< 申命記 13 >

1 若你們中出現了一位先知或作夢的人,給你提供一種神蹟或奇事,
If he will arise in midst your a prophet or a dreamer of a dream and he will give to you a sign or a wonder.
2 而他所說的神蹟和奇事實現了,以致向你說:「讓我們去隨從事奉其他的神罷! 」而那神是你素不相識的;
And it will come the sign and the wonder which he spoke to you saying let us walk after gods other which not you have known them and let us be enticed to serve them.
3 你不要聽從這先知或作夢者的話,因為上主你們的天主有意試探你們,願意知道你們是否全心全靈真愛上主你們的天主。
Not you will listen to [the] words of the prophet that or to [the] dreamer of the dream that for [is] putting to [the] test Yahweh God your you to know ¿ [are] there you loving Yahweh God your with all heart your and with all being your.
4 你們只應跟隨上主你們的天主,只應敬畏他,遵守他的誡命,聽從他的話,事奉他。依靠他。
After Yahweh God your you will walk and him you will fear and commandments his you will keep and to voice his you will listen and him you will serve and to him you will cleave!
5 至於這先知或作夢的人,應處死刑,因為他出言背叛了領你出埃及地,由奴隸之家贖出你來的上主你們的天主,要你離棄上主你的天主命你當行的道路:如此你由你中間剷除了邪惡。
And the prophet that or [the] dreamer of the dream that he will be put to death for he has spoken rebellion on Yahweh God your who brought out you - from [the] land of Egypt and who redeemed you from a house of slaves to thrust aside you from the way which he has commanded you Yahweh God your to walk in it and you will remove the evil from midst your.
6 如果你的兄弟,你父親或母親的兒子,或你的兒女,或你的愛妻,或你視如性命的朋友,暗中引誘你說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷! 」而那神是你和你的祖先素不相識的,
If he will entice you brother your [the] son of mother your or son your or daughter your or - [the] wife of bosom your or friend your who [is] like self your in secrecy saying let us go and let us serve gods other which not you have known you and ancestors your.
7 是你四周,離你或近或遠,由地極這邊到地極那邊的各民族所敬拜的神;
Any of [the] gods of the peoples which [are] around you near to you or distant from you from [the] end of the earth and to [the] end of the earth.
8 你不可對他表示同意,不可聽從他,也不可憐視他,顧惜他,袒護他;
Not you will yield to him and not you will listen to him and not it will look with pity eye your on him and not you will spare [him] and not you will cover over him.
9 務要將他殺死,並且你應先動手,然後全體人民動手打死他。
For certainly you will kill him hand your it will be on him at the first to put to death him and [the] hand of all the people at the last.
10 你應用石頭砸死他,因為他圖謀使你離棄領你出埃及地,出奴隸之家的上主你的天主。
And you will stone him with stones and he will die for he sought to thrust aside you from with Yahweh God your who brought out you from [the] land of Egypt from a house of slaves.
11 這樣全以色列人聽了必然害怕,在你中間不致做出這樣邪惡的事。
And all Israel they will hear and they will fear! and not they will repeat to do like the thing evil this in midst your.
12 如果你聽說,在上主你的天主賜給你居住的一座城內,
If you will hear in one of cities your which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you to dwell there saying.
13 由你中間出來了一些壞人,勾引本城的居民說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷! 」而那神是你們素不相識的;
They have gone out men sons of worthlessness from midst your and they have thrust aside [the] inhabitants of city their saying let us go and let us serve gods other which not you have known.
14 你就該調查、探尋、仔細訪問;如果真有其事,在你中間真發生了這樣可惡的事,
And you will investigate and you will search and you will enquire thoroughly and there! truth [is] certain the matter it has been done the abomination this in midst your.
15 你該用利劍殺盡這城的居民,完全破壞此城和城中所有的一切,連城中的牲畜也用劍殺盡,
Certainly you will strike [the] inhabitants of the city (that *Q(K)*) to [the] mouth of [the] sword totally destroy it and all who [are] in it and livestock its to [the] mouth of [the] sword.
16 並把由城中掠奪的一切財物堆積在廣場上,將城和所掠奪的一切財物放火焚燒,全獻給上主你的天主,使那城永遠成為廢墟,再不得重建。
And all plunder its you will gather into [the] middle of open place its and you will burn with fire the city and all plunder its a whole offering to Yahweh God your and it will be a mound of perpetuity not it will be built again.
17 凡應毀滅之物,一件也不可留在你手中,好使上主撤回他的盛怒,對你施恩,憐恤你,照他對你祖先所誓許的,使你繁昌,
And not it will cling to hand your anything of the object[s] for destruction so that he may turn Yahweh from [the] burning of anger his and he will give to you compassion and he will have compassion on you and he will increase you just as he swore to ancestors your.
18 只要你聽從上主你的天主的話,遵守我今天所吩咐你的一切誡命,實行上主你的天主眼中視為正直的事。
For you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh God your to keep all commandments his which I [am] commanding you this day to do the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh God your.

< 申命記 13 >