< 哥林多後書 11 >
1 不得你們容忍我一點狂妄! 其實你們也應容忍我,
I could wish that you would tolerate a little folly in me! But indeed you do tolerate me.
2 因為我是以天主的嫉妒,妒愛你們。原來我已把你們許配給一個丈夫,把你們當作貞潔的童女獻給了基督。
I am jealous over you with the jealousy of God. For I promised you in marriage as a pure bride, to one husband – the Christ.
3 但我很怕你們的心意受到敗壞,失去那對基督所有的赤誠和貞潔,就像那蛇以狡滑誘感了厄娃一樣。
Yet I fear that it may turn out that, just as the snake by his craftiness deceived Eve, so your minds may have lost the loyalty and purity due from you to the Christ.
4 如果有人來給你們宣講另一個耶穌,不是我們所宣講過的;或者你們領受另一神,不是你們所領受過的,你們竟然都容忍了,真好啊!
For, if some newcomer is proclaiming a Jesus other than him whom we proclaimed, or if you are receiving a Spirit different from the Spirit which you received, or a good news different from that which you welcomed, then you are marvelously tolerant!
I do not regard myself as in any way inferior to the most eminent apostles!
6 縱使我拙於言詞,卻不拙於知識,這是我們在各方面,在各事上,對你們所表現出來的。
Though I am no trained orator, yet I am not without knowledge; indeed we made this perfectly clear to you in every way.
7 難道我白白地給你們傳報天主的福音,屈卑我自己為使你們高升,就有了不是嗎﹖
Perhaps you say that I did wrong in humbling myself that you might be exalted – I mean because I told you God’s good news without payment.
8 我剝削了別的教會,取了酬資,為的是給你們服務啊!
I robbed other churches by taking pay from them, so that I might serve you!
9 當我在你們那裏時,雖受了匱乏,卻沒有連累過你們一個人,因為有從馬其頓來的弟兄們,補助了我的匱乏,我一直在各方面設法避免連累你們,將來還要如此。
And, when I was with you in need, I did not become a burden to any of you; for our friends, on coming from Macedonia, supplied my needs. I kept myself, and will keep myself from being an expense to you in any way.
10 基督的真理在我內,我敢說:我這種誇耀在阿哈雅地方是不會停止的。
As surely as I know anything of the truth of Christ, this boast, as far as I am concerned, will not be stopped in any part of Greece.
Why? Because I do not love you? God knows that I do!
12 我現今作的,將來還要作,為避免給與那些找機會的人一個機會,免得有人看出他們在所誇耀的事上也跟我們一樣,
What I am doing now I will continue to do in order to cut away the ground from under those who are wishing for some ground for attacking me, so that as regards the thing of which they boast they may appear in their true characters, just as we do.
13 因為這種人是假宗徒,是欺詐的工人,是冒充基督宗徒的。
Such people are false apostles, treacherous workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ!
And no wonder; for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
15 所以倘若他的僕役也冒充正義的僕役,並不算是大事;他們的結局必與他們的行為相對等。
It is not surprising, therefore, if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. But their end will be in accordance with their actions.
16 我再說:誰也不要以為我是狂妄的,苦不然,你們就以為狂妄看待罷! 好叫我也稍微誇耀一下。
I say again – Let no one think me a fool! Yet, if you do, at least welcome me as you would a fool, so that I, too may indulge in a little boasting.
17 我在這誇耀事上所要說的,不是按照主說的,而是如同在狂妄中說的。
When I speak like this, I am not speaking as the Master would, but as a fool might, in boasting so confidently.
As so many are boasting of earthly things, I, too, will boast.
19 因為像你們那樣明智的人,竟也甘心容忍了那些狂妄的人!
For all your cleverness, you tolerate fools willingly enough!
20 因為若有人奴役你們,若有人侵吞,若有人榨取你們,若有人對你們傲慢,若有人打你們的臉,你們竟然都容忍了!
You tolerate a person even when they enslave you, when they plunder you, when they get you into their power, when they put on airs of superiority, when they strike you in the face!
21 我慚愧的在這方面好像我們太軟弱了! 其實,若有人在什麼事上敢誇耀,我狂妄地說:我也敢。
I admit, to my shame, that we have been weak. But whatever the subject on which others are not afraid to boast – though it is foolish to say so – I am not afraid either!
22 他們是希伯來人﹖我也是。是亞巴郎的曲裔﹖我也是。
Are they Hebrews? So am I! Are they Israelites? So am I! Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I!
23 他們是基督的僕役﹖我瘋狂地說:我更是。論勞碌,我更多;論監獄,更頻繁;論拷打,過了量;冒死亡,是常事。
Are they ‘Servants of Christ’? Though it is madness to talk like this, I am more so than they! I have had more of toil, more of imprisonment! I have been flogged times without number. I have been often at death’s door.
Five times I received at the hands of my own people forty lashes, all but one.
25 受扙擊三次;被石擊一次;遭翻船三次;在深海裏度過了一日一夜,
Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. I have spent a whole day and night in the deep.
26 又多次行路,遭遇江河的危險,盜賊的危險,由同族來的危險,由外邦人來的危險,城 中來的危險,曠野裏的危險,海洋上的危險,假弟兄中的危險;
My journeys have been many. I have been through dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own people, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in towns, dangers in the country, dangers on the sea, dangers among people pretending to be followers of the Lord.
27 勞碌辛苦,屢不得眠;忍饑受渴,屢不得食;忍受寒冷,赤身裸體;
I have been through toil and hardship. I have passed many a sleepless night; I have endured hunger and thirst; I have often been without food; I have known cold and nakedness.
28 除了其餘的事以外,還有我每日的繁務,對眾教會的掛慮。
And, not to speak of other things, there is my daily burden of anxiety about all the churches.
Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led astray without my burning with indignation?
If I must boast, I will boast of things which show my weakness!
31 主耶穌的天主和父,那應受頌揚於永遠的,知道我不撒謊。 (aiōn )
The God and Father of the Lord Jesus – he who is for ever blessed – knows that I am speaking the truth. (aiōn )
32 我在大馬士革時,阿勒達王的總督把守了大馬士革人的城,要逮捕我,
When I was in Damascus, the Governor under King Aretas had the gates of that city guarded, so as to arrest me,
33 而我竟疲人用籃子從窗口沿著城牆繫下,逃脫了他的手。
but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and so escaped his hands.