< 撒母耳記上 25 >
1 撒烏耳死後,全以色列人集會,舉喪哀悼他,把他埋葬在他的故鄉辣瑪。以後,達味起身,下到瑪紅曠野。
Forsothe Samuel was deed; and al Israel was gaderid to gidere, and thei biweiliden hym greetly, and birieden hym in his hows in Ramatha. And Dauid roos, and yede doun in to deseert of Faran.
2 在瑪紅有個人,他的產業都在加爾默耳,是個很富的人,有綿羊三千,山羊一千。那時他正在爾默耳剪羊毛。
Forsothe a `man was in Maon, and his possessioun was in Carmele, and thilke man was ful greet, and thre thousynde scheep and a thousynde geet `weren to hym; and it bifelde that his flocke was clippid in Carmele.
3 這人名叫納巴耳,他的妻子名叫阿彼蓋耳;妻子聰慧美麗,丈夫卻是粗暴,行為惡劣,是加肋布族人。
Forsothe the name of that man was Nabal, and the name of his wijf was Abigail; and thilke womman was moost prudent and fair; forsothe hir hosebond was hard and ful wickid and malicious; sotheli he was of the kyn of Caleph.
Therfor whanne Dauid hadde herde in deseert, that Nabal clippide his floc,
5 就打發十五個少年人去,向他們說:「你們上加爾默耳去,去見納巴耳,代我向他請安,
he sente ten yonge men, and seide to hem, Stie ye in to Carmele, and ye schulen come to Nabal, and ye schulen grete hym of my name pesibli;
6 對他這樣說:你好! 望你平安,望你全家平安,也望你所有的一切平安!
and ye schulen seie thus, Pees be to my britheren and to thee, and pees be to thin hows, and pees be to alle thingis, `what euer thingis thou hast.
7 現今我聽說你正剪羊毛;你的牧童和我們在一起時,我們沒有難為過他們,他們住在加爾默耳的時候,從來沒有失落過什麼。
Y herde that thi scheepherdis, that weren with vs in deseert, clippiden thi flockis; we weren neuere diseseful to hem, nether ony tyme ony thing of the floc failide to hem, in al time in which thei weren with vs in Carmele;
8 你可問你的僕人,他們入會告訴你。為此,希望這些子年人在你眼蒙恩,因為我們正逢節日來到你這裏,請你把手中能給的東西,賜給你的僕人和你兒子達味」。
axe thi children, and thei schulen schewe to thee. Now therfor thi children fynde grace in thin iyen; for in a good dai we camen to thee; what euer thing thin hond fyndith, yyue to thi seruauntis, and to thi sone Dauid.
9 達味的少年人就到了納巴耳那裏,代達味把上述的話都給納巴耳說了,等待答覆。
And whanne the children of Dauid hadden come, thei spaken to Nabal alle these wordis in the name of Dauid, and helden pees.
10 納巴耳卻回答達味的少年人說:「達味是誰﹖葉瑟的兒子是什麼人﹖今天逃避主人的奴隸太多了!
Forsoth Nabal answeride to the children of Dauid, and seide, Who is Dauith? and who is the sone of Isai? To dai seruauntis encreesiden that fleen her lords.
11 難道要我把我的餅和水,為剪毛的人所預備的肉,拿來給那些我不知道是從哪裏來的人嗎﹖」
Therfor schal Y take my looues and my watris, and the fleischis of beestis, whiche Y haue slayn to my schereris, and schal Y yyue to men, whiche Y knowe not of whennus thei ben?
12 達味的少年人就原路回去,把這些話都給達味回報了。
Therfor the children of Dauid yeden ayen bi her weie; and thei turneden ayen, and camen, and telden to hym alle wordis whiche Nabal hadde seid.
13 達味就吩咐他的人說:「每人佩上刀! 」各人就佩上刀;約有四百人,跟達味上去,留下二百人看守輜重。
Thanne Dauid seide to hise children, Ech man be gird with his swerd. And alle men weren gird with her swerdis, and Dauid also was gird with his swerd; and as foure hundrid men sueden Dauid, forsothe two hundrid leften at the fardels.
14 有個納巴耳的僕人告訴納巴耳的妻子阿彼蓋耳說:「達味從曠野派來了使者向我們主人請安,他竟侮辱他們。
Forsothe oon of hise children telde to Abigail, wijf of Nabal, and seide, Lo! Dauid sente messangeris fro deseert, that thei schulden blesse oure lord, and he turnede hem awey;
15 那些人原來待我們很好,總沒有騷擾過我們;當我們在田野間同他們在一起時,總沒有失落過什麼。
these men weren good ynow, and not diseseful to vs, and no thing perischide `in ony tyme in al the tyme in which we lyueden with hem in deseert;
16 我們同他們一起放羊的時期內,不分畫夜,他們常作我們的護衛。
thei weren to vs for a wal, bothe in niyt and in dai, in alle daies in whiche we lesewiden flockis at hem.
17 現今,請妳恩量一下,看妳應作什麼,因為達味已決定要加害我們的主人和他的全家,而主人又脾氣暴燥,無法同他交談」。
Wherfor biholde thou, and thenke, what thou schalt do; for malice is fillid ayens thin hosebonde, and ayens `thin hows; and he is the sone of Belial, so that no man may speke to him.
18 阿彼蓋耳急忙拿了二百個餅,兩皮囊酒,五隻宰好的羊,五「色阿」炒過的麥子,一百串乾葡萄,二百無無花果糕餅,放在幾匹驢上,
Therfor Abigail hastide, and took two hundrid looues, and two vessels of wyn, and fyue whetheris sodun, and seuene buyschelis and an half of flour, and an hundrid bundles of dried grape, and two hundrid gobetis of dried figus; and puttide on assis,
19 對僕人說:「你們走在我前面,跟著你們去」。她並沒有將這事告訴她丈夫納巴耳。
and seide to hir children, Go ye bifor me; lo! Y schal sue you `aftir the bak. Forsothe sche schewide not to hir hosebonde Nabal.
20 她騎著驢,由山嶺後面上來,同時達味帶著他的人也向著她走來,與她相遇。
Therfor whanne sche hadde stied on the asse, and cam doun `at the roote of the hil, and Dauid and hise men camen doun in to the comyng `of hir; whiche also sche mette.
21 達味正思量說:「我白白地在曠野中保護了這些人的一切,使他所有的一點也未受損失,他竟對我以惡報德。
And Dauid seide, Verili in veyn Y haue kept alle thingis that weren of this Nabal in the deseert, and no thing perischide of alle thingis that perteyneden to hym, and he hath yolde to me yuel for good.
22 若我把這人的一切和所有的男人還存留到天亮,就望上主這樣懲罰我達味! 」
The Lord do these thingis, and adde these thingis to the enemyes of Dauid, if Y schal leeue of alle thingis that perteynen to him til the morewe a pisser to the wal.
23 阿彼蓋耳一看見達味,急速由驢上跳下,俯伏在達味前,屈膝下拜,
Sotheli whanne Abigail siy Dauid, sche hastide, and yede doun of the asse; and sche fel doun bifor Dauid on hir face, and worschipide on the erthe.
24 跪在達味足前說:「我主! 這過錯全歸於我,讓你的婢女向你進一言,請你垂聽你婢女的話。
And sche felde doun to hise feet, and seide, My lord the kyng, this wickydnesse be in me; Y biseche, speke thin handmayden in thin eeris, and here thou the wordis of thi seruauntesse;
25 請我主別將這人的事放在心上! 他脾氣急燥,是個糊塗人,他名叫「納巴耳」,真名實相符,他的確昏愚。至於我,你婢女卻沒有見我主派來的少年。
Y preie, my lord the kyng, sette not his herte on this wickid man Nabal, for bi his name he is a fool, and foli is with hym; but, my lord, Y thin handmayde siy not thi children, whiche thou sentist.
26 我主,我現今指著永生的上主和你起誓:是上主防止了你,不使你流人的血,也不使你親手報仇。從此,願你的仇敵和想加害我主人的人,都像納巴耳一樣!
Now therfor, my lord, the Lord lyueth, and thi soule lyueth, which Lord forbeed thee, lest thou schuldist come in to blood, and he sauede thi soule to thee; and now thin enemyes, and thei that seken yuel to my lord, be maad as Nabal.
27 現今,請你把你婢女給我主帶來的禮物,賞給隨從我主的僕人。
Wherfor resseyue thou this blessyng, which thin handmaide brouyte to thee, my lord, and yyue thou to the children that suen thee, my lord.
28 請你原諒你婢女的過錯! 的確,上主要給我主建立一堅固的王朝,因為我主打是上主的仗,並且,你一生也沒有什麼過錯。
Do thou awey the wickidnesse of thi seruauntesse; for the Lord makynge schal make a feithful hows to thee, my lord, for thou, my lord, fiytist the batels of the Lord; therfor malice be not foundun in thee in alle dais of thi lijf.
29 縱然有人起來迫害你的性命,但我主的生命是保存在上主,你的天主的錦囊中;至於你敵人的性命,上主卻用投石器將他們拋掉。
For if a man risith ony tyme, and pursueth thee, and sekith thi lijf, the lijf of my lord schal be kept as in a bundel of lyuynge trees, at thi Lord God; forsothe the soule of thin enemyes schal be hurlid round aboute as in feersnesse, and sercle of a slynge.
30 當上主對我主作了衪所說的一切好事,立你作以色列的元首時,
Therfor whanne the Lord hath do to thee, my lord, alle these goode thingis, whiche he spak of thee, and hath ordeyned thee duyk on Israel,
31 我主不將不會流了無辜者的向,或因親手雪恨,而感到心中不安,良心有愧。當上主恩待我主時,望你不要忘了你的婢女」。
this schal not be in to siyyng and in to doute of herte to thee, my lord, that thou hast sched out giltles blood, ether that thou hast vengid thee. And whanne the Lord hath do wel to thee, my lord, thou schalt haue mynde on thin handmaide, and thou schalt do wel to hir.
32 達味向阿彼蓋耳說:「上主,以色列的天主,是可讚頌的! 感謝衪今天派妳來迎接我。
And Dauid seide to Abigail, Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, that sente thee to dai in to my comyng, and blessid be thi speche;
33 妳的聰慧是可讚美的,妳也是可讚美的,因為妳阻止了我傾流人血,親手復仇。
and blessid be thou, that hast forbede me, lest Y yede to blood, and vengide me with myn hond;
34 我指著那阻止我加害妳的上主,以色列的永生天主起誓:假使妳沒有急速來迎接我,明天天亮,一個男子也不會給納巴耳留下」。
ellis the Lord God of Israel lyueth, which forbeed me, `lest Y dide yuel to thee, if thou haddist not soone come in to `metyng to me, a pissere to the wal schulde not haue left to Nabal til to the morewe liyt.
35 達味從她手中接過她所帶來一切,向她說:「現在,妳可平安回到妳家裏去。看,我聽從了妳的勸告,顧全了妳的面子」。
Therfor Dauid resseyuede of hir hond alle thingis whiche sche hadde brouyt to hym; and he seide to hir, Go thou in pees in to thin hows; lo! Y herde thi vois, and Y onouride thi face.
36 阿彼蓋耳回到納巴耳那裏,他正在家中設了像君王的盛宴。納巴耳心中非常快活,吃得大醉,直到早晨天亮,阿彼蓋耳一點也沒有將這事告訴他。
Forsothe Abigail cam to Nabal; and, lo! a feeste was to him in his hows, as the feeste of a kyng; and the herte of Nabal was iocounde, for he was `drunkun greetli; and sche schewide not to hym a word litil ether greet til the morewe.
37 第二天早晨,納巴耳酒醒了,他的妻子便將發生的事告訴了他;他一聽這話,嚇得魂不附體,呆如頑石。
Forsothe in the morewtid, whanne Nabal hadde defied the wiyn, his wijf schewide to hym alle these wordis; and his herte was almest deed with ynne, and he was maad as a stoon.
And whanne ten daies hadden passid, the Lord smoot Nabal, and he was deed.
39 達味聽說納巴耳死了,就說道:「上主應受讚美,因為衪給我伸了冤,洗淨了我由納巴耳所受淩辱,防止了衪的僕人行惡;上主把納巴耳的罪惡歸在他自己頭上」。以後,達味派人對阿彼蓋耳說要娶她為妻。
Which thing whanne Dauid hadde herd, Nabal deed, he seide, Blessid be the Lord God, that vengide the cause of my schenschip of the hond of Nabal, and kepte his seruaunt fro yuel, and the Lord yeldide the malice of Nabal in to the heed of hym. Therfor Dauid sente, and spak to Abigail, that he wolde take hir wijf to hym.
40 達味的僕人到了加爾默耳,來見阿彼蓋耳,對她說:「達味派我們到妳這裏來,為迎娶妳做他的妻子」。
And the children of Dauid camen to Abigail in to Carmele, and spaken to hir, and seiden, Dauid sente vs to thee, that he take thee in to wijf to hym.
41 她就起來,俯伏在地,下拜說:「你的婢女情願作奴隸,給我主人的僕人洗腳」。
And sche roos, and worschipide lowe to erthe, and seide, Lo! thi seruauntesse be in to an handmayde, that sche waische the feet of the seruauntis of my lord.
42 阿彼蓋耳遂急速起來,騎上驢,帶了她的五個婢女作陪,跟隨達味的使者去,作了他的妻子。
And Abigail hastide, and roos, and stiede on an asse; and fyue damesels, sueris of hir feet, yeden with hir, and sche suede the messangeris of Dauid, and was maad wijf to hym.
43 那時達味已娶了依次勒耳人阿希諾罕為妻;她們二戈同作達味的妻子。
But also Dauid took Achynoem of Jezrael, and euer eithir was wijf to hym;
44 那時,撒烏耳已把他的女身兒,達味的妻子米加耳,嫁給了加林人拉依士的兒子帕耳提。
forsothe Saul yaf Mycol his douytir, wijf of Dauid, to Phalti, the sone of Lais, that was of Gallym.