< 出埃及記 32 >
1 百姓見梅瑟遲遲不下山,就聚集到亞郎跟前,對他說:「起來,給我們製造一尊神像,在我們前面引路,因為那領我們出埃及國的梅瑟,不知道遭遇了什麼事。」
And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people combined against Aaron, and said to him, Arise and make us gods who shall go before us; for this Moses, the man who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt—we do not know what is become of him.
2 亞郎給他們說:「你們去摘下你們的妻子、兒女所配戴的金耳環,給我送來。」
And Aaron says to them, Take off the golden ear-rings which are in the ears of your wives and daughters, and bring them to me.
And all the people took off the golden ear-rings that were in their ears, and brought them to Aaron.
4 亞郎從他們手裏接過來,製了一個模型,用來鑄了一個牛像。他們遂說:「以色列,這就是領你出埃及國的天主。」
And he received them at their hands, and formed them with a graving tool; and he made them a molten calf, and said, These [are] your gods, O Israel, which have brought you up out of the land of Egypt.
5 亞郎一見,就在牛犢前築了一座祭壇,宣布說:「明日是上主的慶節。」
And Aaron having seen it built an altar before it, and Aaron made proclamation saying, To-morrow [is] a feast of the Lord.
6 次日清晨,他們起來,就奉獻了全燔祭和和平祭;以後百姓坐下來吃喝,起來玩樂。梅瑟求天主息怒
And having risen early on the morrow, he offered whole burnt offerings, and offered a peace-offering; and the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
7 上主訓示梅瑟說:「你下去! 因為你從埃及國領出來的百姓敗壞了。
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Go quickly, descend hence, for your people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have transgressed;
8 他們很快就離開了我給他們指示的道路,為自己鑄了一個牛犢,朝拜牠,向牠祭獻並且說:「以色列,這就是領你出埃及的天主。」
they have quickly gone out of the way which you commanded; they have made for themselves a calf, and worshipped it, and sacrificed to it, and said,
9 上主又向梅瑟說:「我看這百姓,真是一個執拗的百姓!
These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.
10 你且由我向他們發怒,消滅他們;我要使你成為一個大民族。」
And now let me alone, and I will be very angry with them and consume them, and I will make you a great nation.
11 梅瑟求上主他們的天主息怒說:「上主,你為什麼要向你用大力,用強硬的手臂,由埃及國領出來的百姓發怒呢﹖
And Moses prayed before the Lord God, and said, Therefore, O Lord, are you very angry with your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with great strength, and with your high arm?
12 為什麼要叫埃及人說:他是惡意領他們出來,要在山中殺死他們,由地面上絕滅他們呢﹖求你息怒,撤銷要加於你百姓的災禍。
[Take heed] lest at any time the Egyptians speak, saying, With evil intent he brought them out to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from off the earth; cease from your wrathful anger, and be merciful to the sin of your people,
13 茄你記念你的僕人亞巴郎、依撒格和以色列,你曾指責自己向他們起誓說:我要使你們的後裔,像天上的繁星那樣多;我所許的那整個地方,必賜給你們的後裔,叫他們永遠佔有。」
remembering Abraam and Isaac and Jacob your servants, to whom you have sworn by yourself, and have spoken to them, saying, I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of heaven for multitude, and all this land which you spoke of to give to them, so that they shall possess it for ever.
And the Lord was prevailed upon to preserve his people.
15 梅瑟轉身下山,手中拿著兩塊約版,版兩面都寫著字,前面後面都有字。
And Moses turned and went down from the mountain, and the two tables of testimony were in his hands, tables of stone written on both their sides: they were written within and without.
And the tables were the work of God, and the writing the writing of God written on the tables.
17 若蘇厄一聽見百姓喧嘩的聲音,就對梅瑟說:「營裏有戰爭的聲音。」
And Joshua having heard the voice of the people crying, says to Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp.
18 梅瑟回答說:「這不是戰勝的歌聲,也不是戰敗的吵聲,我聽見的是應和的聲音。」
And [Moses] says, It is not the voice of them that begin the battle, nor the voice of them that begin [the cry] of defeat, but the voice of them that begin [the banquet] of wine do I hear.
19 當梅瑟走近營幕的時候,見了那牛犢,看見人歌舞,遂大發憤怒,把兩塊石版由手中拋出,摔碎在山下。
And when he drew near to the camp, he sees the calf and the dances; and Moses being very angry cast the two tables out of his hands, and broke them to pieces under the mountain.
20 隨後拿過他們所造的牛犢,投在火中焚燒,搗成細末,撒在水面上,叫以色列子民喝。
And having taken the calf which they made, he consumed it with fire, and ground it very small, and scattered it on the water, and made the children of Israel to drink it.
21 梅瑟對亞郎說:「這百姓對你作了什麼,你竟使他們陷於重罪﹖」
And Moses said to Aaron, What has this people done to you, that you have brought upon them a great sin?
22 亞郎回答說:「我主,請不要生氣! 你知道這百姓傾向於惡。
And Aaron said to Moses, Be not angry, [my] lord, for you know the impetuosity of this people.
23 他們對我說:請給我們製一神像,在我們前面引路,因為那領我們出埃及國的梅瑟,不知道遭遇了什麼事。
For they say to me, Make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this man Moses, who brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what is become of him.
24 我給他們說:誰有金子,就摘下來! 他們遂給我送來。我把金子投在火中,這牛犢便出來了。」懲罰拜金牛者
And I said to them, If any one has golden ornaments, take them off; and they gave them me, and I cast them into the fire, and there came out this calf.
25 梅瑟見百姓這樣放肆,─因為亞郎放縱了他們,成了敵人的笑柄;─
And when Moses saw that the people was scattered, —for Aaron [had] scattered them [so as to be] a rejoicing to their enemies, —
26 就站在營幕門口說:「凡屬上主的,到我跟前來! 」於是肋末的子孫聚到梅瑟前。
then stood Moses at the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord's side? let him come to me. Then all the sons of Levi came to him.
27 梅瑟向他們說:「上主,以色列的天主這樣說:每人要把刀配在腰間,在營中往來,從這門到那門,要殺自己的兄弟、朋友和親人。」
And he says to them, Thus says the Lord God of Israel, Put every one his sword on his thigh, and go through and return from gate to gate through the camp, and kill every one his brother, and every one his neighbour, and every one him that is nearest to him.
28 肋末的子孫就照梅瑟的吩咐作了,那一天百姓中被殺的約有三千人。
And the sons of Levi did as Moses spoke to them, and there fell of the people in that day to the [number of] three thousand men.
29 梅瑟說:「今天你們應接受奉事上主的聖職,因為你們每人犧牲了自己的兒子和兄弟,上主今日必賜福與你們。」
And Moses said to them, You have filled your hands this day to the Lord each one on his son or on his brother, so that blessing should be given to you.
30 到了次日,梅瑟向百姓說:「你們犯了重罪,現在我要上到上主台前,也許我能為你們贖罪。」
And it came to pass after the morrow [had begun], that Moses said to the people, You have sinned a great sin; and now I will go up to God, that I may make atonement for your sin.
31 梅瑟回到上主那裏說:「唉! 這百姓犯了重罪,為自己製造了今神像。
And Moses returned to the Lord and said, I pray, O Lord, this people has sinned a great sin, and they have made for themselves golden gods.
32 現在只求你赦免他們的罪,不然,就把我從你所記錄的冊子上抹去罷! 」
And now if you will forgive their sin, forgive [it]; and if not, blot me out of your book, which you have written.
33 上主回答梅瑟說:「誰犯罪得罪我,我就把誰從我的冊子上抹去。
And the Lord said to Moses, If any one has sinned against me, I will blot them out of my book.
34 現在你去領我的百姓到我吩咐你的地方去。看,我的使者在你前面引路。在我懲罰之日,我必懲罰他們的罪。」
And now go, descend, and lead this people into the place of which I spoke to you: behold, my angel shall go before your face; and in the day when I shall visit I will bring upon them their sin.
35 以後上主打擊了百姓,因他們敬拜了亞郎製造的牛犢。
And the Lord struck the people for the making the calf, which Aaron made.