< 出埃及記 33 >

1 上主向梅瑟說:「你和你從埃及國領出的百姓離開這裏,上那地方去;關於此地,我曾誓許給亞巴郎、依撒格和雅各伯說:我要將此地獻給你的後裔。
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses go go up from here you and the people which you have brought up from [the] land of Egypt to the land which I swore to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob saying to offspring your I will give it.
2 我要打發使者在你面前,我要趨逐客納罕人、阿摩黎人、赫特人、培黎齊人、希威人和耶步斯人。
And I will send before you an angel and I will drive out the Canaanite[s] the Amorite[s] and the Hittite[s] and the Perizzite[s] the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s].
3 你往流奶流蜜之地時,我不與你同行,因為你是個執拗的百姓,免得我在路上消滅你。」
To a land flowing of milk and honey for not I will go up in midst your for [are] a people stiff of neck you lest I should make an end of you on the journey.
4 百姓一聽這兇信,都表示悲痛,沒有人再穿戴裝飾品。
And it heard the people the word bad this and they mourned and not they placed anyone ornament[s] his on himself.
5 少主向梅瑟說:「你告訴以色列子民:你們是個執拗的百姓,我若與你同行,只一會兒,我必把你消滅。現在你把裝飾品卸下,看我要怎樣待你。」
And he had said Yahweh to Moses say to [the] people of Israel you [are] a people stiff of neck a moment one I will go up in midst your and I will make an end of you and therefore take down ornament[s] your from on yourself so let me consider what? will I do to you.
6 以色列子民從離開曷勒布山,就卸去了裝飾品。會幕
And they stripped themselves [the] people of Israel ornament[s] their from [the] mountain of Horeb.
7 梅瑟往往將那帳幕支搭在營外,離營遠些;他稱此帳幕為「會幕。」凡求問天主的,要到營外的帳幕那裏。
And Moses he took the tent and he pitched it - from [the] outside of the camp at a distance from the camp and he called it [the] tent of meeting and it was any [one who] sought Yahweh he went out to [the] tent of meeting which [was] from [the] outside of the camp.
8 每當梅瑟往會幕那裏去的時候,眾百姓都起來,每人站在自己帳幕門口,觀望梅瑟直到他進入會幕。
And it was when went out Moses to the tent they arose all the people and they stood everyone [the] opening of tent his and they looked after Moses until went he the tent towards.
9 當梅瑟進入會幕的時候,雲柱降下,停在會幕門口,上主便向梅瑟談話。
And it was when went Moses the tent towards it came down [the] pillar of cloud and it stood [the] opening of the tent and he spoke with Moses.
10 眾百姓一見雲柱停止在會幕門口,百姓就起來,俯伏在自己的帳幕門口。
And it saw all the people [the] pillar of cloud standing [the] opening of the tent and it arose all the people and they bowed down everyone [the] opening of tent his.
11 上主同梅瑟面對面地談話,就如人同朋友談話一樣。梅瑟回營以後,他的侍從,一個年輕人,即農的兒子若蘇厄總不離開會幕。梅瑟求見天主的榮耀
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses face to face just as he speaks a person to companion his and he returned to the camp and servant his Joshua [the] son of Nun a young man not he departed from [the] midst of the tent.
12 梅瑟對上主說:「看,你吩咐了我,叫我引領這百姓,但沒有告訴我,你派誰與我同去。你還說過:提名選了你,你在我眼中得了寵。
And he said Moses to Yahweh see you [are] saying to me bring up the people this and you not you have made know me whom you will send with me and you you have said I know you by name and also you have found favor in view my.
13 如果我真在你眼中得寵,求你把你的道路指示給我,叫我認識你,好在你眼中得寵。也請記得這民族是你的百姓。」
And therefore if please I have found favor in view your show me please ways your so I may know you so that I may find favor in view your and consider that [is] people your the nation this.
14 上主回答說:「我必親自去,使你獲得安所。」
And he said presence my they will go and I will give rest to you.
15 梅瑟上主說:「你若不親自去,也別叫我們從這裏上去。
And he said to him if not presence your [is] going may not you bring up us from here.
16 人怎樣知道我和你的百姓在你眼中得寵,豈不是因你與我們同行,而我和你的百姓有別於地面上所以的人民﹖」
And how? - will it be known then that I have found favor in view your I and people your ¿ not by going you with us and we will be distinguished I and people your from every people which [is] on [the] surface of the ground.
17 上主回答說:「連你所求的事,我也要作,因為你在我眼中得了寵,我提名選了你。」
And he said Yahweh to Moses also the thing this which you have spoken I will do for you have found favor in view my and I have known you by name.
18 梅瑟又說:「求你把你的榮耀顯示給我。」
And he said show me please glory your.
19 上主答說:「當我在你前呼喊「雅威」名號時,我要使我的一切美善在你面前經過。我要恩待的就恩待,要憐憫的就憐憫。」
And he said I I will cause to pass by all goodness my on face your and I will proclaim [the] name of Yahweh before you and I will show favor to [those] whom I will show favor and I will have compassion on [those] whom I will have compassion.
20 又說:「我的面容你決不能看見,因為人見了我,就不能再活了。」
And he said not you will be able to see face my for not he will see me person and he will live.
21 上主又說:「看,靠近我有個地方,你可站在那塊磐石上。
And he said Yahweh there! a place [is] with me and you will stand on the rock.
22 當我的榮耀經過時,我把你放在磐石縫裏,用我的手遮掩你,直到我過去。
And it will be when passes by glory my and I will put you in [the] cleft of the rock and I will hold palm my over you until have passed by I.
23 當我縮回我的手時,你將看見我的背後,但我的面容,卻無法看見。」
And I will remove palm my and you will see back parts my and face my not they will be visible.

< 出埃及記 33 >