< 歷代志下 15 >
1 [阿匝黎雅的預言]那時,天主的神感動了敖德得的兒子阿匝黎雅,
And the Spirit of God has been on Azariah son of Oded,
2 他便出來迎接阿撒,對他說:「阿撒,全猶大和本雅明人,請聽我的話:幾時你們與上主同在,上主也與你們同在;如果你們尋求他,他必讓你們尋到;但如果你們離棄他,他必離棄你們。
and he goes out before Asa and says to him, “Hear me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; YHWH [is] with you—in your being with Him, and if you seek Him, He is found by you, and if you forsake Him, He forsakes you;
3 將有一段長時期,以色列沒有真天主,沒有教導的司祭,也沒有法律;
and many days [are] to Israel without [the] true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law,
4 但他們在遭離期間,必回心歸向上主,以色列的天主,必尋求他,他必讓他們尋到。
and it turns back in its distress to YHWH, God of Israel, and they seek Him, and He is found by them,
5 在那時期內,出入的人,都必得不到平安,各地所有的居民,必要遭受很大的混亂:
and in those times there is no peace for him who is going out, and for him who is coming in, for many troubles [are] on all the inhabitants of the lands,
6 這族攻擊那族,這城攻擊那城,因為天主必用種種災禍難為他們。
and they have been beaten down, nation by nation, and city by city, for God has troubled them with every adversity;
7 至於你們,你們應當堅強,你們的手不要發軟,因為你們的作為必獲得賞報。」[阿撒的宗教改革]
and you, be strong, and do not let your hands be feeble, for there is a reward for your work.”
8 阿撒一聽見這些話和預言,便壯了膽,將在猶大和本雅明全境,以及在厄弗辣因山地所佔領的各城內的可憎之物,一概除掉,重修上主門廊前的上主的祭壇,
And at Asa’s hearing these words, and the prophecy of Oded the prophet, he has strengthened himself, and causes the abominations to pass away out of all the land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities that he has captured from the hill-country of Ephraim, and renews the altar of YHWH that [is] before the porch of YHWH,
9 又召集了猶大和本雅明全民眾,以及在他們中間寄居的厄弗辣因人、默納協人和西默盎人,─因為有許多人由以色列來投奔阿撒,因為他們看見上主,他的天主是與他同在。
and gathers all Judah and Benjamin, and the sojourners with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon—for they have defected to him from Israel in abundance, in their seeing that his God YHWH [is] with him.
And they are gathered to Jerusalem in the third month of the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa,
11 當天由所擄獲的戰利品,取出了七百頭牛,七千隻羊,祭獻給上主,
and sacrifice to YHWH on that day from the spoil they have brought in—seven hundred oxen and seven thousand sheep,
12 結盟立約,要全心全意尋求上主,他們祖先的天主;
and they enter into a covenant to seek YHWH, God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul,
13 凡不尋求上主以色列天主的,不分老幼,不分男女,一律處死。
and everyone who does not seek for YHWH, God of Israel, is put to death, from small to great, from man to woman.
And they swear to YHWH with a loud voice, and with shouting, and with trumpets, and with horns,
15 全猶大人發了這誓,都非常高興,因為他們是全心起誓,全意尋求上主;因此上主也為他們所尋見,並使他們四境安寧。
and all Judah rejoices concerning the oath, for they have sworn with all their heart, and they have sought Him with all their goodwill, and He is found by them, and YHWH gives rest to them all around.
16 阿撒王廢除了他祖母瑪阿加作太后的權位,因為她給阿舍辣立了可恥的柱像;阿撒將柱像砍倒,打得粉碎,在克德龍谷焚燬,
And also Maachah, mother of Asa the king—he has removed her from [being] mistress, in that she has made for an Asherah a horrible thing, and Asa cuts down her horrible thing, and beats [it] small, and burns [it] by the Brook of Kidron:
17 只有以色列的高丘沒有廢除;阿撒的心一生總是純全的。
yet the high places have not been removed from Israel; only, the heart of Asa has been perfect all his days.
18 他又將他父親和他自己所獻的金銀並器具,送入天主的殿內。
And he brings in the sanctified things of his father, and his own sanctified things, to the house of God: silver, and gold, and vessels.
And war has not been until the thirty-fifth year of the reign of Asa.