< 撒母耳記上 14 >
1 有一天,撒烏耳的兒子約納堂對他執戟的侍衛說:「來,我們到對面,到培肋舍特人的前哨那裏去。」但他沒有通知他父親。
One day Jonathan, son of Saul, said to the young armor-bearer, “Come on, let's cross over to the Philistine garrison on the other side.” But he didn't let his father know his plans.
2 當時撒烏耳正在革巴邊界,坐在禾場旁的石榴樹下,隨從他的部隊約有六百人。
Saul was staying near Gibeah under a pomegranate tree in Migron. He had about six hundred men with him,
3 阿希突的兒子阿希雅帶著「厄弗得。」──阿希突布是丕乃哈斯的兒子,依加波得的兄弟,丕乃哈斯是在史羅作上主司祭的厄里的兒子。──人都不知道約納堂走了。
including Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was a son of Ichabod's brother Ahitub, son of Phinehas, son of Eli, priest of the Lord in Shiloh. No one realized Jonathan had left.
4 約納堂打算由隘口過到培肋舍特人的前哨那裏去,在隘口兩面各有一座石峰:一名叫波責茲,一名叫色乃;
Cliffs stood on both sides of the pass that Jonathan planned to cross to reach the Philistine garrison, one called Bozez and the other Seneh.
5 一座朝北,與米革瑪斯相對,一座朝南,與革巴相對。
The cliff to the north was on the Michmash side, the one to the south on the Geba side.
6 約納堂於是對他執戟的侍衛說:「來,我們往這些未受割損者的前哨去,也許上主會幫助我們;上主要叫人得勝,並不在手人數多少。
Jonathan said to the young armor-bearer, “Come on, let's cross over to the garrison of these heathen men. Maybe the Lord will help us out. It's not a problem for the Lord to win, whether by many or by few.”
7 那給他執戟的人答說:「你儘可隨意行事,我只跟著你,隨你心意而行。」
“You choose what you want to do,” the armor-bearer replied. “I'm with you whatever you decide!”
8 約納堂說:「來,我們到那裏去,讓他們看見我們。
“Let's go then!” Jonathan said. “We'll cross over in their direction so they can see us.
9 假使他們對我們說:住下! 等我們到你們那裏去。我們就站在我們所在的地方,不再上他們那裏去;
If they tell us, ‘Wait there until we come down to you,’ we will wait where we are and we won't go up to them.
10 如果他們說:你們上我們這裏來罷! 我們就上去,因為上主已把他們交在我們手中了:這為我們是個先兆。」
But if they say, ‘Come on up to us,’ we'll climb up, for that will be the sign that the Lord has handed them over to us.”
11 兩人就突然出現在培肋舍特人的前哨處,培肋舍特人說:「看,這些希伯來人從他們隱藏的山洞中出來了。」
So both of them let themselves be seen by Philistine garrison. “Hey, look!” shouted the Philistines. “The Hebrews are coming out of the holes they were hiding in.”
12 前哨的哨兵就對約納堂和給他執戟的人說:「你們上到我們這裏來罷! 我們有事要告訴你們。」約納堂就對給他執戟的人說:「你跟我上來,因為上主已將他們交在以色列人手中了。」
The men from the garrison called down to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come up here, and we'll teach you a thing or two!” “Follow me up,” Jonathan told his armor-bearer, “for the Lord has handed them over to Israel.”
13 約納堂遂用手用腳往上爬,給他執戟的跟在他後面。培肋舍特人忽在約納堂前轉身要走,他就向前擊殺他們,他的執戟者也隨著擊殺。
So Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, with his armor-bearer right behind him. Jonathan attacked and killed them, and his armor-bearer followed doing the same.
14 約納堂和他的執戟者第一次殺死了約有二十人,陳屍於半畝田間。
In this first attack, Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed about twenty men over an area of half an acre.
15 當時在營中和陣地上都起了恐慌,全軍──前哨與突擊隊都大為震驚;地也起了震動,到處籠罩著無限的恐怖。
Then Philistines went into a panic, in the camp, in the field, and throughout their army. Even those in the outposts and the groups of raiders became terrified. The earth shook—this was a panic from God.
16 撒烏耳的哨兵從本雅明的革巴眺望,看見敵營大亂;
Saul's lookouts at Gibeah in Benjamin saw the Philistine army melting away, scattering in all directions.
17 撒烏耳就對隨從他的人說:「檢查一下,看我們中有誰去了。」他們檢查後,見約納堂和給他執戟的人不在了。
Saul told the soldiers with him, “Do a roll-call and find out who isn't here with us.” When they did the roll-call, they discovered that Jonathan and his armor-bearer weren't there.
18 撒烏耳隊對阿希雅說:「拿天主的「厄弗得」來! 」因為那時正是他在以色列子民前帶著天主的「厄弗得。」
Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the Ark of God here.” (At the time the Ark of God traveled with the Israelites.)
19 撒烏耳還同司祭說話時,培肋舍特人營中的混亂愈來愈大,撒烏耳就對司祭說:「收回你的手去! 」
But as Saul was speaking to the priest, the commotion coming from the Philistine camp grew louder and louder. So Saul told the priest, “Forget it!”
20 撒烏耳和跟隨他的軍民遂集合起來,衝入戰場;看,培肋舍特人竟自相殘殺,陷入混亂。
Then Saul and all his army assembled and went into battle. They discovered the Philistines were in total disarray, attacking each other with swords.
21 以前服事培肋舍特人,與他們齊來參戰的希伯來人,忽然反正來協助撒烏耳和約納堂一起的以色列人。
The Hebrews who had previously sided with the Philistines, and who were with them in their camp, switched sides and joined the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 那藏在厄弗辣因山地的以色列人,聽說培肋舍特人潰敗了,也都出來參戰,乘勢追趕。
When all the Israelites who had been hiding in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were running away, they also joined in chasing after the Philistines to attack them.
23 這樣上主在那一天拯救了以色列人;戰爭一直蔓延到貝特曷龍。【跟隨撒烏耳的人約有一萬,戰事蔓延到厄弗辣因整個山地。】
On that day the Lord saved Israel, and the battle extended past Beth-aven.
24 以色列人那天很是疲乏,因為撒烏耳在那天做了一件糊塗事,要軍民發誓說:「誰直到晚上,在我向敵人復仇以前,吃了什麼東西,是可咒罵的。」所以全軍民都沒有嘗過食物。
It was difficult for the men of Israel that day because Saul had ordered the army to take an oath, saying, “Cursed is anyone who eats anything before evening, before I have avenged myself on my enemies.” So no one in the army had eaten anything.
When they all entered the forest they found honeycomb on the ground.
26 軍民到了蜂巢旁,見有蜜流出,但卻沒有人敢用手取一點放在嘴裏,因為軍民都怕違犯所起的誓。
While they were in the forest they saw the honey running out, but no one picked it up to eat it because they were all afraid of the oath they had taken.
27 可是約納堂沒有聽見他父親要軍民起的誓,所以把他手中所持的棍尖,插入蜂巢內,用手送到自己的嘴裏,他的眼立即明亮了。
But Jonathan hadn't heard that his father had ordered the army to take this oath. So he stuck the end of his stick into the honeycomb, picked up a piece to eat, and he felt much better.
28 軍民中有一個向他說:「你父親要軍民起誓說:今天誰嘗了食物,他是可咒罵的。──雖然軍民很是疲乏。」
But one of the soldiers told him, “Your father made the army take a solemn oath, saying, ‘Cursed is anyone who eats anything today!’ That is why the men are exhausted.”
29 約納堂答說:「我父親使國家受了害;你們看,嘗了一點蜜,我的眼睛是多麼明亮!
“My father has caused a whole lot of trouble for everyone,” Jonathan replied. “See how well I am because I've eaten a little of this honey.
30 的確,假使今天人能吃飽由敵人奪來的東西,培肋舍特人吃的敗仗,豈不更大嗎﹖」
It would have been so much better if only the army had eaten plenty today from the plunder taken from their enemies! How many more Philistines would have been killed?”
31 那一天他們擊殺培肋舍特人,從米革瑪斯直到阿雅隆,軍民都很疲乏。
After defeating the Philistines that day, killing them from Michmash to Aijalon, the Israelites were totally exhausted.
32 所以人民就急忙搶掠財物,奪取牛羊、牛犢,隨地宰殺,吃了帶血的肉。
They grabbed the plunder, taking sheep, cattle, and calves, and slaughtered them right there on the ground. But they ate them with the blood.
33 有人告訴撒烏耳說:「看,人民吃了帶血的肉,得罪了上主。」撒烏耳一聽這消息便說:「你們把一塊大石頭滾到我這邊來。」
Saul was told, “Look, the men are sinning against the Lord by eating meat with the blood.” “Law-breakers!” said Saul. “Roll a large stone over here right now!”
34 又說:「你們散在百姓中,對他們說:你們各人把自己得的牛或羊,牽到我這裏來,在這裏宰殺分食,不要吃帶血的肉,得罪上主。」於是人們當夜將自己得的牛羊牽來,在那裏祭殺了。
Then he said, “Go around the soldiers and tell them, ‘Every man must bring me his cattle or his sheep and slaughter them here, and then eat. Don't sin against the Lord by eating meat with the blood.’” Everyone in the army brought what he had and slaughtered it there that night.
35 撒烏耳給上主建築了一座祭壇,這是他給上主建立的第一座祭壇。
So Saul built an altar to the Lord. This was the first altar he had built to the Lord.
36 以後撒烏耳說:「我們今夜下去追擊培肋舍特人,劫掠他們直到天明,不給他們留下一人。」軍民回答說:「你看著怎樣好,就怎樣作罷! 」司祭卻說:「我們先得去天主那裏。」
Saul said, “Let's go and chase down the Philistines during night and plunder them till dawn, leaving no survivors.” “Do what you think best,” they replied. But the priest said, “Let's ask God first.”
37 撒烏耳遂求問天主說:「我可下去追擊培肋舍特人嗎﹖你將他們交在以色列手中嗎﹖」但是天主那天沒有回答他。
Saul asked God, “Shall I go down and chase down the Philistines? Will you hand them over to Israel?” But that day God didn't answer him.
38 撒烏耳說:「軍民的將領,你們上前來,查看一下,今天是誰犯了罪﹖
So Saul gave the order, “All you army commanders, come here so we can investigate what sin has happened today.
39 我指拯救以色列的上主起誓,即是罪在我的兒子約納堂,他也該死。」軍民中沒有一人敢回答。
I swear on the life of the Lord who saves Israel, that even if it's my son Jonathan, he will have to die!” But no one of the whole army said anything.
40 於是他對全以色列說:「你們站在一邊,我與我兒子約納堂站在一邊。」全軍民對撒烏耳說:「你看怎樣好,就怎樣作罷! 」
Saul told them all, “You stand over to one side, and I and my son Jonathan will stand on the opposite side.” “Do what you think best,” the army replied.
41 撒烏耳說:「上主,以色列的天主! 為什麼今天你不答覆你的僕人﹖若是這罪過在我或我兒子約納堂身上,上主,以色列的天主,求你賜給『烏陵;』若是罪過在你百姓以色列身上,求你賜給『突明』。」撒烏耳和約納堂中了,軍民清白無過。
Saul prayed to the Lord, the God of Israel, “Let the Thummin show.” Jonathan and Saul were identified, while everyone else was cleared.
42 撒烏耳下命說:「為我和我的兒子約納堂拈鬮。」約納堂中了。
Then Saul said, “Cast lots between me and my son Jonathan.” Jonathan was selected.
43 撒烏耳於是對約納堂說:「告訴我,你作了什麼﹖」約納堂就告訴他說:「我不過用手持的棍尖,蘸了一點蜂蜜吃;我在這裏,我該死。」
“Tell me what you have done,” Saul asked Jonathan. “I just tasted a little honey with the end of my stick,” Jonathan told him. “Here I am, and I have to die.”
44 撒烏耳回答說:「約納堂,你必須死,不然,願天主罰我該死。」
Saul said, “May God punish me very severely if you do not die, Jonathan!”
45 軍民卻對撒烏耳說:「約納堂在以色列中得了這樣偉大的勝利,豈該死嗎﹖萬萬不能! 我們指著上主起誓:他頭上的一根頭髮,也不應落在地上,因為他今天是倚賴天主行事。」這樣軍民救了約納堂不死,
But the people told Saul, “Does Jonathan have to die, the one who achieved this great victory in Israel? Absolutely not! We swear on the life of the Lord, not a single hair of his head will fall to the ground, for it was with God's help that he achieved this today.” The people saved Jonathan, and he didn't die.
46 撒烏耳遂上去,不再追趕培肋舍特人;培肋舍特人也回了本地。
Saul stopped chasing down the Philistines, and the Philistines went to their own country.
47 撒烏耳取得了以色列的王權後,便向四周所有的敵人進攻:他攻打了摩阿布、阿孟子民、厄東、貝特勒曷、祚巴的君王和培肋舍特人。他不論走到那裏,常獲得勝利。
After Saul had made his hold over Israel secure, he fought against all his enemies all around: Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, the kings of Zobah, and the Philistines. Whatever direction he went he defeated them all.
48 他很英勇,擊敗了阿瑪肋克,拯救以色列人脫離來搶掠的人。
He fought bravely, conquering the Amalekites, saving Israel from those who plundered them.
49 撒烏耳的兒子是:約納堂、依市偉和瑪耳基叔亞;他有兩個女兒:長女名叫默辣布,次女名叫米加耳。
Saul's sons were Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malchishua. The names of his two daughters were Merab, (the firstborn), and Michal, (the younger one).
50 撒烏耳的妻子名叫阿希諾罕,是阿希瑪茲的女兒。他的元帥名叫阿貝乃爾,是撒烏耳的叔父乃爾的兒子。
The name of his wife was Ahinoam, daughter of Ahimaaz. The name of Saul's army commander was Abner, son of Ner, and Ner was Saul's uncle.
51 撒烏耳的父親克士和阿貝乃爾的父親乃爾是阿彼耳的兒子。
Saul's father Kish and Abner's father Ner were sons of Abiel.
52 撒烏耳一生同培肋舍特人常發生激烈戰爭,撒烏耳見到任何勇敢善戰的人,就叫他來跟隨自己。
Throughout Saul's lifetime there was constant war with the Philistines. Saul recruited into his army every strong warrior and every brave fighter that he met.