< 撒母耳記上 12 >

1 撒慕爾對全以色列人說:「看,我全聽從了你們向我所說的話,立了一位君王管理你們。
Then Samuel said to all of Israel, “I have paid attention to everything you asked from me, and I have given you a king to rule over you.
2 從此以後,有君王領導你們。至於我,我已老了,頭髮也白了;不過我的兒子還同你們在一起。我從小直到今天,常在你們面往來。
Now your king is your leader. I am old and gray, and my sons are here with you. I have led you from the time I was a boy up to today.
3 看,我在這裏,請你們在上主面前,在他受傅者面前答覆我:我奪過誰的牛,或奪過誰的驢﹖我壓迫過誰,或虐待過誰﹖從誰手裏接受過掩人耳目的賄賂﹖若有,我必歸還你們。」
I stand here before you. Bring any charges you have against me in the presence of the Lord and of his anointed one. Have I taken anyone's ox or donkey? Have I wronged anyone? Have I oppressed anyone? Have I accepted a bribe from anyone to turn a blind eye? Tell me, and I will repay you.”
4 他們答說:「你總沒有壓迫或虐待過我們,也沒有從任何人手裏接受過什麼。」
“No, you have never cheated or oppressed us,” they replied, “and you have never taken anything from anyone.”
5 他又對他們說:「上主給你們作證,受傅者今日也作證:你們在我手中沒有找出什麼。」他們答說:「可以作證。」
Samuel told them, “The Lord is a witness, and his anointed is a witness today, in this case involving you, that you have not found me guilty of anything.” “He is a witness,” they replied.
6 撒慕爾又對百姓說:「作見證的,是興起梅瑟和亞郎,並領你們祖先從埃及地上來的上主。
“The Lord is a witness, he who appointed Moses and Aaron,” Samuel went on. “He led your forefathers out of the land of Egypt.
7 現今你們要前來,我要在上主面前使你們認清,上主向你們和你們祖先所施行的一切恩惠:
So stand here as I present to you in the presence of the Lord the evidence of all the good things the Lord has done for you and your forefathers.
8 當雅各伯和他的兒子來到埃及時,埃及人壓迫他們,你們的祖先就向上主哀號,上主遂派遺梅瑟和亞郎領你們的祖先離開了埃及,使他們住在這個地方。
After Jacob had gone to Egypt, your fathers cried out to the Lord for help, and he sent Moses and Aaron to lead your forefathers out of Egypt and settle them here.
9 但他們忘卻了上主他們的天主,他就將他們交在哈祚爾的元帥息色辣手中、培肋舍特人手中和摩阿布王手中,使這些人攻打他們。
But they forgot about the Lord their God, so he abandoned them to Sisera, the commander of the army of Hazor, to the Philistines, and to the king of Moab, who attacked them.
10 他們就呼求上主說:我們犯了罪,離棄了上主,事奉了巴耳和阿市托勒特諸神;如今求你救我們脫離我們敵人的手,我們願事奉你。
They cried out to the Lord for help and said, ‘We have sinned, for we have rejected the Lord and worshiped the Baals and Ashtoreths. Please save us from the hands of our enemies, and we will worship you.’
11 上主就派耶魯巴耳、巴辣克、依弗大和三松,從你們四圍敵人的手中拯救了你們,你們纔得安居。
Then the Lord sent Gideon, Barak, Jephthah and Samuel, and he saved you from your enemies who surrounded you so you could live in safety.
12 當你們看見阿孟子民的君王納哈王來攻打你們時,曾對我說:不,我們要有一位君王來管理我們,──雖然上主你們的天主原是你們的君王。
But when you saw that Nahash, king of the Ammonites, was coming to attack you, you told me, ‘No, we want our own king,’ even though the Lord your God was your king.
13 現今,看,你們所揀選,所要求的君王;看,上主立了一位君王管理你們。
So here's the king you have chosen, the one you asked for. Look—the Lord now gives him to you as your king!
14 若是你們敬畏上主,事奉上主,聽從他的話,不背叛上主的命令;若是你們和管理你們的君王,隨從上主你們的天主,便可生存。
If you honor the Lord, worship him, do what he tells you, and don't rebel against the Lord's instructions, and if both you and your king follow the Lord your God, then good!
15 倘若你們不聽從上主的話,背叛上主的命令,上主的手必要與你們和你們的君王作對。
However, if you refuse to do what he tells you, and rebel against the Lord's instructions, then the Lord will be against you as he was against your forefathers.
16 現今你們前來,看上主在你們眼前要作的這偉大的奇事。
Now stand still and watch what the Lord is going to do, right before your very eyes.
17 現今不是收割麥子的季節嗎﹖但是我要呼求上主打雷下雨,使你們明白,也看出:你們要求一位君王,是行了上主眼中多麼可惡的事。」
Isn't it the time of wheat harvest? Well, I will ask the Lord to send thunder and rain. Then you will realize how very evil you were in the Lord's sight when you demanded your own king.”
18 撒慕爾呼籲了上主,上主就在那天打雷下雨;全民眾對上主和撒慕爾很是害怕,
Then Samuel prayed to the Lord, and that very day the Lord sent thunder and rain. Everyone was in absolute awe of the Lord and of Samuel.
19 都對撒慕爾說:「你為你的僕人們轉求上主你的天主,別使我們死了,因為在我們一切罪惡之上,又加了一個為我們要求君王的罪過。」
“Please pray to the Lord your God for us your servants, so we will not die!” they begged Samuel. “For we have added to all our sins the evil of asking for our own king.”
20 撒慕爾對民眾說:「你們不必害怕;你們固然犯了這一切罪過,但決不要遠離上主,反而要全心事奉上主。
“Don't be afraid,” Samuel replied. “Even though you have indeed done all these evil things, don't give up following the Lord, but dedicate yourselves completely to worshiping him.
21 你們不要追求不能援助,也不能施救的虛無邪神,因為他們只是「虛無」而已。
Don't worship worthless idols that can't help you or save you, for they are nothing.
22 上主為了自己的大名,決不拋棄自己的百姓,因為上主喜歡你們作他的百姓。
The fact is because of the kind of person the Lord is, he won't give up on his people, because he was happy to claim you as his own.
23 我也決不願得罪上主,停止為你們祈禱,或停止教訓你們行善道,走正路。
As for me, how could I sin against the Lord by no longer praying for you. I will also continue to teach you the way of goodness and right.
24 你們只該敬畏上主,全心忠誠事奉上主,因為你們看見了,他為你們作的,是何等偉大的事。
Make sure you honor God and worship him faithfully, with complete dedication. Think of all the tremendous things he has done for you.
25 假使你們仍固執於惡,你們和你們的君王都必要喪亡。」
But if you continue to do what is evil, you and your king will be wiped out.”

< 撒母耳記上 12 >