< 傳道書 11 >
Send forth your bread upon the face of the water: for you shall find it after many days.
2 將你的家產分作七分八分,因為你不知道世上要發生什麼災禍。
Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for you know not what evil there shall be upon the earth.
3 雲一滿了,雨就傾住於地。樹倒向南或倒向北,一倒在那裏,就躺在那裏。
If the clouds be filled with rain, they pour [it] out upon the earth: and if a tree fall southward, or if it fall northward, in the place where the tree shall fall, there it shall be.
He that observes the wind sows not; and he that looks at the clouds will not reap.
5 就如你不知道生氣如何進入孕婦胎中的骨骼裏,同樣你也不知道天主所創造的一切化工。
Amongst whom none knows what is the way of the wind: as the bones [are hid] in the womb of a pregnant [woman], so you shall not know the works of God, [even] all things whatever he shall do.
6 你早上撒種,晚上也不要住手,因為你不知道:是早上撒的,或是晚上撒的長的好,或是兩種都同樣好。
In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening let not your hand be slack: for you know not what sort shall prosper, whether this or that, or whether both shall be good alike.
Moreover the light is sweet, and it is good for the eyes to see the sun.
8 人無論活了多大年紀,儘可享受各種福樂;但他應想到黑暗的日子還多,所發生的事,盡屬虛幻。
For even if a man should live many years, [and] rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that comes is vanity.
9 少年人,在你青春時應歡樂;在你少壯的時日,應心神愉快;隨你心所欲,你眼所悅的去行,但應知道:天主必要就你所行的一切審判你。
Rejoice, O young man, in your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart blameless, but not in the sight of your eyes: yet know that for all these things God will bring you into judgement.
10 掃除你心中的煩惱,驅除你身上的痛苦,因為青春和少年都是虛幻。
Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, and put away evil from your flesh: for youth and folly are vanity.