< 以斯帖記 10 >

1 薛西斯王向陸地及各海島的居民徵稅。
And the king Ahasuerus setteth a tribute on the land and the isles of the sea;
2 他所行偉大英勇的事蹟,以及顯耀摩爾德開的詳細經過,都記載在瑪待和波斯君王的年鑑上。
and all the work of his strength, and his might, and the explanation of the greatness of Mordecai with which the king made him great, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of Media and Persia?
3 猶太人摩爾德開,位僅次於薛西斯王,受猶太人的敬重,受他全體同胞的愛戴;他也努力為他的民族謀幸福,關心他的整個種族的安全。
For Mordecai the Jew [is] second to king Ahasuerus, and a great man of the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking good for his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.

< 以斯帖記 10 >