< 申命記 11 >

1 你應愛上主你的天主,天天遵守他的訓令、法律、規則和誡命。
Therfor loue thi Lord God, and kepe thou hise comaundementis and cerymonyes, domes and heestis, in al tyme.
2 今天你們應知道:你們的子孫並沒有見過,也沒有經歷過上主你們天主的懲戒、偉大強力的手和伸展的臂,
Knowe ye to day tho thingis whiche youre sones knowen not, `whiche sones sien not the doctryn of youre Lord God, hise grete dedis, and strong hond, and `arm holdun forth,
3 以及他在埃及對埃及王法郎及其全國所行的神蹟和奇事;
myraclis and werkis, whiche he dide `in the myddis of Egipt to Farao, kyng, and to al `the lond of hym, and to al the oost of Egipcians,
4 他如何對待了埃及的軍隊、戰馬和車輛;當他們追趕你們時,上主怎樣使紅海的水淹沒了他們,將他們消滅,直到今日;
and to horsis, and carris; hou the watris of the reed see hiliden hem, whanne thei pursueden you, and the Lord `dide awei hem `til in to `present dai;
5 並且在曠野裏給你們作了什麼,直到你們來到此地;
and whiche thingis the Lord dide to you in wildernesse, til ye camen to this place;
6 他怎樣對待了勒烏本的後裔厄里雅布的兒子達堂和阿彼蘭,地怎樣裂開了口,在全以色列中間吞沒了他們同他們的眷屬,帳棚以及屬他們的一切;
and to Dathan and Abiron, `the sones of Heliab, that was `the sone of Ruben, whiche the erthe swolewide, whanne his mouth was openyd, with `the housis and tabernaclis, and al the catel `of hem which thei hadden, in the myddis of Israel.
7 而且你們親眼見過上主所做的一切偉大作為。
Youre iyen sien alle the grete werkis of the Lord,
8 所以你們應該遵守我今日吩咐你們的一切誡命,好能有力量去佔領你們過河要去佔領的地方,
whiche he dide, that ye kepe alle hise heestis whiche Y comaunde to dai to you, and that ye moun entre, and welde the lond,
9 並在上主向你們祖先誓許要給他們和他們後裔的地方,即流奶流蜜的地方,得享長壽。
to which ye schulen entre, and ye lyue therynne in myche time; which lond, flowynge with mylk and hony, the Lord bihiyte vndur an ooth to youre fadris and to `the seed of hem.
10 因為你要去佔領的地方,不像你們出來的埃及地,在那裏你撒了種,還要用腳灌溉,像灌溉菜園一樣;
For the lond, to which thou schalt entre to welde, is not as the lond of Egipt, `out of which thou yedist, where whanne the seed is cast in the maner of gardyns, moist waters ben led;
11 但你們過河去佔領的地方,卻是一個有山有谷,有天上的雨水所滋潤的地方,
but it is hilli, and feldi, and abidith reynes fro heuene,
12 是上主你的天主自己照管的地方,是上主你的天主,自年首至年尾,時常注目眷視的地方。
which lond thi Lord God biholdith, and hise iyen ben therynne, fro the bigynnyng of the yeer `til to the ende therof.
13 如果你們真聽從我今日吩咐你們的誡命,愛上主你們的天主,全心全靈事奉他,
Therfor if ye schulen obeie to myn heestis whiche Y comaunde to dai to you, that ye loue youre Lord God, and serue hym in al youre herte, and in al youre soule;
14 他必按時給你們的土地降下時雨,秋雨和春雨;必使你豐收五穀、新酒和新油;
he schal yyue to youre lond reyn tymeful and late, that ye gadere wheete, and wyn, and oile,
15 也必使田野給你的牲畜生出青草;如此你必能吃飽。
hey of the feeldis to feede beestis, that ye bothe ete and be fillid.
16 你們應謹慎,免得你們的心受迷惑,離棄正道,去事奉敬拜其他的神,
Be ye war, lest perauenture youre herte be disseyued, and ye go awei fro the Lord, and serue alien goddis, and worschipe hem;
17 叫上主對你們發怒,使蒼天封閉,雨不下降,地不生產,你們必由上主賜給你們的肥美土地上迅速滅亡。
and the Lord be wrooth, and close heuene, and reynes come not doun, nether the erthe yyue his fruyt, and ye perische swiftli fro the beste lond which the Lord schal yyue to you.
18 你們應將我這些話銘刻在你們的心靈上,繫在你們的手上,當作標記;懸在你們的額上,當作徽號。
Putte ye thes wordis in youre hertes and soules, and honge ye `tho wordis for a signe in the hondis, and sette ye bitwixe youre iyen.
19 應將這些話教給你們的子孫,不論住在家裏,或在路上行走,或臥或立,不斷地講述;
Teche youre sones, that thei thenke on tho wordis, whanne thou sittist in thin hows, and goist in the weie, and lyggist doun, and risist.
20 還應刻在你房屋的門框和門扇上,
Thou schalt write tho wordis on the postis, and yatis of thin hous,
21 好使你們和你們子孫的歲月,在上主誓許給你們祖先的土地上,如天覆地之久長。
that the daies of thee and of thi sones be multiplied in the lond which the Lord swoor to thi fadris, that he schulde yyue to hem, as long as heuene is aboue erthe.
22 如果你們謹慎遵守我吩咐你們遵行的這一切誡命,愛上主你們的天主,履行他的一切道路.一心依賴他,
For if ye kepen the heestis whiche Y comaunde to you, and ye do tho, that ye loue youre Lord God, and go in alle hise weies,
23 上主必由你們面前將這一切民族驅逐,使你們能征服比你們更強大的民族。
and cleue to hym, the Lord schal destrie alle these hethen men bifor youre face, and ye schulen welde tho folkis that ben grettere and strongere than ye.
24 凡你們的腳掌所踏之地,都必成為你們的;由曠野直到黎巴嫩,由大河,即幼發拉的河直到西海,是你們的疆界。
Ech place which youre foot schal trede, schal be youre; fro the deseert, and fro the Liban, and fro the greet flood Eufrates `til to the west see, schulen be youre termes.
25 沒有人能對抗你們,上主你們的天主必照他對你們所許的,將害怕和畏懼你們的心情,散佈在你們所要踏進的地面。
Noon schal stonde ayens you; youre Lord God schal yiue youre outward drede and inward drede on ech lond which ye schulen trede, as he spak to you.
26 你看,我今天將祝福和詛咒,擺在你們面前:
Lo! Y sette forth in youre siyt to day blissyng and cursyng;
27 如果你們聽從上主你們天主的誡命,就是我今天吩咐你們的,你們必蒙祝福;
blessyng, if ye obeien to the heestis of youre Lord God, whiche Y comaunde to you to dai;
28 如果你們不聽從上主你們天主的誡命,離棄我今天吩咐你們的道路,去跟隨你們素不相識的其他神祇,必遭詛咒。
cursyng, if ye heren not the heestis of youre Lord God, but goen awei fro the weie which Y schewe now to you, and goen after alien goddis whiche ye knowen not.
29 幾時上主你的天主領你進入你要去佔領的地方,你應在革黎斤山上宣佈祝福,在厄巴耳山上宣佈詛咒。──
Sotheli whanne thi Lord God hath brouyt thee in to the lond, to which to enhabite thou goist, thou schalt sette blessyng on the hil Garisym, cursyng on the hil Hebal, whiche hillis ben biyende Jordan,
30 這兩座位於約但河西,日落之處,在居於阿辣巴荒野的客納罕人的境內,與基耳加耳相對,靠近摩勒橡樹。
aftir the weie that goith to the goyng doun of the sunne, in the lond of Cananey, that dwellith in the feeldi places ayens Galgala, which is bisidis the valey goynge and entrynge fer.
31 你們就快要過約但河,去佔領上主你們的天主賜給你們的土地。當你們佔領了那地,居住在那裏時,
For ye schulen passe Jordan, that ye welde the lond which youre Lord God schal yyue to you, and that ye haue and welde that lond.
32 你們應謹慎遵行我今天在你們面前所頒佈的一切法令和規則。
Therfor se ye, `that ye fille the cerymonyes and domes, whiche I schal sette to dai in youre siyt.

< 申命記 11 >