< 哥林多後書 1 >

1 因天主的旨意,做基督耶穌宗徒的保祿和弟茂德弟兄,致書於格林多天主的教會和在全阿哈雅的眾位聖徒:
PAUL a legate of Jesus the Messiah, by the good pleasure of God; and Timothy a brother; to the church of God that is at Corinth, and to all the saints that are in all Achaia.
2 願恩寵及平安由我們的父天主,和耶穌基督賜給你們!
Grace be with you, and peace, from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
3 願我們的主耶穌基督的天主和父,仁慈的父和施與各種安慰的天主受讚揚,
Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation;
4 是衪在我們各種磨難中,常安慰我們,為使我們能以自己由天主所親受安慰,去安慰那些在各種因難中的人。
who comforteth us in all our afflictions, that we also might be able to comfort those who are in all afflictions, with the consolation wherewith we are comforted by God.
5 因為基督所受的苦難,加於我們身上的越多,我們藉著基督,得所的安慰也越多。
For, as the sufferings of the Messiah abound in us, so also our consolation aboundeth by the Messiah.
6 我們如果受磨難,那是為叫你們受安慰與得救;我們如果受安慰,那也是為叫你們受安慰;這安慰足以能使你們堅忍那我們所受的同樣苦難。
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and for your life that we are afflicted; or whether we be comforted, it is, that ye may be comforted; and that there may be in you an eagerness, wherewith ye may endure those sufferings which we also suffer.
7 為此,我們對你們所懷的希望是不移的,因為我們知道:你們怎樣分受了痛苦,他要怎樣同享安慰。
And our hope concerning you is steadfast: for we know, that if ye partake of the sufferings, ye will also partake of the consolation.
8 弟兄們,我們深願你們知道,我們在亞細亞所的磨難:我們受到了非人力所能忍受的重壓,甚至連活的希望也沒有了;
But, my brethren, we wish you to know, respecting the affliction that was upon us in Asia, that we were afflicted exceedingly, beyond our strength, insomuch that our life was ready to terminate.
9 而且我們自己也認為必死無疑,這是為叫我們不要倚靠自己,而倚靠只那使死人復活的天主。
And we passed a sentence of death upon ourselves, that our confidence might not be in ourselves, but in God, who raiseth up the dead;
10 衪由這麼多的死亡危險中救了我們,而令仍在施救,我們切薶將來還要施救,
who rescued us from imminent death: and we hope that he will again rescue us,
11 只要你們以祈禱協助我們;這樣因有許多人為我們求得恩賜,好使將來也有許多人替我們感恩。
by the aid of your prayers in our behalf; so that his gift to us may be a favor done for the sake of many, and many may praise him on our account.
12 我們認為光榮的事,就是有我們的良心作證:我們處世是本著由天主而來的直爽與真誠,並不是本著本性的智慧,而是本著天主的恩寵;對於你們尤其如此,
For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and purity, and by the grace of God, and not in the wisdom of the flesh, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially towards you.
13 因為我們給你們所寫的,無非是你們所能郎誦,所能瞭解的。我盻望你們能完全瞭解我們,
We write no other things unto you, than those which ye know and acknowledge. And I trust, ye will acknowledge them to the end:
14 就如你們對我們已有了幾分瞭解,好在我們的主耶穌的日子上,我們是你們的誇耀,而你們也是我們的誇耀。
as ye have also partially acknowledged that we are your rejoicing, as ye also are ours, in the day of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
15 懷著這種信念,我原先有意到你們那裏去,為使你們獲得第二次的恩惠,
And in this confidence, I was before disposed to come to you, that ye might receive the grace doubly;
16 並經過你們那裏到馬其頓,再由馬其頓回到你們那裏,然後由你們送我往猶太去。
and to pass by you into Macedonia, and again to come to you from Macedonia, and so ye would accompany me to Judaea.
17 那麼,我懷著這種意思,難道是我行事輕浮嗎﹖或者我定主意,是隨感情定的,以致在我內有「是」而又「非「嗎﹖
When therefore I thus purposed, did I purpose as one inconsiderate? Or, were the things I purposed, things of the flesh; so that there should be in them Yes, yes, and No, no?
18 天主是忠實的,我們對你們所說火話,並不是「是」而又「非」的,
God is the witness, that our word to you was not Yes and No.
19 因為藉我們,既藉我和息耳瓦諾同弟茂德,在你們中間所宣講的天主子耶穌基督,並不是「是」而又「非」的,在衪內只有一個「是」
For the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah, who was preached to you by us, namely, by me, by Sylvanus, and by Timotheus, was not Yes and No; but it was Yes in him.
20 因為天主的一切恩許,在衪內都成了「是」,為此也藉著衪,我們才答應「阿們」,使光榮藉我們歸於天主。
For all the promises of God in him, the Messiah, are Yes; for which cause, we through him give our Amen, to the glory of God.
21 那堅固我們和你們在基督內的,並給我們傳油的,就是天主;
Now it is God who establisheth us, with you, in the Messiah, and hath anointed us,
22 衪在我們身上蓋了印,並在我們心裡賜下聖神作為抵押。
and hath sealed us, and hath given the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts.
23 我指著我的性命呼號天主作證:我沒有再到格林多去,是為了顧惜你們。
Moreover, I call God for a witness on my soul, that it was in order to spare you, that I came not to Corinth.
24 這並不是說:在信仰方面我們願管制你們,而是說:我們願作你們喜樂的合作者,因為你們在信仰上已站穩了。
Not that we are lords over your faith, but we are helpers of your joy; for it is by faith ye stand.

< 哥林多後書 1 >