< 阿摩司書 3 >

1 以色列子民! 你們應聽從上主關於你們,即 由埃及領出來的全體民族所說的話:「
People of Israel, listen to this message that the Lord has spoken against you—all of you, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt.
2 由世界上一切種族中,我只選擇了你們,為此,我必懲罰你們的罪惡。
I chose a special relationship with you alone out of all the families of the earth, and so I will punish you for your wrongdoing.
3 二人除非預約,豈能同行。
Can two people walk together unless they have arranged to meet?
4 獅子若無獵物,豈能在林中咆哮﹖幼獅除非捕到食物,豈能在洞中吼叫﹖
Does a lion roar in the forest before finding its prey? Does a young lion growl from its den if it has caught nothing?
5 雀鳥若無餌食,豈能落在地上﹖機楹若無所獲,豈能由地上翻起﹖
Does a bird fall into a trap and get caught unless the spring is set? Does a trap spring shut if there's nothing there to catch?
6 如在城中吹起號角,人民豈不恐怖﹖如城裏發生災禍,豈不是上主所為﹖
When the trumpet sounds in the city, shouldn't the people be alarmed? When a disaster comes to a city, isn't it the Lord who does it?
7 的確,上主若不先將自己的計劃啟示給自己的先知,什麼也不作。
For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his intentions to his servants the prophets.
8 獅子咆哮了,誰不害怕﹖吾主上主發了言,誰能不傳衪的話﹖」
The lion has roared—so who isn't scared? The Lord God has spoken—so who can refuse to speak for him?
9 他們要在亞述和埃及的宮殿高處宣布說:你們應聚集在撒馬黎雅山上,觀看那裏的混亂和其中的殘暴。
Announce this to the fortresses of Ashdod and to the fortresses in the land of Egypt: Assemble yourselves on Samaria's mountains and see all the turmoil and oppression happening in the country.
10 他們不知行正直的事──上主的斷語──只知在宮殿內積累強暴和欺壓。
They don't know how to do what is right, declares the Lord. They have stored up in their fortresses what they've taken by violence and robbery.
11 為此,吾主上主這樣說:「敵人要圍困此地,推翻你的堡壘,搶掠你的宮殿。
As a result, says the Lord, an enemy will surround you, break down your strongholds, and plunder your fortresses.
12 上主這樣說:牧人怎樣從樣由獅子口中搶救出兩條羊腿,或一塊羊耳,以色列子民,即在 撒馬利亞斜倚在安樂椅角上,或大馬士革榻上的人,也要怎樣被救出。
This is what the Lord says: Just as a shepherd tries to rescue a sheep from a lion's mouth, but only saves a couple of legs or a piece of an ear, so it will be for the people of Israel living in Samaria—all that will be “saved” will be the corner of a couch and a piece of a leg from a bed.
13 你們靜聽,並對雅各伯家作証──吾主上主萬軍的天主的斷語──
Listen! Warn the house of Jacob, declares the Lord God of power.
14 在我懲罰以色列罪惡之日,我必毀壞貝特耳的祭壇,祭壇的角必被打落在地上。
For on that day I will punish Israel for their sins. I will destroy the altars of Bethel: the corners of the altar will be cut off and fall to the ground.
15 我要破壞過冬和過夏的別墅,象牙宮也必遭毀壞,高樓大廈也必蕩然無存」──上主的斷語。
I will tear down their winter houses and their summer houses as well, their houses filled with ivory will be ruined—their many houses will be destroyed.

< 阿摩司書 3 >