< 申命記 1 >
1 以下是梅瑟在約但河東岸,對全以色列所講的話。──即在穌夫對面的阿辣巴曠野中,在帕蘭與托費耳、拉班、哈則洛特和狄匝哈布之間。
This is the record of what Moses told all the Israelites during their time in the desert to the east of the Jordan. They were in the Arabah near Suph, between Paran on the one side and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Di-zahab on the other.
2 從曷勒布經色依爾山,到卡得士巴爾乃亞,共有十一天的程路。──
(It takes eleven days to go from Horeb to Kadesh-barnea by the road that passes Mount Seir.)
3 在第四十年十一月一日,梅瑟將上主吩咐他的一切事,全訓示了以色色列子民。
On the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year, Moses recounted to the Israelites everything that the Lord had instructed him to tell them.
4 當時他已擊敗住在赫市朋的阿摩黎王息紅,和住在阿舍塔洛特和厄得勒的巴商王敖格。
This happened after he defeated Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon, and then at Edrei after he defeated Og king of Bashan, who ruled in Ashtaroth.
5 梅瑟在約但河東岸摩阿布地方開始宣講這法律說:「
Speaking on the east side of the Jordan in the land of Moab, Moses began to explain these instructions, saying:
6 上主,我們的天主,在曷勒布曾訓示我們說:你們在這山下住得夠久了,
The Lord our God told us at Horeb: “You have remained here beside this mountain for long enough.
7 現在起身出發,到阿摩黎人的山地去,到那些住在阿辣巴荒野、山地、盆地、乃革布和沿海一帶地方去,到客納罕地,到黎巴嫩,直到大河,即幼發拉的河那一帶地方去。
Continue your journey and go to the hill country of the Amorites and all their neighbors, into the Jordan Valley, into the hill country, into the foothills, into the Negev, and along the coast to the country of the Canaanites up to Lebanon, as far as the great River Euphrates.
8 看,我已將此地擺在你們面前,你們應去佔領上主誓許給你們祖先亞巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯和他們後裔的地方。」
Look, I'm giving this land to you. Go and take ownership of the land that the Lord promised he would give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to their descendants who would follow them.”
That's when I told you, “I can't take responsibility for all of you by myself.
10 上主你們的天主使你們的人數增加,看,你們今天多得有如天上的繁星。
The Lord your God has increased your numbers so much that today there are as many of you as there are stars in the sky.
11 惟願上主你們祖先的天主,再千百倍地增加你們的數目,照他所應許的,祝福你們!
May the Lord, the God of your forefathers, multiply you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised.
12 但我個人怎能承擔起你們的煩務、重任和訴訟的事!
But how can I take on all your troubles, burdens, and arguments just by myself?
13 你們各支派應推舉一些有智慧,有見識,有經驗的人,我好立他們為你們的首領。
You must choose for yourselves wise, experienced men with good judgment from each of your tribes, and I will put them in charge as your leaders.”
You replied to me, saying, “Your proposal is a good one.”
15 我遂選了你們各支派中有智慧有經驗的首領,立為你們的首領:即千夫長、百夫長、五十夫長、十人長,並為各支派立了監督,
So I summoned your tribal leaders, men with good judgment, and put them in charge of you, as commanders and officials for your tribes. Some were responsible for thousands, some for hundreds, some for fifties, and some for tens.
16 同時我也吩咐你們的判官說:你們要聽斷你們兄弟間的訴訟:無論是兄弟彼此訴訟,或與方外人訴訟,都應秉公審斷。
At the same time I gave strict instructions to your judges: “Hear the cases brought between your brothers, and make sure you are fair when you judge between a man and his brother or a foreigner living among you.
17 審案時不可偏袒,無論貴賤,同樣聽斷;任何人都不要怕,因為審判是天主的事。若遇有難斷的案件,該呈報給我,我來聽斷。
Don't show any favoritism when you judge—treat the powerful and the common people just the same. Don't let anyone intimidate you, because judgment is done on God's behalf. Bring me any case that is too hard for you, and I will hear it.”
This was also the time I instructed you about everything you had to do.
19 我們由曷勒布起程,經過了你們所見的這整個遼闊的可怖的曠野:照上主我們的天主對我們的吩咐,我們向阿摩黎人山地進發,一直來到了卡德士巴爾乃亞。
Following the orders of the Lord our God, we left Horeb and set off towards the hill country of the Amorites, passing through the whole of the large and terrifying desert that you yourselves have experienced. When we reached Kadesh-barnea,
20 那時我曾對你們說:你們已來到上主我們的天主即將賜給我們的阿摩黎人的山地。
I explained to you, “You have reached the hill country of the Amorites, which the Lord our God is giving to us.
21 看上主你的天主已將這地擺在你面前,你要照上主你祖先的天主對你所許下的,去佔領這地;不要害怕,也不要膽怯。
Look, the Lord your God has given you the land! Go and take ownership of the land as the Lord, the God of your forefathers, has told you. Don't be frightened or terrified.”
22 你們眾人便來到我跟前說:「讓我們先派些人去,替我們偵探那地方,然後回報我們,我們當走那條路,當去那些城。」
Then you all came to me and suggested, “Let's send men on ahead to explore the land and report back to us about what route to take and which towns we'll come across.”
It seemed like a good plan to me, so I chose twelve of your men, one from each tribe.
24 他們起身上了山地,一直到了厄市苛耳山谷,偵探了那地。
They set off and went up into the hill country as far as the Valley of Eshcol, exploring the land.
25 他們帶回來那地方的一些果品,並回報我們說:「上主我們的天主即將賜給我們的地方實在好。」
They brought back some of the country's fruit, carrying it down to us, and gave us the report: “The Lord our God is giving us good land.”
26 但你們卻不肯上去,竟違背了上主你們天主的命令,
But you didn't want to go. You rebelled against the instructions of the Lord your God.
27 在你們的帳幕內抱怨說:「上主因為恨我們,才將我們由埃及地領出來,將我們交在阿摩黎人手中,消滅我們。
You complained while you were in your tents and said, “It's because the Lord hates us that he led us out of Egypt in order to hand us over to the Amorites to be wiped out.
28 我們上那裏去呢﹖我們的兄弟又說了些使我們心灰意冷的話。他們說:我們在那裏看見了一個比我們又大又高的民族,他們的城邑廣大,城牆高聳摩天;我們在那裏還看見了阿納克人的子孫。」
Where are we going? Our brothers terrified us because they told us: ‘The people are bigger and taller than us; the towns are large, with high walls that reach the sky. We even saw the descendants of the giant Anak there!’”
So I told you, “Don't be frightened or scared of them!
30 因為上主你們的天主,走在你們面前,他必為你們作戰,正如他在埃及在你們眼前,為你們所做的一樣;
The Lord your God who leads your way will fight for you in the same way you saw him do for you in Egypt.
31 並且在曠野裏,你也看出上主你的天主在你所走的長途中,攜帶你們,如同人攜帶自己的兒子一樣,直到你們來到這地方。
He did the same in the desert—you saw how the Lord your God carried you like a father carries his son during your whole journey until you arrived here.”
Despite all this, you didn't trust the Lord your God,
33 他一路原走在你們前面,替你們找安營的地方:夜間藉著火,日間藉著雲彩,指示你們應走的道路。
who led you on the journey, present in the fire by night and in the cloud by day, looking to find a place for you to camp and to show you the way to go.
When the Lord heard what you were saying, he got angry and swore an oath:
35 這個邪惡世代的人,一個也不得見我誓許要賜給你們祖先的樂土;
“Not a single one of this evil generation will see the good land I promised to give your forefathers,
36 只要耶孚乃的兒子加肋布除外,他必見到此地,並且我要將他踏過的地,賜給他和他的子孫,因為他一心隨從了上主。」
except Caleb, son of Jephunneh. He will see it, and I will give him and his descendants the land he explored, because he was completely committed to the Lord.”
37 為了你們的緣故,上主也對我發怒說:「連你也不能進入那地。
The Lord also got angry with me because of you. He told me, “Even you won't enter the country.
38 那侍候你的農的兒子若蘇厄,要進入那地;你應壯他的膽,因為他要使以色列佔領那地作為產業。
However, Joshua, son of Nun, your assistant, will enter it. Encourage him, for he will help Israel to occupy the land.
39 此外,你們所說要成為戰利品的幼童,至今尚不知好歹的子女,他們都要進入那地。我要將那地賜給他們作為產業。
Your small children that you claimed would become prisoners, your children who at the time didn't know good from evil, they will be the ones to enter the land that I will give them, and they will occupy it.
But now turn around and head back into the desert on the road that leads to the Red Sea.”
41 你們回答我說:「我們得罪了上主;現在我們願全照上主我們的天主的吩咐上去交戰。」你們各人遂都武裝起來,輕率地上了山地。
But you answered and told me, “We have sinned against the Lord! We will go and we will fight and we will do everything the Lord our God has ordered us to do.” Then you all picked up your weapons and prepared for battle thinking it would be easy to go and fight in the hill country.
42 但上主對我說:「你告訴他們說:你們不要上去,不要作戰,因為我不在你們中間,免得被敵人擊敗。」
But the Lord instructed me, “Order them not to go and fight because I won't be with you to prevent you from being defeated by your enemies.”
43 我立即告訴了你們,你們卻不聽,違背上主的命令,擅自上了山地。
I told you this, but you refused to listen. You defied the instructions of the Lord and arrogantly went to fight in the hill country.
44 住在山地的阿摩黎人蜂擁而出,攻擊你們,追趕你們,由色依爾直殺到曷爾瑪。
Then the Amorites living there in the hills came and attacked you. They chased after you like a swarm of bees, killing you all the way from Seir to Hormah.
45 你們回來,在上主面前哭泣哀號,但上主未曾俯聽你們的哭聲,也未向你們側耳;
You came back to camp and wept before the Lord, but he refused to listen to what you said or to pay attention to you.
46 你們只得長期地停留在卡德士,停留得這樣長久。
You stayed there in Kadesh for a long time.