< 但以理書 8 >

1 貝爾沙匝王在位第三年,在以前顯現給我的異象之後,又有異象顯現給我達尼爾。
In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, Daniel, after that which appeared to me previously.
2 我觀看這異象;我觀看時,恍惚見我在厄藍省的穌撒禁城;在神視中,我恍惚見我在烏來河畔。
And I saw in the vision, and when I looked, I was in the citadel of Shushan, which is in the province of Elam. And I saw in the vision, and I was by the river Ulai.
3 我舉目仰視,看見有一隻公綿羊站在河畔,牠有兩隻角,這兩隻角都很高,但一隻角卻高於另一隻角,且那較高的是較晚長出來的。
Then I lifted up my eyes, and saw, and look, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns. And the two horns were long, but one was longer than the other, and the longer one came up last.
4 我見那隻公綿羊向西、向北、向南牴撞,走獸中沒有能抵禦牠,能擺脫牠勢力的;牠任意行事,自高自大。
I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; and no animals could stand before him, neither was there any who could deliver out of his hand. But he did according to his will, and became great.
5 我定睛注視之時,看見有一隻公山羊由西而來,跑遍天下而腳不著地;這隻公山羊在兩眼之間,有一隻顯著的角。
As I was considering, look, a male goat came from the west over the surface of the whole earth, and did not touch the ground. And the goat had a prominent horn between his eyes.
6 牠來到我所見立在河畔而有兩隻角的公綿羊那裏,就憤怒地猛力向牠衝去。
He came to the ram that had the two horns, which I saw standing before the river, and rushed at him in the fury of his power.
7 我見牠走近公綿羊前憤怒地觝撞牠,將牠的雙角撞斷,那公綿羊就再無力抵抗,公山羊把牠擊倒在地,用腳踐踏,竟沒有誰能救公綿羊擺脫牠的勢力。
I saw him come close to the ram, and he was moved with anger against him, and struck the ram, and broke his two horns. And there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he threw him down to the ground and trampled on him, and there was no one who could deliver the ram from his power.
8 後來這公山羊長的極其強大;正當牠極強大的時候,牠那隻高大的角被折斷了,代替這角而生出來的是四隻卓絕的角,向著天下四方:
The male goat became very strong. But when he was strong, the large horn was broken; and instead of it there came up four prominent horns toward the four winds of heaven.
9 其中之一又生出一小角來,長得極其高大,向南、向東,亦向著光華之地。
Out of one of them came forth a little horn, which grew exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the beautiful land.
10 這角逐漸增高,直達天上的萬象,且把一些天象和星宿打落在地,加以蹂躪。
It grew so great that it reached to the host of heaven, and some of the host and of the stars it cast down to the ground, and trampled on them.
11 他又自高自大,直達天象之君,取消了他的日常祭,破壞了他的聖所,且加以劫掠;
And it magnified itself, even against the Prince of the host; and it took away from him the daily sacrifice, and the place of his sanctuary was thrown down.
12 又在獻日常祭處,安放了罪孽,將真理拋棄於地;他如此作了,也成功了。
The host was given over to it together with the daily sacrifice because of transgression. And it cast down truth to the ground, and kept prospering.
13 我聽見一位聖者在說話,另一位聖者問那說話的說:「關於廢除日常祭,招致毀滅的罪孽,聖所和天軍遭蹂躪的異象,要延長到何時呢﹖」
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who spoke, "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression that makes desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled?"
14 那說話的回答他說:「要延長二千三百晝夜,以後聖所再要恢復原狀。」
He said to me, "To two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be restored to its rightful state."
15 我達尼爾見了這異象之後,便渴望明瞭其中的意義;看見有一個外貌像人的立在我面前,
It came about when I, Daniel, had seen the vision, that I sought to understand it. And look, there stood before me someone who appeared to be a man.
16 同時我聽見在烏來河中間有人的聲音呼喊說:「加俾額爾! 給這人解說這異象罷! 」
I heard a man's voice between the banks of the Ulai, and called out and said, "Gabriel, make this man understand the vision."
17 他便向我站立的地方走來;我見他來近,就害怕起來,俯伏在地;他對我說:「人子,你要明白! 這異象是關於末世時期的。」
So he came near where I stood, and when he came I was frightened, and fell prostrate. But he said to me, "Understand, son of man, that the vision belongs to the time of the end."
18 他與我說話時,我就昏迷過去了,臉伏於地上;他撫摸了我,使我起來,站在原處。
Now as he was speaking with me, I fell into a deep sleep with my face toward the ground; but he touched me, and stood me upright.
19 他說:「看,我要把在盛怒末期將要發生的事告訴你,因為這事是關於末期的。
He said, "Look, I will make you know what shall be in the latter time of wrath, for it belongs to the appointed time of the end.
20 你所見具有兩角的公綿羊是瑪待和波斯君王,
The ram which you saw, that had the two horns, they are the kings of Media and Persia.
21 多毛的公山羊是雅汪君王,牠兩眼之間高大的角是第一位君王,
The male goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn that is between his eyes is the first king.
22 代替被折斷的腳而另生出的四隻角,是指由他的民族中崛起的四個王國,但沒有前一個那樣強盛。
As for that which was broken, in the place where four stood up, four kingdoms shall arise out of his nation, but not with his power.
23 在他們王國的末期,惡貫滿盈之時,要興起一位面貌凶惡,詭計多端的君王。
In the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressions have reached their full measure, a rash and deceitful king shall arise.
24 他必勢力強大,但那力量不是出於自己;他卻有驚人的破壞力,他所行的無不成功,要摧毀強有力者和聖民,
His power shall be great, but not by his own strength; and he shall cause terrible destruction, and shall succeed in whatever he does. And he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25 憑自己的機智必攻擊聖民,靠自己的權術獲得成功;他心中妄自尊大,趁人不備而毀滅許多人民,且起而攻擊萬君之君,但終於未經人手而自趨崩潰。
Through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper by his influence, and he shall be great in his own mind, and without warning he shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be shattered, but not by human hands.
26 關於所說的晝夜數目的異象,是真實的,但你對這異象要保守秘密,因為是關於遙遠日期的事而說的。」
The vision of the evenings and mornings which has been told is true; but seal up the vision because it refers to many days from now."
27 我達尼爾疲憊患病數日,然後纔起來處理君王的政務。我對這異象仍驚奇不已,因我不能明白其中的意義。
I, Daniel, was overcome, and was ill for days. Then I rose up, and carried out the king's business. And I was astonished by the vision, but there was no one to explain it.

< 但以理書 8 >