< 申命記 10 >

1 那時上主對我說:「你再鑿兩塊石版,與先前的一樣,然後上山到我跟前來;還要做一個木櫃。
in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to say LORD to(wards) me to hew to/for you two (tablet *L(abh)*) stone like/as first and to ascend: rise to(wards) me [the] mountain: mount [to] and to make to/for you ark tree: wood
2 我要把你先前摔碎的那兩塊版上的話,寫在這兩塊版上。你要將這兩塊石版放在櫃裏。」
and to write upon [the] tablet [obj] [the] word which to be upon [the] tablet [the] first which to break and to set: put them in/on/with ark
3 我於是做了一個皂莢木櫃,鑿了兩塊與先前一樣的石版,手裏拿著這兩塊石版上山去了。
and to make ark tree: wood acacia and to hew two tablet stone like/as first and to ascend: rise [the] mountain: mount [to] and two [the] tablet in/on/with hand my
4 上主將先前所寫的,即在集會之日,在山上由火中對你們所說的那十句話,寫在這兩塊版上,交給了我。
and to write upon [the] tablet like/as writing [the] first: previous [obj] ten [the] word which to speak: speak LORD to(wards) you in/on/with mountain: mount from midst [the] fire in/on/with day [the] assembly and to give: give them LORD to(wards) me
5 我遂轉身下山,照上主吩咐我的,將版放在我做的櫃內,存在那裏。
and to turn and to go down from [the] mountain: mount and to set: put [obj] [the] tablet in/on/with ark which to make and to be there like/as as which to command me LORD
6 以色列子民由貝洛特貝乃雅干起程,到了摩色辣,亞郎在那裏死了,也埋在那裏;他的兒子厄肋阿匝爾繼他做了大司祭。
and son: descendant/people Israel to set out from Beeroth-(bene-jaakan) (Beeroth) Bene-jaakan (Beeroth) Bene-jaakan Moserah there to die Aaron and to bury there and to minister Eleazar son: child his underneath: instead him
7 又從那裏起程,到了古德哥達,又從古德哥達到了多溪水之地約特巴達。
from there to set out [the] Gudgodah [to] and from [the] Gudgodah [to] Jotbathah land: country/planet torrent: river water
8 那時,上主選拔了肋未支派,叫他們抬上主的約櫃,侍立在上主面前事奉他,並奉他的名祝福,直到今日。
in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to separate LORD [obj] tribe [the] Levi to/for to lift: bear [obj] ark covenant LORD to/for to stand: stand to/for face: before LORD to/for to minister him and to/for to bless in/on/with name his till [the] day: today [the] this
9 為此,肋未人同自己的兄弟沒有分得產業,因為照上主你的天主對他們所說的:上主自己是他們的產業。
upon so not to be to/for Levi portion and inheritance with brother: compatriot his LORD he/she/it inheritance his like/as as which to speak: speak LORD God your to/for him
10 我如先前一樣,在山上逗留了四十天四十夜;上主這一次又俯聽了我,放棄了消滅你的意思。
and I to stand: stand in/on/with mountain: mount like/as day [the] first forty day and forty night and to hear: hear LORD to(wards) me also in/on/with beat [the] he/she/it not be willing LORD to ruin you
11 上主且對我說:「起來,在人民前面領路,叫他們去佔領我對他們祖先誓許要賜給他們的地方。」
and to say LORD to(wards) me to arise: rise to go: went to/for journey to/for face: before [the] people and to come (in): come and to possess: take [obj] [the] land: country/planet which to swear to/for father their to/for to give: give to/for them
12 以色列! 現今上主你的天主向你要求什麼﹖是要求你敬畏上主你的天主,履行他的一切道路,愛他,全心全靈事奉上主你的天主,
and now Israel what? LORD God your to ask from from with you that if: except if: except to/for to fear: revere [obj] LORD God your to/for to go: walk in/on/with all way: conduct his and to/for to love: lover [obj] him and to/for to serve [obj] LORD God your in/on/with all heart your and in/on/with all soul your
13 遵守我今天吩咐你的天主的誡命和法令,好使你能獲得幸福。
to/for to keep: obey [obj] commandment LORD and [obj] statute his which I to command you [the] day to/for good to/for you
14 看天與天上的天,地和地上的一切,都屬於上主你的天主;
look! to/for LORD God your [the] heaven and heaven [the] heaven [the] land: country/planet and all which in/on/with her
15 但上主只喜歡了你的祖先,鍾愛他們,由萬民中揀選了他們的後裔,就是你們,正如你們今日所見的一樣。
except in/on/with father your to desire LORD to/for to love: lover [obj] them and to choose in/on/with seed: children their after them in/on/with you from all [the] people like/as day: today [the] this
16 為此,你們要心受割損,不要執拗,
and to circumcise [obj] foreskin heart your and neck your not to harden still
17 因為上主你們的天主是萬神之神,萬主之主,偉大、有力、可畏的天主,是不顧情面,不受賄賂,
for LORD God your he/she/it God [the] God and lord [the] lord [the] God [the] great: large [the] mighty man and [the] to fear: revere which not to lift: kindness face: kindness and not to take: take bribe
18 為孤兒、寡婦主持正義,友愛外方人,供給他們食糧和衣服的天主。
to make: do justice orphan and widow and to love: lover sojourner to/for to give: give to/for him food and mantle
19 為此,你們也應友愛外方人,因為你們在埃及也曾做過外方人。
and to love: lover [obj] [the] sojourner for sojourner to be in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt
20 你應敬畏上主你的天主,事奉依賴他,奉他的名起誓。
[obj] LORD God your to fear: revere [obj] him to serve and in/on/with him to cleave and in/on/with name his to swear
21 他是你的光榮,是你的天主,是他為你做了你親眼所見的奇異可畏的事。
he/she/it praise your and he/she/it God your which to make: do with you [obj] [the] great: large and [obj] [the] to fear: revere [the] these which to see: see eye your
22 你的祖先下到埃及時,總共不過七十人,現在上主你的天主卻使你多得有如天上的繁星。
in/on/with seventy soul: person to go down father your (Egypt [to] *L(abh)*) and now to set: make you LORD God your like/as star [the] heaven to/for abundance

< 申命記 10 >