< 撒母耳記上 19 >
1 撒烏耳曾對兒子約納堂和臣僕提過,他願殺達味;但撒烏耳的兒子約納堂很愛達味,
Then Saul ordered his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David. But Jonathan delighted greatly in David,
2 就警告達味說:「我父親想殺害你,現今請你明晨多加小心,躲藏在一個隱密的地方。
so he warned David, saying, “My father Saul intends to kill you. Be on your guard in the morning; find a secret place and hide there.
3 我去陪我到你所在的田間,向我父親向你說情,看情形怎樣,然後告訴你」。
I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are, so I can ask about you. And if I find out anything, I will tell you.”
4 於是約納堂向他父親提及達味的長處,對他說:「君王不要得罪的僕人達味,因為他沒有得罪你,並且他所行的,都是對你很有利的事。
Then Jonathan spoke well of David to his father Saul and said to him, “The king should not sin against his servant David; he has not sinned against you. In fact, his actions have been highly beneficial to you.
5 他冒著性命的危險,去殺了那培肋舍特人;上主藉他使以色列獲得了這樣大的勝利,你親自看見了,也很喜歡;為什麼你要犯罪,流無辜者的血,無緣無故殺害達味﹖」
He took his life in his hands when he struck down the Philistine, and the LORD worked a great salvation for all Israel. You saw it and rejoiced, so why would you sin against innocent blood by killing David for no reason?”
6 撒烏耳就聽了約納堂的話,並且發誓說:「上主永在,他必不死! 」
Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan and swore an oath: “As surely as the LORD lives, David will not be put to death.”
7 約納堂便叫回達味,告訴他這一切話,並且領他到撒烏耳前;就如和先前一樣,侍立在君王左右。
So Jonathan summoned David and told him all these things. Then Jonathan brought David to Saul to serve him as he had before.
8 再次爆發了戰爭,達味又出征攻打培肋舍特人,打得他們大敗,他們都從他面前逃散了。
When war broke out again, David went out and fought the Philistines and struck them with such a mighty blow that they fled before him.
9 惡神由上主那裏又降在撒烏耳身上;有一天,君王在家中坐著,手中拿槍,同時達味正在彈琴。
But as Saul was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand, a spirit of distress from the LORD came upon him. While David was playing the harp,
10 撒烏耳想用槍把達味釘在牆上,但達味立刻由撒烏耳面前躲開,君王把槍釘在牆上,達味就逃跑了,沒有喪命。
Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear. But the spear struck the wall and David eluded him, ran away, and escaped that night.
11 那一夜,撒烏耳派差役去看守達味的家,要在早晨殺死他。他的妻子米加耳警告他說:「今夜你不逃命,明日你就沒有命了」。
Then Saul sent messengers to David’s house to watch him and kill him in the morning. But David’s wife Michal warned him, “If you do not run for your life tonight, tomorrow you will be dead!”
12 米加耳把達味從窗口縋下去,他便逃跑了,救了命。
So Michal lowered David from the window, and he ran away and escaped.
13 米加耳隨即把神像放在床上,用毛毯把頭蓋上,又蓋上一件衣服。
Then Michal took a household idol and laid it in the bed, placed some goat hair on its head, and covered it with a garment.
14 當撒烏耳派差役去捉拿達味時,米加耳說:「達味病了」。
When Saul sent the messengers to seize David, Michal said, “He is ill.”
15 撒烏耳再派差役去看達味說:「將達味連床帶到這裏來,我要殺死他」。
But Saul sent the messengers back to see David and told them, “Bring him up to me in his bed so I can kill him.”
16 差役進去,見是「神像」躺在床上,有張毛毯蓋著頭。
And when the messengers entered, there was the idol in the bed with the quilt of goats’ hair on its head.
17 因此,撒烏耳對米加耳說:「妳為什麼這樣欺騙我﹖放走了我的仇人,叫他逃命」。米加耳回答撒烏耳說:「他對我說:放我走,不然我要殺妳! 」
And Saul said to Michal, “Why did you deceive me like this? You sent my enemy away and he has escaped!” Michal replied, “He said to me, ‘Help me get away, or I will kill you!’”
18 達味死裏逃生,到了辣瑪,去見撒慕爾,向他報告了撒烏耳對他所行的一切;然後他便和撒慕爾去了納約特,住在那裏。
So David ran away and escaped. And he went to Samuel at Ramah and told him all that Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel went to Naioth and stayed there.
19 有人告訴撒烏耳說:「看,達味住在辣瑪的納約特」。
When Saul was told that David was at Naioth in Ramah,
20 撒烏耳又派差役去捉拿達味,但是他們看見一大群先知正在出神說妙語,撒慕爾站在他們面前作領導;這些天主的神也降在撒烏耳的差役身上,他們也出神說起妙語來。
he sent messengers to capture him. But when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, with Samuel leading them, the Spirit of God came upon them, and Saul’s messengers also began to prophesy.
21 有人將此事撒烏耳,他又打發別的差役去,他們也出神說開了妙語。撒烏耳第三次又打發差役去,他們也出神說開了妙語。
When this was reported to Saul, he sent more messengers, but they began to prophesy as well. So Saul tried again and sent messengers a third time, and even they began to prophesy.
22 撒烏耳大發憤怒,便親自去了辣瑪;當他到了色雇的大井那裏,就問說:「撒慕爾和達味在哪裏﹖」有人答說:「在辣瑪的納約特」。
Finally, Saul himself left for Ramah and came to the large cistern at Secu, where he asked, “Where are Samuel and David?” “At Naioth in Ramah,” he was told.
23 他就從那裏起身往辣瑪納約特去;那時天主的神也降到他身上,所以他一邊走,一邊說妙語,一直到了辣瑪納約特。
So Saul went to Naioth in Ramah. But the Spirit of God came upon even Saul, and he walked along prophesying until he came to Naioth in Ramah.
24 並且他還脫去衣服,在撒慕爾面前出神說起妙語來,赤裸裸地一天一夜躺在地上:因此有句俗語說:「不是撒烏耳也列在先知中嗎﹖」
Then Saul stripped off his robes and also prophesied before Samuel. And he collapsed and lay naked all that day and night. That is why it is said, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”