< 撒母耳記下 22 >
1 當上主救達味脫離了仇敵和撒烏耳的毒手時,達味向上主唱了詩歌說:
And David spoke to the Lord the words of this canticle, in the day that the Lord delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul,
And he said: The Lord is my rock, and my strength, and my saviour.
3 天主是我所倚靠的盤石,是我的盾牌,我的大救主,我的堡壘,我的藏身處。我的救主,是你救我脫離了強暴。
God is my strong one, in him will I trust: my shield, and the horn of my salvation: he lifteth me up, and is my refuge: my saviour, thou wilt deliver me from iniquity.
4 我一呼求應受頌揚的上主,我便獲救,脫離了我的仇敵。
I will call on the Lord who is worthy to be praised: and I shall be saved from my enemies.
For the pangs of death have surrounded me: the floods of Belial have made me afraid.
6 陰府的繩索纏住中我,死亡的羅網絆住我; (Sheol )
The cords of hell compassed me: the snares of death prevented me. (Sheol )
7 在急難中我呼求上主,向我的天主呼號,衪由殿中聽了我的聲音,我的呼聲達入衪耳中。
In my distress I will call upon the Lord, and I will cry to my God: and he will hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry shall come to his ears.
8 因衪盛大作,大地震動戢慄,上主的基礎動盪搖撼,
The earth shook and trembled, the foundations of the mountains were moved, and shaken, because he was angry with them.
9 由衪的鼻孔湧出濃煙,由衪的口中噴出烈火,由衪的身上射出火炭,
A smoke went up from his nostrils, and a devouring fire out of his mouth: coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
And he rode upon the cherubims, and flew: and slid upon the wings of the wind.
He made darkness a covering round about him: dropping waters out of the clouds of the heavens.
By the brightness before him, the coals of fire were kindled.
The Lord shall thunder from heaven: and the most high shall give forth his voice.
15 衪射出羽箭,使敵人四散,發閃電,使敵人驚擾。
He shot arrows and scattered them: lightning, and consumed them.
16 上主的呵斥一發,鼻孔的怒氣一出,蒼海的海低即出現,大地的地基也外露。
And the overflowings of the sea appeared, and the foundations of the world were laid open at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the spirit of his wrath.
He sent from on high, and took me, and drew me out of many waters.
He delivered me from my most mighty enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
19 他們在我困厄之日,襲擊了我,然而上主卻作了我的後盾;
He prevented me in the day of my affliction, and the Lord became my stay.
And he brought me forth into a large place, he delivered me, because I pleased him.
21 上主照我的正義酬報了我,按我雙手的清白報答了我;
The Lord will reward me according to my justice: and according to the cleanness of my hands he will render to me.
22 因我遵行了上主的正道,沒有作惡離棄我的天主。
Because I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God.
For all his judgments are in my sight: and his precepts I have not removed from me.
And I shall be perfect with him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity.
25 因此,上主照我的正義,我在衪的純潔,賞報了我。
And the Lord will recompense me according to my justice: and according to the cleanness of my hands in the sight of his eyes.
26 仁慈的人,你待他仁慈;正直的人,你待他正直;
With the holy one thou wilt be holy: and with the valiant perfect.
With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted.
And the poor people thou wilt save: and with thy eyes thou wilt humble the haughty.
29 上主,你是我的火炬,我的天主,照明我的黑暗。
For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and thou, O Lord, wilt enlighten my darkness.
30 仗著你,我衝入了敵營;靠著我的天主,我跳過了牆垣。
For in thee I will run girded: in my God I will leap over the wall.
31 天主的道路是完善的;上主的言語是純淨的;凡投衪的人,衪怍他們的後盾。
God, his way is immaculate, the word of the Lord is tried by fire: he is the shield of all that trust in him.
32 上主以外,還有誰是天主﹖除我的的天主外,還有誰的盤石﹖
Who is God but the Lord: and who is strong but our God?
God who hath girded me with strength, and made my way perfect.
Making my feet like the feet of harts, and setting me upon my high places.
He teacheth my bands to war: and maketh my arms like a bow of brass.
Thou hast given me the shield of my salvation: and thy mildness hath multiplied me.
Thou shalt enlarge my steps under me: and my ankles shall not fail.
38 我追趕仇敵,消滅他們;不滅絕他們,決不返回。
I will pursue after my enemies, and crush them: and will not return again till I consume them.
I will consume them and break them in pieces, so that they shall not rise: they shall fall under my feet.
Thou hast girded me with strength to battle: thou hast made them that resisted me to bow under me.
41 使我的敵人在 前轉背而逃,使我殲滅了一切仇恨我的人。
My enemies thou hast made to turn their back to me: them that hated me, and I shall destroy them.
42 他們呼號,卻無人施救;呼號上主,也不獲應允。
They shall cry, and there shall be none to save: to the Lord, and he shall not hear them.
43 我搗碎他們地上的灰塵,踐踏他們像道上的泥土。
I shall beat them as small as the dust of the earth: I shall crush them and spread them abroad like the mire of the streets.
44 你由百姓的叛亂中救拔了我,立我做了列國的首領;我不知道的人民竟給我服役;
Thou wilt save me from the contradictions of my people: thou wilt keep me to be the head of the Gentiles: the people which I know not, shall serve me,
45 外邦的子民諂媚奉承我,一聽到是我,即服從我;
The sons of the stranger will resist me, at the hearing of the ear they will obey me.
The strangers are melted away, and shall be straitened in their distresses.
47 上主萬歲! 願我的盤石受讚美,願救我的的天主受頌揚!
The Lord liveth, and my God is blessed: and the strong God of my salvation shall be exalted:
God who giveth me revenge, and bringest down people under me,
49 是你救我脫離了我的仇敵,提拔我凌駕我的對手之上,救我脫免了強暴的人。
Who bringest me forth from my enemies, and liftest me up from them that resist me: from the wicked man thou shalt deliver me.
50 為此,上主! 我要在異民中稱謝你,歌頌你的聖名。
Therefore will I give thanks to thee. O Lord, among the Gentiles, and will sing to thy name.
51 因為衪使自己的君大獲勝利,對自己的受傅者達味和他的子孫,廣施仁慈,直到永遠」。
Giving great salvation to his king, and shewing mercy to David his anointed, and to his seed for ever.