寬一肘半。
[was] ten (Cubits *L(abh)*) [the] length of the frame and [was] a cubit and [the] half of cubit [the] breadth of the frame one.
22 每塊木板下有兩個筍頭彼此並列,帳棚的一切木板;都是這樣做。
Two hands [belonged] to the frame the one joined one to one thus he did for all [the] frames of the tabernacle.
23 支帳棚的木板,在向陽的一面,即南邊,做了二十塊木板;
And he made the frames for the tabernacle twenty frames for [the] side of [the] south south-ward.
24 在二十塊木板下邊做了四十個銀卯座,每塊木板下兩個銀卯座,為安木板的兩筍頭。
And forty bases of silver he made under twenty the frames two bases [were] under the frame one for [the] two hands its and two bases [were] under the frame one for [the] two hands its.
25 為帳棚的另一面,即北邊,也做了二十塊木板,
And for [the] side of the tabernacle second to [the] side of [the] north he made twenty frames.
26 也做了四十個銀卯座,每塊木板下兩個卯座。
And forty bases their silver two bases [were] under the frame one and two bases [were] under the frame one.
27 為帳棚的後面,即西邊做了六塊木板。
And for [the] innermost parts of the tabernacle west-ward he made six frames.
28 在帳棚的後面的兩角上,做了兩塊木板,
And two frames he made for [the] corners of the tabernacle in the innermost parts.
29 木板下端是雙的,直到上端第一環都是雙的;兩塊木板都照樣做了,形成兩個角。
And they were twins from to downwards and together they were complete to top its into the ring one thus he did for [the] two of them for [the] two the corners.
30 所以共有八塊木板,十六個銀卯座,每塊板下兩個卯座。
And they were eight frames and bases their [were] silver six-teen bases two bases two bases [were] under the frame one.
31 又用皂莢木做了橫木為帳棚這一面木板做了五根,
And he made bars of wood of acacia five [bars] for [the] frames of [the] side of the tabernacle one.
32 為帳棚另一面木板,也做了五根橫木,為帳棚後面即西邊的木板,也做了五根橫木。
And five bars for [the] frames of [the] side of the tabernacle second and five bars for [the] frames of the tabernacle for the innermost parts west-ward.
33 又做了木板中間的那根橫木,從這頭穿到那頭。
And he made the bar middle to pass through in [the] middle of the frames from the end to the end.
34 木板上包了金;做了穿橫木的金環,橫木上也包了金。帳棚與門簾
And the frames he overlaid gold and rings their he made gold holders for the bars and he overlaid the bars gold.
35 隨後用紫色、紅色、朱紅色的毛線和捻的細麻,做了一個帳幔,用繡工繡上革魯賓。
And he made the curtain violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted [the] work of a skillful worker he made it cherubim.
36 為掛帳幔做了四根皂莢木柱子,包上金,柱釘是金的,又鑄了四個銀卯座。
And he made for it four pillars of acacia and he overlaid them gold hooks their [were] gold and he cast for them four bases of silver.
37 又做了會幕的門簾,是用紫色、紅色、朱紅色的毛線和捻的細麻編成的。
And he made a screen for [the] entrance of the tent violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted [the] work of a worker in colors.
38 為掛門簾,又做了五根柱子和柱釘,柱帽和橫棍包了金;又做了五個銅卯座。
And pillars its five and hooks their and he overlaid tops their and bands their gold and bases their five [were] bronze.

< 出埃及記 36 >