< 撒母耳記上 5 >
1 培肋舍特人劫走了天主的約櫃,從厄本厄則爾運到阿市多得,
And [the] Philistines they took [the] ark of God and they brought it from Eben-ezer Ashdod towards.
And they took [the] Philistines [the] ark of God and they brought it [the] house of Dagon and they placed it beside Dagon.
3 第二天清早,阿市多得人起來,見達貢傾倒了,在上主的約櫃面前,俯伏在地;他們把達貢豎起安置在原處。
And they rose early [the] Ashdodites from [the] next day and there! Dagon [was] fallen to face its [the] ground towards before [the] ark of Yahweh and they took Dagon and they returned it to place its.
4 但第二天清早人們起來,見達貢又傾倒了,仍在上主的約櫃面前,俯伏在地,達貢的頭和雙手都斷在門檻上,只留下了他的魚身。──
And they rose early in the morning from [the] next day and there! Dagon [was] fallen to face its [the] ground towards before [the] ark of Yahweh and [the] head of Dagon and [the] two - [the] palms of hands its were cut off to the threshold only Dagon it remained on it.
5 因此,達貢的司祭和進達貢廟的人,都不敢踏阿市多得的廟的門檻,直到今天。
There-fore not they tread [the] priests of Dagon and all those [who] go [the] house of Dagon on [the] threshold of Dagon in Ashdod until the day this.
6 上主的手重重地壓制了阿市多得人,威嚇他們,使阿市多得和附近的人都生了毒瘡。
And it was heavy [the] hand of Yahweh against the Ashdodites and he devastated them and he struck them (with tumors *Q(K)*) Ashdod and territories its.
7 阿市多得人一見這樣,就說:「別讓以色列天主的約櫃留在我們這裏,因他的手重重地壓制了我們的神達貢。」
And they saw [the] people of Ashdod that so and they said not it will remain [the] ark of [the] God of Israel with us for it is hard hand his on us and on Dagon God our.
8 遂打發人召集了培肋舍特人所有的酋長來到他們那裏,向他們說:「對以色列天主的約櫃我們該怎麼辦﹖」他們就回答說:「把以色列天主的約櫃送到加特去! 」他們遂把以色列天主的約櫃送到加特去了。
And they sent and they gathered all [the] rulers of [the] Philistines to them and they said what? will we do to [the] ark of [the] God of Israel and they said Gath let it go round [the] ark of [the] God of Israel and they brought round [the] ark of [the] God of Israel.
9 他們把約櫃送去以後,上主的手又壓制那座城,使他們發生了很大的恐慌,因為上主打擊了城中的人,無論老幼,都患了毒瘡。
And it was after - they had brought round it and it was [the] hand of Yahweh - on the city panic great exceedingly and he struck [the] men of the city from young and unto [the] old and they broke out to them (tumors. *Q(K)*)
10 於是加特人又把天主的約櫃送到厄刻龍;天主的約櫃一到了厄刻龍,厄刻龍人就喊說:「人把以色列天主的約櫃送到我們這裏,是為殺害我們和我們的百姓! 」
And they sent [the] ark of God Ekron and it was when went [the] ark of God Ekron and they cried out the Ekronites saying they have brought round to me [the] ark of [the] God of Israel to kill me and people my.
11 遂立刻派人召集培肋舍特所有的酋長來,向他們說,「你們把以色列天主的約櫃送走,送回原處,免得殺害我們和我們的百姓。」因為全城的人死的太多了,天主的手重重地壓制了那地方。
And they sent and they gathered all [the] rulers of [the] Philistines and they said send away [the] ark of [the] God of Israel so may it return to own place its and not it will kill me and people my for it was panic of death in all the city it was heavy exceedingly [the] hand of God there.
12 凡沒有死的人,都患了毒瘡,因此城中哀號之聲,上達於天。
And the men who not they died they were struck (with the tumors *Q(K)*) and it went up [the] cry for help of the city the heavens.