< 撒母耳記下 18 >
1 達味檢閱了跟隨他的人,給他們委派了千夫長和百夫長,
David arranged his soldiers for the battle. He divided them into groups, and appointed a commander for each 100 soldiers and a commander for each 1,000 soldiers.
2 將軍人分為三隊:一隊由約阿布率領,一隊由責魯特的兒子,約阿布的兄弟阿彼瑟率領,一隊由加特人依泰率領;然後君王對軍人說:「我自己也要同你們一起出征」。
He sent them out in three groups. Joab commanded one group, Joab’s brother Abishai commanded a second group, and Ittai from Gath commanded the third group. David said to them, “I myself will go with you [to the battle].”
3 軍人回答說:「你萬不可去! 因為若我們逃散,無人對我們介意,既使我們死了一半,也無人對我們介意;但是,你一個卻抵我們一萬,所以,現今你更好留在城內,設法援助我們」。
But his soldiers said, “No, we will not allow you to go with us. If they force us all to run away, they will not be concerned about that happening. Or if they kill half of us, that will also not be what they want. To them, [killing] you is more important than [killing] 10,000 of us. So it will be better that you [stay here] in the city and send help to us.”
4 君王對他們說:「你們看看怎樣好,我就怎樣做」。君王站在門旁,軍人整隊出發,或百人一阻,或千人一組﹖
The king replied, “Okay, I will do whatever seems best to you.” So he stood at the gate [and watched] while his soldiers marched out, group by group.
5 君王命令約阿布、阿阿彼瑟和依泰說:「對少年阿貝沙隆,你們應給我留情」。軍人都聽見了君王關於阿貝沙隆,給眾將領所出的命令。
[While they were leaving, ] the king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, “For my sake, do not harm my son Absalom!” And all the troops heard it when David gave that order about Absalom to those three commanders.
6 軍人出發,來到平原,攻打以色列;在厄弗辣因森林發生了戰事。
So the army went out to fight against the Israeli soldiers [who were with Absalom]. They fought the battle in the forest [where people from the tribe] of Ephraim [lived].
7 以色列人在那裏為達味的臣僕打敗,那天死傷慘重,陣亡的有二萬人。
David’s soldiers defeated Absalom’s soldiers. They killed 20,000 of them!
8 戰爭蔓廷全境,樹林內死的人,比刀劍所殺的人還多。
The battle was fought {They fought the battle} all over that area, and the number of men who died because of [dangerous things in] the forest [PRS] was greater than the number of men who were killed (in the battle/by swords).
9 阿貝沙隆正遇上了達味的臣僕,他那時騎著一匹驢子,由大橡樹的叢枝下經過,他的頭髮被橡樹枝纏住,身懸在天地間,所騎的驢子已跑走。
During the battle, Absalom suddenly came near [some of] David’s soldiers. Absalom was riding on his mule; and when the mule went under the thick branches of a large oak tree, Absalom’s head/hair was caught in the branches. The mule kept going, but Absalom was left dangling in the air.
10 有一個人看見,就告訴約阿布說:「我看見阿貝沙隆懸在橡樹上」。
One of David’s soldiers saw what happened, and went and told Joab, “I saw Absalom hanging in an oak tree!”
11 約阿布對那向他報信的人說:「你看見了,為什麼不把他砍倒在地﹖那麼我必賞你十「協刻耳」銀子和一條腰帶」。
Joab said to the man, “What? You say that you saw him hanging there, so why did you not kill him immediately [RHQ]? [If you had killed him, ] I would have given you ten pieces of silver and a belt!”
12 那人對約阿布說:「即使交在我手裏一千「協刻耳」銀子,我也不願伸手加害君王的兒子,因為我們親聽見君王吩咐你、阿彼瑟和依泰說:你們應為了我,保全少年阿貝沙隆。
The man replied to Joab, “Even if you gave me 1,000 pieces of silver, I would not have done anything to harm [IDM] the king’s son. We all heard the king command you and Abishai and Ittai, ‘For my sake, do not harm my son Absalom!’
13 並且,若我冒性命的危險,做錯了事,也決不能瞞過君王,那時你也許不會保護我」。
If I had disobeyed the king and killed Absalom, the king would have heard about it, because the king hears about everything, and even you would not have defended me!”
14 約阿布說:「不願在你面前這樣耽擱時間! 」他就手裏拿了三根短箭,射在阿貝沙隆心中,那時,他在橡樹上還著。
Joab said, “I am not going to waste time talking to you!” Then he took three spears [and went to where Absalom was], and thrust them into Absalom’s chest/heart while he was still alive, dangling from the oak tree.
Then ten young men who carried weapons for Joab surrounded Absalom and [finished] killing him.
16 約阿布遂次起號角,軍人便回來,不再追趕以色列人,因為約阿布願顧惜人民。
Then Joab blew his trumpet [to signal that they should not fight any more], and his soldiers returned from pursuing those Israeli soldiers.
17 人們取下阿貝沙隆,將他塊在樹林中的一個大坑內,在他上面堆了一大堆石頭。眾以色列人各自回本家去了。
They took Absalom’s body and threw it into a huge pit in the forest, and covered it with a huge pile of stones. Then all the remaining Israeli soldiers [who had been with Absalom] fled to their own towns.
18 阿貝沙隆活著時,在君王山谷就為自己建立一石柱說:「我沒有兒子,來懷念我的名字;」所他給那石柱起了自己的名字。直至今日,人還稱那石柱為阿貝沙隆記念碑。
Absalom had no sons to preserve his [family] name. So, while Absalom was alive, he built a monument to himself in the King’s Valley [near Jerusalem, in order that people would remember him]. He put his name on the monument, and people still call it Absalom’s monument.
19 匝多克的兒子阿希瑪茲對約阿布說:「讓我跑去,將上主對王的仇敵替王伸冤的喜信,稟報給君王」。
[After Absalom had been killed, ] Zadok’s son Ahimaaz said to Joab, “Allow me to run to the king to tell him the good news that Yahweh has rescued him from the power of his enemies!”
20 約阿布卻對他說:「今日你不是報喜的人,改天再去報吧! 因為君王的兒子死了,今日你不可去報信」。
But Joab said to him, “No, I will not allow you to take news to the king today. Some other day I will allow you to take some news, but not today. [If you took news today it would not be good news for the king, ] because his son is dead.”
21 約阿布遂對一個雇士人說:「你去將所見的事報告君王」。雇士人就拜別約阿布跑去信。
Then Joab said to David’s servant who was from Ethiopia, “You go and tell the king what you have seen.” So the man from Ethiopia bowed in front of Joab, and started to run.
22 匝多克的兒子阿希瑪茲又對約阿布說:「無論如何,我得跟著雇士人去! 」約阿布答說:「為什麼你要去﹖我兒,為這喜訊你得到什麼報酬! 」
Then Ahimaaz said again to Joab, “Even though [that man from Ethiopia is running], allow me to run behind him.” Joab replied, “My boy/son, why do you want to do that? You will not receive any reward for your news!”
23 他說:「我無論如何要去! 」他答說:「去吧! 」阿希瑪茲就沿著約旦平原的大路跑去,跑過了雇士人。
But Ahimaaz replied, “That does not matter, I want to go.” So Joab said, “Okay, go.” So Ahimaaz ran along [another] road through the Jordan Valley and arrived [where David was] before the man from Ethiopia arrived.
24 那時達味正坐在兩門中間,守衛士兵上了門樓頂。守衛兵舉目一望,見一人獨自跑來,
David was sitting between the outer gate and the inner gate [of the city]. The watchman/lookout went up on top of the city wall and stood on the roof over the gates. He looked out and saw one man running alone.
25 就大聲喊叫.君王君王。王說:「若是一人,必有喜訊傳報」。他越來越近了。
The watchman called down and reported it to the king. The king said, “If he is alone, [that indicates/means that] he is bringing [good] news.” The man who was running continued to come closer.
26 守衛又看見一個人跑來,守衛兵立刻對看門的大聲喊說:「看,又有一人獨自跑來」。王說:「這也是來報喜信的」。
Then the watchman saw another man running. So he called down to the gatekeeper, “Look! There is another man running!” And the king said, “He also is bringing [some good] news.”
27 守衛兵說:「我看見前一個人的跑法,像匝多克的兒子阿希瑪茲的跑法」。王說:「他是個好人,必是來報喜信的」。
The watchman said, “I think the first man [must be Ahimaaz, because he] is running like Ahimaaz runs.” The king said, “He is a good man, and [I am sure] he is coming with good news.”
28 阿希瑪茲上前對君王說:「安好! 」就俯首至地,叩拜君王,接著說:「上主,你的天主是可讚美的,因為衪消滅了反抗我主大王的人」。
[When] Ahimaaz [reached the king, he] called out “I hope/desire that things will go well with you!” Then he prostrated himself on the ground in front of the king and said, “Your Majesty, praise Yahweh our God, who has rescued you from the men who were rebelling against you!”
29 王問說:「少年阿貝沙隆是否無恙﹖」阿希瑪茲答說:「當大王的臣僕約阿布打發你的僕人時,我見有大騷動,但不是什麼事﹖」
The king said, “Is the young man Absalom safe/all right?” Ahimaaz [did not want to answer that question, so he] replied, “When Joab sent me, I saw that there was a lot of confusion, but I do not know what it was about.”
30 王說:「你退在一邊,站在那裏」。他便退在一邊,站在那裏。
Then the king said, “Stand aside.” So Ahimaaz stepped aside and stood there.
31 雇士人也來到了,雇士人說:「有喜信報告給我主大王! 上主今日對一切起來反抗你的的人為你伸了冤」。
Suddenly the man from Ethiopia arrived, and said, “Your Majesty, I have good news for you! Yahweh has enabled your soldiers to defeat all those who rebelled against you!”
32 王問雇士人說:「少年阿貝沙隆是否無恙﹖」雇士人答說:「願我主大王的仇敵,以及凡心懷惡意起來反抗你的人,都相似這個少年人! 」
The king said to him, “Is the young man Absalom safe/all right?” And the man from Ethiopia replied, “Sir, I wish/desire that what happened to him would happen to all of your enemies and to all those who rebel against you!”
33 君王一聽這話,不勝悲傷,就上了門樓痛哭;他哭著說:我兒阿貝沙隆! 我兒! 我兒阿貝沙隆,巴不得我替你死了,我兒阿貝沙隆! 我兒! 」
The king [realized that he meant that Absalom was dead, so he] became (extremely distressed/overcome with grief), and he went up to the room above the gateway and cried. While he was going up, he kept crying out, “O, my son Absalom! My son! O, my son Absalom, I desire/wish that I had died instead of you!”