< 列王紀下 14 >

1 以色列王約阿哈次的兒子耶曷阿士二年,約阿士的兒子阿瑪責雅登極為猶大王。
in/on/with year two to/for Joash son: child Joahaz king Israel to reign Amaziah son: child Joash king Judah
2 他登極時二十五歲,在耶路撒冷作王,凡二十九年;他的母親名叫約阿當,是耶路撒冷人。
son: aged twenty and five year to be in/on/with to reign he and twenty and nine year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his (Jehoaddan *Q(K)*) from Jerusalem
3 他行了上主視為正義的事,只是不如他的祖先達味,事事仿效他父親約阿士,
and to make: do [the] upright in/on/with eye: appearance LORD except not like/as David father his like/as all which to make: do Joash father his to make: do
4 只是沒有廢除高丘,人民仍在高丘上焚香獻祭。
except [the] high place not to turn aside: remove still [the] people to sacrifice and to offer: offer in/on/with high place
5 及至王權已掌握在他手中之後,即將弒殺他父王的那些臣僕殺掉;
and to be like/as as which to strengthen: hold [the] kingdom in/on/with hand: power his and to smite [obj] servant/slave his [the] to smite [obj] [the] king father his
6 但沒有處死兇手們的子女,因為照梅瑟法律書上的記載,上主曾吩咐說:「不可為兒子的罪處死父親,亦不可為父親的罪處死兒子;每人只應因自己的罪而死。」
and [obj] son: child [the] to smite not to die like/as to write in/on/with scroll: book instruction Moses which to command LORD to/for to say not to die father upon son: child and son: child not to die upon father that if: except if: except man: anyone in/on/with sin his (to die *Q(K)*)
7 阿瑪責雅在鹽谷擊殺了一萬厄東人,一戰而攻佔了色拉,改名叫約刻特耳,直到今日。猶大向以色列宣戰。
he/she/it to smite [obj] Edom in/on/with (Salt) Valley ((Valley of) Salt *Q(K)*) ten thousand and to capture [obj] [the] Sela in/on/with battle and to call: call by [obj] name her Joktheel till [the] day: today [the] this
8 那時,阿瑪責雅派遣使者去見以色列王耶胡的孫子,約阿哈次的兒子耶曷阿士說:「來,讓我們見個高低! 」
then to send: depart Amaziah messenger to(wards) Jehoash son: child Jehoahaz son: child Jehu king Israel to/for to say to go: come! [emph?] to see: see face
9 以色列王耶曷阿士派人去對猶大王阿瑪責雅說:「黎巴嫩的荊棘派使者對黎巴嫩的香柏說:將你的女兒嫁給我的兒子為妻! 然而有一隻黎巴嫩的野獸經過,將這棵荊棘踐踏了。
and to send: depart Jehoash king Israel to(wards) Amaziah king Judah to/for to say [the] thistle which in/on/with Lebanon to send: depart to(wards) [the] cedar which in/on/with Lebanon to/for to say to give: give(marriage) [emph?] [obj] daughter your to/for son: child my to/for woman: wife and to pass living thing [the] land: wildlife which in/on/with Lebanon and to trample [obj] [the] thistle
10 你打敗了厄東,就心高氣傲嗎﹖你安居家中引以為榮好了,又何必惹禍,使你和猶大一同喪亡﹖」
to smite to smite [obj] Edom and to lift: enthuse you heart your to honor: honour and to dwell in/on/with house: home your and to/for what? to stir up in/on/with distress: harm and to fall: kill you(m. s.) and Judah with you
11 但是,阿瑪責雅不肯聽從,於是以色列王耶曷阿士就上來,在猶大的貝特舍默士與猶大王阿瑪責雅相見了。
and not to hear: hear Amaziah and to ascend: rise Jehoash king Israel and to see: see face he/she/it and Amaziah king Judah in/on/with Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh which to/for Judah
12 猶大為以色列擊敗,各自逃回帳幕去了。
and to strike Judah to/for face: before Israel and to flee man: anyone (to/for tent: home his *Q(K)*)
13 以色列王耶曷阿士在貝特舍默士生擒了阿哈齊雅的孫子,約阿士的兒子猶大王阿瑪責雅,帶到耶路撒冷,將耶路撒冷的城牆,從厄弗辣因門到「角門,」拆了一個缺口,共四百肘;
and [obj] Amaziah king Judah son: child Jehoash son: child Ahaziah to capture Jehoash king Israel in/on/with Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh (and to come (in): come *Q(K)*) Jerusalem and to break through in/on/with wall Jerusalem in/on/with gate Ephraim (Gate) till gate [the] Corner (Gate) four hundred cubit
14 又將上主殿內和王宮府庫裡所有的金銀和一切器皿,都拿了去,並帶了人質回撒瑪黎雅。
and to take: take [obj] all [the] gold and [the] silver: money and [obj] all [the] article/utensil [the] to find house: temple LORD and in/on/with treasure house: home [the] king and [obj] son: type of [the] security and to return: return Samaria [to]
15 耶曷阿士所行的其他事蹟,及他與猶大王阿瑪責雅交戰時所表現的英勇,都記載在以色列列王實錄上。
and remainder word: deed Jehoash which to make: do and might his and which to fight with Amaziah king Judah not they(masc.) to write upon scroll: book Chronicles [the] day to/for king Israel
16 耶曷阿士與列祖同眠,與以色列列王同葬在撒瑪黎雅。他的兒子雅洛貝罕繼位為王。
and to lie down: be dead Jehoash with father his and to bury in/on/with Samaria with king Israel and to reign Jeroboam son: child his underneath: instead him
17 以色列王約阿哈次的兒子耶曷阿士死後,猶大王約阿士的兒子阿瑪責雅,還活了十五年。
and to live Amaziah son: child Joash king Judah after death Jehoash son: child Jehoahaz king Israel five ten year
18 阿瑪責雅其餘的事蹟,都記載在猶大列王實錄上。
and remainder word: deed Amaziah not they(masc.) to write upon scroll: book Chronicles [the] day to/for king Judah
19 在耶路撒冷有人結黨反抗他,他即逃往拉基士,但是叛黨派人追到拉基士,在那裡將他殺死,
and to conspire upon him conspiracy in/on/with Jerusalem and to flee Lachish [to] and to send: depart after him Lachish [to] and to die him there
20 將屍體用馬馱回,葬在耶路撒冷達味城,與他的祖先埋在一起。
and to lift: bear [obj] him upon [the] horse and to bury in/on/with Jerusalem with father his in/on/with city David
21 全猶大人民遂選立了十六歲的阿匝黎雅,繼他父親阿瑪責雅為王。
and to take: take all people Judah [obj] Azariah and he/she/it son: aged six ten year and to reign [obj] him underneath: instead father his Amaziah
22 在阿瑪責雅王與他的祖先同眠以後,阿匝黎雅將厄拉特收回仍歸猶大,加以重建。
he/she/it to build [obj] Elath and to return: rescue her to/for Judah after to lie down: be dead [the] king with father his
23 猶大王約阿士的兒子阿瑪責雅十五年,以色列王耶曷阿士的兒子雅洛貝罕,在撒瑪黎雅登極為王,在位凡四十一年。
in/on/with year five ten year to/for Amaziah son: child Joash king Judah to reign Jeroboam son: child Joash king Israel in/on/with Samaria forty and one year
24 他行了上主視為惡的事,沒有離開乃巴特的兒子雅洛貝罕,使以色列陷於罪惡的種種罪惡。
and to make: do [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye: seeing LORD not to turn aside: depart from all sin Jeroboam son: child Nebat which to sin [obj] Israel
25 他收復了以色列邊境的疆域,從哈瑪特渡口直到阿辣巴海,正如上主以色列的天主,藉他僕人加特赫斐爾人阿米泰的兒子約納所說的話。
he/she/it to return: rescue [obj] border: boundary Israel from Lebo Hamath till sea [the] (Sea of) the Arabah like/as word LORD God Israel which to speak: speak in/on/with hand: by servant/slave his Jonah son: child Amittai [the] prophet which from Gath-hepher [the] Gath-hepher
26 因為上主看見了以色列遭受壓迫,極其痛苦;無論是自由的或不自由的,都沒有了;也沒有人援助以色列。
for to see: see LORD [obj] affliction Israel to rebel much and end to restrain and end to leave: release and nothing to help to/for Israel
27 然而上主並沒有意思,要從天下除去以色列的名字,因此,藉耶曷阿士的兒子雅洛貝罕拯救了他們。
and not to speak: speak LORD to/for to wipe [obj] name Israel from underneath: under [the] heaven and to save them in/on/with hand: power Jeroboam son: child Joash
28 雅洛貝罕其餘的事蹟,他行的一切,他交戰時的英勇,以及他如何的攻下了大馬士革和收復了哈瑪特重歸於以色列,都記載在以色列列王實錄上。
and remainder word: deed Jeroboam and all which to make: do and might his which to fight and which to return: rescue [obj] Damascus and [obj] Hamath to/for Judah in/on/with Israel not they(masc.) to write upon scroll: book Chronicles [the] day to/for king Israel
29 雅洛貝罕與祖先以色列列王同眠後,他的兒子則加黎雅繼位為王。
and to lie down: be dead Jeroboam with father his with king Israel and to reign Zechariah son: child his underneath: instead him

< 列王紀下 14 >