< 歷代志下 24 >
1 [約阿士為王]約阿士即位時纔七歲;在耶路撒冷作王凡四十年;他的母親名叫漆彼雅,是貝爾舍巴人。
Joas was seven years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Sabia of Bersabee.
2 大司祭約雅達在生之日,約阿士行了上主視為正義的事。
And Joas did that which right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jodae the priest.
3 約雅達為他娶了兩個妻子,且生了子女。[重修聖殿]
And Jodae took to himself two wives, and they bore sons and daughters.
And it came to pass afterward that it came into the heart of Joas to repair the house of the Lord.
5 便召集司祭和肋未人來,吩咐他們說:「你們往猶大各城去,向全以色列人捐錢,按每年需要,修補你們天主的殿;你們應急速辦理此事。」但是肋未人沒有趕緊辦理。
And he gathered the priests and the Levites, and said to them, Go out into the cities of Juda, and collect money of all Israel to repair the house of the Lord from year to year, and make haste to speak [of it]. But the Levites hasted not.
6 君王遂將大司祭約雅達召來,對他說:「你為什麼不勒令肋未人在猶大和耶路撒冷捐款,像上主的僕人梅瑟為作證的會幕,巷以色列會眾徵收﹖」
And king Joas called Jodae the chief, and said to him, Why hast thou not looked after the Levites, so that they should bring from Juda and Jerusalem that which was prescribed by Moses the man of God, when he assembled Israel at the tabernacle of witness?
7 原來,惡婦阿塔里雅和附合他的人使上主的殿失修,且將上主殿內的捐獻都用於巴耳。
For Gotholia was a transgressor, and her sons tore down the house of God; for they offered the holy things of the house of the Lord to Baalim.
And the king said, Let a box be made, and let it be put at the gate of the house of the Lord without.
9 並在猶大和耶路撒冷發出通告,要人為上主捐款,像天主的僕人梅瑟在曠野曾向以色列徵收捐款一樣。
And let [men] proclaim in Juda an in Jerusalem, that [the people] should bring to the Lord, as Moses the servant of God spoke concerning Israel in the wilderness.
10 眾首領和全民眾都很高興來捐獻,將錢投入箱內,直到投滿。
And all the princes and all the people gave, and brought in, and cast into the box until it was filled.
11 當肋未人將錢箱抬到君王的有司那裏時,見稅錢很多,遂請君王的書記和大司祭的屬員前來,將錢箱倒空,然後拿去放在原處;天天如此,所以收集了很多的錢。
And it came to pass, when they brought in the box to the officers of the king by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that the money was more than sufficient, then came the king's scribe, and the officer of the high priest, and emptied the box, and restored it to its place. Thus they did day by day, and collected much money.
12 君王和約雅達便將錢交給主管上主殿的人,雇用石工和木工,招請鐵匠和銅匠,修理上主的殿宇。
And the king and Jodae the priest gave it to the workmen employed in the service of the house of the Lord, and they hired masons and carpenters to repair the house of the Lord, also smiths and braziers to repair the house of the Lord.
13 工匠都勤於工作,修葺的工作在他們手下日有進展,竟將天主的殿修理得與先前一樣,而且異常堅固。
And the workmen wrought, and the works prospered in their hands, and they established the house of the Lord on its foundation, and strengthened [it].
14 他們完工以後,將剩下的錢,送到君王和約雅達那裏;他們遂叫人用來製造上主殿內的傢俱,為禮儀和全燔祭用得器皿、香盤以及各種金銀器皿。約雅達有生之日,在上主的殿內,時時有人奉獻全燔祭。[約阿士變節]
And when they had finished [it], they brought to the king and to Jodae the remainder of the money, and they made vessels for the house of the Lord, vessels of service for whole-burnt-offerings, and gold and silver [censers]: and they offered up whole-burnt-offerings in the house of the Lord continually all the days of Jodae.
15 約雅達逝世時,年紀已很老;死時享年一百三十歲,
And Jodae grew old, being full of days, and he died, being a hundred and thirty years old at his death.
16 與列王同葬在達味城,因為他在以色列對天主和天主的殿立了大功。
And they buried him with the kings in the city of David, because he had dealt well with Israel, and with God and his house.
17 但在約雅達死後,猶大的首領前來朝覲君王,君王竟附和了他們的主意,
And it came to pass after the death of Jodae, [that] the princes of Juda went in, and did obeisance to the king. Then the king hearkened to them.
18 離棄了上主他們祖先天主的殿,去奉事阿舍辣和偶像。由於這個重罪,怒降到了猶大和耶路撒冷
And they forsook the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and served the Astartes and idols: and there was wrath upon Juda and Jerusalem in that day.
19 上主仍派先知來引導他們歸向上主,先知雖警告他們,無奈他們不肯聽從。
yet he sent prophets to them, to turn them to the Lord; but they hearkened not: and he testified to them, but they obeyed not.
20 天主的神充滿在大司祭約雅達的兒子則加黎雅身上,他便站在民眾面前,對他們說:「天主這樣說:你們為什麼違犯上主的誡命,招致不利呢﹖因為你們拋棄了上主,他也要拋棄你們。」
And the Spirit of God came upon Azarias the son of Jodae the priest, and he stood up above the people, and said, Thus saith the Lord, Why do ye transgress the commandments of the Lord? so shall ye not prosper; for ye have forsaken the Lord, and he will forsake you.
21 民眾都想殺害他,遂按君王的命令,在上主殿的庭院裏,用石頭將他砸死了。
And they conspired against him, and stone him by command of king Joas in the court of the Lord's house.
22 這樣,約阿士絲毫未念及他父親約雅達對待自己的恩德,反而殺了他的兒子。則加黎雅臨死時喊說:「願上主鑒察,加以追究! 」[約阿士被殺]
So Joas remembered not the kindness which his father Jodae had exercised towards him, but slew his son. And as he died, he said, The Lord look upon [it], and judge.
23 次年歲首,阿蘭軍隊上來攻打約阿士,侵入了猶大和耶路撒冷,殺了民間所有的首領,將掠奪的戰利品送到大馬士革。
And it came to pass after the end of the year, [that] the host of Syria went up against him, and came against Juda and Jerusalem: and they slew all the chiefs of the people among the people, and all their spoils they sent to the king of Damascus.
24 阿蘭軍隊雖只來了一小隊人,但上主卻將一支龐大的軍隊交在他們手中,這是因為民眾離棄了上主,他們祖先的天主;如此阿蘭人懲罰了約阿士。
For the army of Syria came with few men, yet God gave into their hands a very large army, because they had forsaken the God of their fathers; and he brought judgments on Joas.
25 當他們離開約阿士時,約阿士正患重病,他的臣僕造反背叛了他,為報大司祭約雅達的兒子的血仇,將他打死在床上;他死後,葬在達味城,但沒有埋在王陵內。
And after they had departed from him, when they had left him in sore diseases, then his servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of Jodae the priest, and slew him on his bed, and he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchre of the kings.
26 造反背叛他的是阿孟女人史默阿特的兒子匝巴得,和摩阿布女人史默黎特的兒子約匝巴得。
And they that conspired against him were Zabed the son of Samaath the Ammanite, and Jozabed the son of Samareth the Moabite.
27 至於約阿士的兒子,以及他所受的種種警戒,和重修天主殿宇的事,都記載在列王傳記上。他的兒子阿瑪責雅繼位為王。
And all his sons, and the five came to him: and the other [matters], behold, they are written in the book of the kings. And Amasias his son reigned in his stead.