< 撒母耳記下 15 >

1 這事以後,阿貝沙隆準備了車輛和駿馬,並叫五十個為他開道。
And it came to pass after this that Abessalom prepared for himself chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him.
2 阿貝沙隆常清早起來,站在進城門的大路旁;凡有爭訟,要到君王前去要裁判的人,阿貝沙隆就把他叫到自己跟前來問說:「你是那一城裏的人﹖」他答說:「你僕人是以色列某支派的人」。
And Abessalom rose early, and stood by the side of the way of the gate: and it came to pass that every man who had a cause, came to the king for judgement, and Abessalom cried to him, and said to him, Of what city are you? And he said, Your servant [is] of one of the tribes of Israel.
3 阿貝沙隆就向他說:「看你的案件是正直有理的,但是君王沒有派人來聽取你的案件」。
And Abessalom said to him, See, your affairs [are] right and clear, yet you have no one [appointed] of the king to hear you.
4 阿貝沙隆又接著說:「唉! 誰若立我作了國家的判官,凡是有訴和案件的,來到我這裏,我必使他獲得公正的裁判」。
And Abessalom said, O that one would make me a judge in the land; then every man who had a dispute or a cause would come to me, and I would judge him!
5 若有人前來叩拜他,他就伸手將他抱住,與他親吻。
And it came to pass when a man came near to do him obeisance, that he stretched out his hand, and took hold of him, and kissed him.
6 凡是要到君王前去告狀的以色列人,阿貝沙隆總是這樣對待他們;如此他獲得了以色列人的心。
And Abessalom did after this manner to all Israel that came to the king for judgement; and Abessalom gained the hearts of the men of Israel.
7 四年以後,阿貝沙隆向君王說:「我要求大王讓我去赫貝龍,向上主所許的願,
And it came to pass after forty years, that Abessalom said to his father, I will go now, and pay my vows, which I vowed to the Lord in Chebron.
8 因為你的僕人住在阿蘭革叔爾時,曾願許說:若上主領我再回耶路撒冷,我要在赫貝龍崇拜上主」。
For your servant vowed a vow when I lived at Gedsur in Syria, saying, If the Lord should indeed restore me to Jerusalem, then will I serve the Lord.
9 君王向他說:「你平安去吧! 」阿貝沙隆便往赫貝龍去了。
And the king said to him, Go in peace. And he arose and went to Chebron.
10 阿貝沙隆打發特務到以色列各支派說:「你們一聽見號聲,就喊說:阿貝沙隆在赫貝龍為王了! 」
And Abessalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, When you hear the sound of the trumpet, then shall you say, Abessalom is become king in Chebron.
11 由耶路撒冷與阿貝沙隆同來的,還有二百人,他們因為被請,就好心好意的來了,對於事情的真相,卻一點不知道。
And there went with Abessalom two hundred chosen men from Jerusalem; and they went in their simplicity, and knew not anything.
12 當阿貝沙隆祭獻時,就派人將達味的參謀,基羅人阿希托費耳由他的本城基羅請來參與祭祀。這樣,叛亂就更形擴大,隨從阿貝沙隆的民眾也逐漸加多。
And Abessalom sent to Achitophel the Theconite, the counsellor of David, from his city, from Gola, where he was sacrificing: and there was a strong conspiracy; and the people with Abessalom were increasingly numerous.
13 有報信的人來到達味前說:「以色列人的心都歸向阿貝沙隆了」。
And there came a messenger to David, saying, the heart of the men of Israel is gone after Abessalom.
14 達味就對所有跟他在耶路撒冷的臣僕說:「我們趕快逃跑,不然,我們就來不及逃避阿貝沙隆了。你們趕快上路,免得他忽然趕到,殘害我們,用刀屠殺全城的人」。
And David said to all his servants who were with him in Jerusalem, Rise, and let us flee, for we have no refuge from Abessalom: make haste and go, lest he overtake us speedily, and bring evil upon us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword.
15 王的臣僕向君王說:「凡我主大王所決定的,你的臣僕必都照辦」。
And the king's servants said to the king, In all things which our lord the king chooses, behold [we are] your servants.
16 君王帶著全家徒步出走,只留下十個嬪妃看守王宮。
And the king and all his house went out on foot: and the king left ten women of his concubines to keep the house.
17 君王徒步前行,他的軍民都跟著他;到了最後的住宅區,君王站住了。
And the king and all his servants went out on foot; and abode in a distant house.
18 所有的軍民都由他身邊走過,所有的革勒提人和培肋提人,還有從加特跟隨依泰來的六百人,也都由君王面前過去。
And all his servants passed on by his side, and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and they stood by the olive tree in the wilderness: and all the people marched near him, and all his court, and all the men of might, and all the men of war, six hundred: and they were present at his side: and every Chelethite, and every Phelethite, and all the six hundred Gittites that came on foot out of Geth, and they went on before the king.
19 君王逐向加特人依泰說:「你m口我們一起出走﹖你回去協同新王國吧! 因為你是個離鄉背井的,流徙在外的僑民。
And the king said to Ethi, the Gittite, Why do you also go with us? return, and dwell with the king, for you are a stranger, and you has come forth as a sojourner out of your place.
20 你昨天來了,今天我就要你同我們一起漂流嗎﹖我還不知道我要往哪裏去﹖你領著你的兄弟們一起回去吧! 願上主仁慈忠誠對待你! 」
Whereas you came yesterday, shall I today cause you to travel with us, and shall you [thus] change your place? you did come forth yesterday, and today shall I set you in motion to go along with us? I indeed will go wherever I may go: return then, and cause your brethren to return with you, and may the Lord deal mercifully and truly with you.
21 依泰回答君王說:「上主永在! 我主大王萬歲! 在我主大王所在的地方,無論生死,你的僕人也必在那裏! 」
And Ethi answered the king and said, [As] the Lord lives and as my lord the king lives, in the place wherever my lord shall be, whether it be for death or life, there shall your servant be.
22 達味向依泰說:「好,你過去吧! 」加特人依泰與他率領的人民,和他全家也都過去了。
And the king said to Ethi, Come and pass over with me. So Ethi the Gittite and the king passed over, and all his servants, and all the multitude with him.
23 人民過去時,遍地一片哭聲;君王停在克德龍谷中,人民在他面前過去,向曠野的路上走去。
And all the country wept with a loud voice. And all the people passed by over the brook of Kedron; and the king crossed the brook Kedron: and all the people and the king passed on towards the way of the wilderness.
24 匝多克和所有的肋未人抬著天主的結約之櫃來了,他們把天主的約櫃放在厄貝雅塔爾面前,等由城中出來的人民全都走過。
And behold also Sadoc, and all the Levites were with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord from Baethar: and they set down the ark of God; and Abiathar went up, until all the people had passed out of the city.
25 君王對匝多克說:「你將天主的約櫃抬回城去,放在原處! 若我在上主眼中蒙恩,衪必會領我回來,再能見約櫃和衪的聖所。
And the king said to Sadoc, Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I should find favour in the eyes of the Lord, then will he bring me back, and he will show me it and its beauty.
26 但若上主說:我不喜歡你,看,我在這裏,衪看著怎樣好,就怎樣處置 吧! 」
But if he should say thus, I have no pleasure in you; behold, [here] I am, let him do to me according to that which is good in his eyes.
27 君王又向匝多克司祭「看,你 和厄貝雅塔爾可以平安回城,你的兒子阿希瑪茲和厄貝雅塔爾的兒子約納堂,你們的兩個兒子,也應隨你們回去。
And the king said to Sadoc the priest, Behold, you shall return to the city in peace, and Achimaas your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar, your two sons with you.
28 我願在曠野中的渡口暫並住下,等侯你們來給我報告消息」。
Behold, I continue in arms in Araboth of the desert, until there come tidings from you to report to me.
29 匝多克和厄貝雅塔爾抬著天主的約櫃回了耶路撒冷,且住在那裏。
So Sadoc and Abiathar brought back the ark of the Lord to Jerusalem, and it continued there.
30 以後,達味上了橄欖山:一邊上,一邊哭,蒙著頭赤著腳;隨著人民也都蒙著頭,哭著上山。
And David went up by the ascent of [the mount of] Olives, ascending and weeping, and had his head covered, and went barefooted: and all the people that were with him covered [every] man his head; and they went up, ascending and weeping.
31 忽有人報告達味說:「阿希托費耳也跟隨了阿貝沙隆,雜在叛黨中」。 根遂說:「上主,我求你使阿希托費耳的計謀轉為愚策」。
And it was reported to David, saying, Achitophel also [is] amongst the conspirators with Abessalom. And David said, O Lord my God, disconcert, I pray you, the counsel of Achitophel.
32 達味一到了山頂,敬拜天主的地方,見他的朋友阿爾基人胡瑟穿著撕裂的衣服,頭上頂灰,出來迎接他。
And David came as far as Ros, where he worshipped God: and behold, Chusi the chief friend of David came out to meet him, having tore his garment, and earth [was] upon his head.
33 達味向他說:「你若跟隨 ,為我反是負擔;
And David said to him, If you should go over with me, then will you be a burden to me;
34 但你若回去,向阿貝沙隆說:大王,我願作你的僕人,先我是你父親的人,如今我作你的僕人;這樣你反能為我破壞阿希托費耳的計謀。
but if you shall return to the city, and shall say to Abessalom, Your brethren are passed over, and the king your father is passed over after me: and now I am your servant, O king, suffer me to live: at one time even of late I was the servant of your father, and now I [am] your humble servant—so shall you disconcert for me, the counsel of Achitophel.
35 在那裏同你一起的,還有司祭匝多克和厄貝雅塔爾司祭。
And, behold, [there are] there with you Sadoc and Abiathar the priests; and it shall be that every word that you shall hear of the house of the king, you shall report it to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests.
36 與他們在一起的,還有他們的兩個兒子,匝多克的兒子阿希瑪茲和厄貝雅塔爾的兒子約納堂,託他們把你們所聽到的傳報給我」。
Behold, [there are] there with them their two sons, Achimaas the son of Sadoc, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar; and by them you shall report to me every word which you shall hear.
37 達味的朋友胡瑟就回了城,同時也到了耶路撒冷。
So Chusi the friend of David went into the city, and Abessalom was lately gone into Jerusalem.

< 撒母耳記下 15 >