< 列王紀上 4 >

1 [撒羅滿的朝臣]撒羅滿王作王統治全以色列。
`Forsothe kyng Salomon was regnynge on al Israel.
2 以下是他所有的官吏﹕匝多克的兒子阿匝黎雅作大司祭,
And these weren the princes which he hadde; Azarie, sone of Sadoch, preest;
3 史沙的兩個兒子厄里曷勒夫和阿希雅作書記,阿希路得的兒子約沙特作御史,
Helioreb, and Haia, sones of Sila, `weren scryueyns; Josophat, sone of Achilud, was chaunseler;
4 約雅達的兒子貝納雅統率軍隊,【匝多克和厄貝雅塔爾為司祭,】
Banaie, sone of Joiada, was on the oost; forsothe Sadoch and Abiathar weren preestis;
5 納堂的兒子阿匝黎雅為太守之長,納堂的兒子匝步得為君王的朋友,
Azarie, sone of Nathan, was on hem that stoden niy the kyng; Zabul, the sone of Nathan, was preest, `that is, greet and worschipful, a freend of the kyng;
6 阿希沙爾為家宰,阿貝達的兒子阿多尼蘭管理苦役。十二太守
and Ahiasar was stiward of the hows; and Adonyram, sone of Adda, was on the tributis.
7 撒羅滿另立了十二太守管理全以色列,供應君王和王室的食糧;一年之中每人供應一個月。
Forsothe Salomon hadde twelue `prefectis, ether cheef minystrys, on al Israel, that yauen lijflode to the kyng, and to his hows; sotheli bi ech monethe bi it silf in the yeer, ech prefect bi hym silf mynystride necessaries.
8 他們的名字如下﹕胡爾的兒子.....管理厄弗辣因山地;
And these ben the names of hem; Benhur, in the hil of Effraym;
9 德刻爾的兒子...管理瑪卡茲、沙耳賓、貝特舍默士、阿雅隆及貝特哈南;
Bendechar, in Macces, and in Salebbym, and in Bethsames, and in Helon, and in Bethanan;
10 赫達布的兒子...管理阿魯波特、索苛及赫斐爾全地;
Beneseth, in Araboth; forsothe Socco, and al the lond of Epher was his;
11 阿彼納達布的兒子...管理多爾全境,他娶了撒落滿的女兒塔法特為妻;
Benabidanab, whos was al Neptad, hadde Dortaphaed, `Solomons douyter, to wijf.
12 阿希路得的兒子巴阿納,管理塔納客、默基多直到約刻默罕外,以及位於依次勒耳下邊的全貝特商,曾貝特商直到靠近匝爾堂的阿貝耳默曷拉;
Bena, sone of Achilud, gouernyde Thaneth, and Mageddo, and al Bethsan, which is bisidis Sarthana, vndur Jezrael, fro Bethsan `til to Abelmeula, euene ayens Zelmaan.
13 革貝爾的兒子...管理辣摩特基肋阿得,和在基肋阿得地的默納協的兒子雅依爾的鄉村;在巴商阿爾哥布地,所有的六十座設有城牆和銅閂的大城市,也歸他管理;
Bengaber in Ramoth of Galaad hadde Anothiair, of the sone of Manasses, in Galaad; he was souereyn in al the cuntrey of Argob, which is in Basan, to sixti greet citees and wallid, that hadden brasun lockis.
14 依多的兒子阿希納達布管理瑪哈納殷;
Achymadab, sone of Addo, was souereyn in Manaym;
15 阿希瑪茲管理納斐塔里,他也娶了撒羅滿的女兒巴色瑪特為妻;
Achymaas was in Neptalym, but also he hadde Bachsemath, douyter of Salomon, in wedloc;
16 胡瑟的兒子巴阿納管理阿協爾和則步隆;
Banaa, sone of Husy, was in Aser, and in Balod;
17 帕魯亞的兒童約沙特管理依撒加爾;
Josephat, sone of Pharue, was in Ysachar; Semey, sone of Hela, was in Beniamyn;
18 厄拉的兒子史米管理本雅明;
19 烏黎的兒子革貝爾管理加得,即昔日屬阿摩黎王息紅和巴商王敖格的地區。猶大地區另派太守管理。
sone of Sury, was in the lond of Galaad, and in the lond of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, and of Og, kyng of Basan, on alle thingis, that weren in that lond.
20 當時猶大和以色列人數,像海邊的沙粒那麼多;他們有吃有喝,非常快樂。
Juda and Israel weren vnnoumbrable, as the soond of the see in multitude, etynge, and drynkynge, and beynge glad.
21 [撒羅滿的富貴]由大河直至培肋舍特人地和埃及邊界諸王國,都在撒羅滿統治下;撒羅滿一生歲月中,這些王國都向他進貢,表示臣服。
Forsothe Solomon was in his lordschip, and hadde alle rewmes, as fro the flood of the lond of Filisteis `til to the laste part of Egipt, of men offrynge yiftis to hym, and seruynge to hym, in alle the daies of his lijf.
22 撒羅滿每月所用的食品﹕細麵十「苛爾,」粗麵六十「苛爾;」
Forsothe the mete of Salomon was bi ech day, thritti chorus of clene flour of whete, and sixti chorus of mele,
23 肥牛十隻,牧放的牛二十隻,羊一百隻;此外還有鹿、羚羊、麃子和肥禽。
ten fatte oxis, and twenti oxis of lesewe, and an hundrid wetheris, outakun huntyng of hertys, of geet, and of buglis, and of briddis maad fat.
24 因為他統治大河西岸全境,從提斐撒到迦薩,大河西岸諸王都屬他權下,於是四鄰邊境都相安無事。
For he helde al the cuntrei that was biyende the flood, as fro Caphsa `til to Gasa, and alle the kyngis of tho cuntreis; and he hadde pees bi ech part in cumpas.
25 撒羅滿一生歲月中,從丹到貝爾舍巴的猶大和以色列人,都各安居在自己的葡萄樹和無花果樹下。
And Juda and Israel dwelliden withouten ony drede, ech man vndur his vyne, and vndur his fige tree, fro Dan `til to Bersabe, in alle the daies of Salomon.
26 撒羅滿有四千廄套車的馬,並有一萬二千匹坐騎。
And Salomon hadde fourty thousynd cratchis of horsis for charis, and twelue thousynde of roode horsis; and the forseid prefectis nurshiden tho horsis.
27 那些太守每人各按自己的月份,供應撒羅滿王和所有赴撒羅滿王宴席的人,而一無所缺。
But also with greet bisynesse thei yauen necessaries to the boord of kyng Salomon in her tyme;
28 每人各按所受的命令,將飼養戰馬及駿馬的大麥和草料,送到所指定的地方。撒羅滿的智慧
also thei brouyten barli, and forage of horsis and werk beestis, in to the place where the king was, `bi ordenaunce to hem.
29 天主賜給了撒羅滿絕大的智慧和聰明,心胸寬大,有如海邊的沙灘。
Also God yaf to Salomon wisdom, and prudence ful myche, and largenesse of herte, as the soond which is in the brenke of the see.
30 撒羅滿的智慧超過所有東方人和埃及人的一切智慧。
And the wisdom of Solomon passide the wisdom of alle eest men, and Egipcians;
31 他比所有的人更有智慧﹕比則辣黑人厄堂,比瑪曷耳的兒子赫曼、加耳苛耳和達爾達都更有智慧﹔他的聲譽傳遍周圍列國。
and he was wisere than alle men; he was wisere than Ethan Esraite, and than Eman, and than Cacal, and than Dorda, the sones of Maol; and he was named among alle folkis bi cumpas.
32 他說過三千句箴言,作的詩歌有一千五百首。
And Salomon spak thre thousynde parablis, and hise songis weren fyue thousynde;
33 他講論過草木,從黎巴嫩山上長的香柏,到牆上寄生的牛膝草﹔也講論過走獸和飛禽,爬蟲和魚類。
and he disputide of trees fro a cedre which is in the Lyban, `til to the ysope that goith out of the wal; he disputide of werk beestis, and briddis, and crepynge beestis, and fischis.
34 為此,萬民和各國的君王,凡聽說撒羅滿智慧的,都來聽他的智慧。準備建築聖殿
And thei camen fro alle puplis to here the wisdom of Salomon, and fro alle kyngis of erthe, that herden his wisdom.

< 列王紀上 4 >