< 使徒行傳 21 >

1 離開了他們,便開船一直航行,來到科斯,第二天到了洛多,又從那裏到了帕塔辣。
AND tearing ourselves away from them, when we had set sail, we came in a direct course to Coos, and the day after to Rhodes, and from thence to Patara.
2 我們遇見了一隻要開往腓尼基的船,便上去航行。
And finding a ship passing over to Phenice, we went on board and set sail:
3 我們望見了塞浦路斯,就從它左邊駛過,向敘利亞駛去,在提洛靠了岸,因為船要在那裏卸貨。
and coming in sight of Cyprus, and leaving it on the left, we sailed unto Syria, and landed at Tyre; for there the ship was to discharge her cargo.
4 我們找到了門徒,就在那裏住了七天;他們因聖神的默示,告訴保祿不要上耶路撒冷去。
And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: and they said to Paul, by the Spirit, that he should not go up unto Jerusalem.
5 日子一滿,我們便出發前行,眾人同妻子兒女陪送我們直到城外;我們跪在岸上祈禱,
But when we had stayed out those days, we departed, and went on our journey, all of them attending us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city: and kneeling down on the sea shore, we joined in prayer;
6 彼此辭別後,我們上了船,他們就回家去了。
and embracing one another, we went on ship-board, and they returned to their own homes,
7 我們從提洛到了仆托肋買,便行完了航程;向弟兄們請過安,就在他們那裏住了一夜。
So completing our voyage, we arrived from Tyre at Ptolemais, and saluting the brethren, tarried with them one day.
8 第二天我們出發,來到凱撒勒雅,進了傳福音者斐理伯的家,住在他那裏,他是七執事之一。
And on the morrow we who were Paul’s companions departed with him, and went to Caesarea; and entering into the house of Philip the evangelist (who was one of the seven deacons), we abode with him.
9 他有四個女兒,都是貞女,能說預言。
Now this man had four maiden daughters endued with the gift of prophecy.
10 我們住了多日。有一個先知,名叫阿加波,從猶太下來。
And as we tarried there several days, there came down a certain prophet from Judea named Agabus.
11 他來到我們這裏,拿起保祿的腰帶,將自己的腳和手綁了,說:「聖神這樣說:猶太人要在耶路撒冷這樣捆綁這條腰帶的主人,將他交在外邦人手中。」
And coming to us, he took Paul’s girdle, and binding both his own hands and feet together, said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, The man, whose girdle this is, shall the Jews bind in like manner at Jerusalem, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
12 我們一聽這話,就同當地居民請求保祿不要上耶路撒冷去。
Then when we heard these things, both we and all who were in the place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem.
13 保祿回答說:「你們為什麼啼哭,使我心碎呢﹖為了主耶穌的名,我不但準備受綑綁,而且也準備死在耶路撒冷。」
But Paul replied, Why do ye thus―weeping and breaking my heart? for I am ready not only to be bound, but to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
14 我們既不能說服他,也就靜默了,只說:「願主的旨意成就罷!」
And when he could not be persuaded, we desisted, saying, The will of the Lord be done.
15 過了幾天,我們便收拾行李上耶路撒冷去;
Then after those days, packing up our baggage, we went up to Jerusalem:
16 有幾個凱撒勒雅的門徒,也和我們同去,他們領我們到一個久為門徒的塞浦路斯人木納松那裏住宿。
and there went also with us some disciples from Caesarea, bringing one Mnason a Cyprian, an ancient disciple, at whose house we were to lodge.
17 我們到了耶路撒冷,弟兄們高興地接待了我們。
And when we arrived at Jerusalem, the brethren received us with delight.
18 第二天,保祿同我們去見雅各伯,眾長老也都聚集在那裏。
And on the morrow Paul went in with us unto James: and all the presbyters were present.
19 保祿向他們請安以後,就將天主在外邦人中藉他的服務所行的事,一一敘述了。
And after embracing them, he related every particular of the things which God had done among the Gentiles by his ministry.
20 他們聽了,就光榮天主,並對保祿說:「弟兄! 你看,在信教的猶太人中盈千累萬,都是熱愛法律的人;
And they, when they heard it, glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews who have believed; and they are all zealots for the law:
21 關於你,他們聽說你教訓在外邦人中的一切猶太人背棄梅瑟,說不要給孩子行割損禮,也不要按規例行。
And they have been informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews, who are among the Gentiles, apostacy from Moses, saying, That they should not circumcise the children, nor walk after the usual practices.
22 那麼怎麼辦呢﹖他們總會聽說你已來了。
What then is to be done? The multitude must certainly be assembled; for they will hear that thou art come.
23 你就按照我們告訴你的去辦罷:我們這裏有四個人,他們都有願在身;
Do this therefore which we say to thee: we have four men, who have a vow upon themselves;
24 你帶這些人,同他們一起行取潔禮,並替他們出錢,叫他們剃頭;這樣,眾人便知道自己關於你所聽到的事原是假的,而你卻是個循規蹈矩,遵守法律的人。
them take with thee, be purified with them, and be at the same expence as they, that they may shave their heads: and all men will know that there is no truth in the things reported of thee, but that thou thyself walkest orderly and observest the law.
25 關於信教的外邦人,我們已寫信決定,叫他們戒避祭邪神之物、血、窒死的禽獸和姦淫。」
Concerning the Gentiles who have believed, we have already written, deciding that they should observe no such thing, except that they should guard themselves from idol sacrifices, and blood, and what is strangled, and from whoredom.
26 於是保祿就把這幾個人帶去;第二天,同他們一起行了取潔禮,以後進了聖殿,呈報取潔的日子何時滿期,何時為他們每人奉獻供物。
Then Paul took the men, and the following day being purified with them, he entered into the temple, declaring when the days of their purification would be completed, in order whereunto an oblation was to be offered for every one of them.
27 當七天快完時,從亞細亞來的猶太人見保祿在殿裏,就煽動所有的群眾,向他下手,
But as the seven days were now drawing to their period, some Jews from Asia seeing him in the temple, excited all the populace to tumult, and laid hands upon him,
28 喊著說:「以色列人! 請幫忙,這就是到處教訓眾人反對人民、法律和這地方的那個人。他還領了希臘人們進聖殿,褻瀆了這聖地。」
crying out, Men of Israel, help! This is the man, who, by his preaching, sets all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place: yea and more still, hath brought Greeks into the temple, and defiled this holy place:
29 原來他們以前見過厄弗所人特洛斐摩同他在城裏,就以為保祿領他進了聖殿。
(for they had before seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with him, whom they imagined that Paul had introduced into the temple.)
30 於是全城震動,百姓一起跑來,拿住保祿,把他拉出殿外,立即把門都關上。
And the whole city was in motion, and there was a concourse of people assembled: and laying hands on Paul, they dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut.
31 他們正想要殺他時,有人上去報告給營部的千夫長說: 「全耶路撒冷都亂了!」
And as they were attempting to murder him, the report reached the military tribune of the band, that all Jerusalem was in confusion.
32 千夫長立時帶著士兵和百夫長跑下來,到了他們那裏;他們一見了千夫長和士兵,就停止,不打保祿了。
Who instantly taking soldiers and centurions ran down unto them: and when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they left off beating Paul.
33 於是千夫長前去,拿住保祿,下令用兩條鎖鏈綁了,遂查問他是誰,作了什麼事。
Then the tribune approaching him, laid hold on him, and ordered him to be bound with two chains; and asked who he was, and what he had done.
34 群眾中,有的喊這,有的喊那;由於亂嚷,千夫長不能得知實情,便下令將保祿帶到營裏去。
Then some among the multitude bellowed out one thing, and some another: so unable to know the certainty of the case because of the tumult, he ordered him to be brought into the fortress.
35 當走上台階時,由於群眾擠得兇猛,保祿只好由士兵抬著;
But when he was on the stairs, it happened that he was borne up by the soldiers, because of the press of the crowd.
36 一群百姓跟在後面喊著說:「除掉他!」
For a multitude of the people followed, crying, Away with him!
37 快要帶進營盤時,保祿向千夫長說:「許我向你說句話嗎﹖」他說: 「你會希臘話﹖
And when he was just ready to be carried into the fortress, Paul said to the military tribune, May I be permitted to speak a word to thee? And he said, Dost thou know Greek?
38 莫非你就是前些日子作亂,帶領四千匕首黨人,往荒野去,的那個埃及人嗎﹖」
Art not thou certainly that Egyptian who some time since raised a sedition, and led out into the desert four thousand cutthroats?
39 保祿答說:「我是猶太人,是塔爾索人,基里基雅的一個並非無名城市的公民。我求你,准我向百姓講話。」
But Paul replied, I am indeed a Jew, a man of Tarsus, of Cilicia, a citizen of no contemptible city: and, I entreat thee, permit me to speak to the people.
40 千夫長准許了;保祿就站在台階上向百姓揮手,大家都安靜下來後,保祿便用希伯來話致辭說:
So having his permission, Paul standing on the stairs, waved his hand to the people. And profound silence being obtained, he spake to them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,

< 使徒行傳 21 >