< 歷代志上 18 >
1 [達味的武功]此後,達味攻打培肋舍特人,將他們克服,由培肋舍特人手中,奪取了加特城及所屬村鎮。
And it cometh to pass after this, that David smiteth the Philistines, and humbleth them, and taketh Gath and its small towns out of the hand of the Philistines;
2 以後打敗了摩阿布,摩阿布人也臣屬於達味,給他進貢。
and he smiteth Moab, and the Moabites are servants to David, bringing a present.
3 當祚巴哈瑪特王哈達德則爾向幼發拉的河伸展自己的勢力時,達味也打敗了他,
And David smiteth Hadarezer king of Zobah, at Hamath, in his going to establish his power by the river Phrat,
4 擄獲了他的車輛一千,騎兵七千,步兵兩萬;達味割斷了所有拉戰車的馬蹄筋,只留下足以拉一百輛車的馬。
and David captureth from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen, and David destroyeth utterly all the chariots, and leaveth of them a hundred chariots [only].
5 後有大馬士革的阿蘭人,來援助祚巴王哈達德則爾,達味擊殺了兩萬二千阿蘭人。
And Aram of Damascus cometh in to give help to Hadarezer king of Zobah, and David smiteth in Aram twenty and two thousand men,
6 達味遂在大馬士革阿蘭屯兵駐守,阿蘭也臣屬於達味,給他進貢;達味無論往那裏去,上主總使他獲勝。
and David putteth [garrisons] in Aram of Damascus, and the Aramaeans are to David for servants, bearing a present, and Jehovah giveth salvation to David whithersoever he hath gone.
7 達味奪了哈達德則爾臣僕所帶的金盾牌,送到耶路撒冷。
And David taketh the shields of gold that have been on the servants of Hadarezer, and bringeth them in to Jerusalem;
8 達味又由貝塔和貢,哈達德則爾的兩座城內,奪取了大量的銅;以後撒羅滿用來作銅海、圓柱及銅器。
and from Tibhath, and from Chun, cities of Hadarezer, hath David taken very much brass; with it hath Solomon made the brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.
9 哈瑪特王托烏,聽說達味打敗了祚巴王哈達德則爾所有的軍隊,
And Tou king of Hamath heareth that David hath smitten the whole force of Hadarezer king of Zobah,
10 便派自己的兒子哈多蘭到達味王那裏向他致敬,祝賀他打敗了哈達德則爾,因哈達德則爾原是托烏的敵人;他還送來了各種金、銀、銅器。
and he sendeth Hadoram his son unto king David, to ask of him of peace, and to bless him (because that he hath fought against Hadarezer, and smiteth him, for a man of wars with Tou had Hadarezer been, ) and all kinds of vessels, of gold, and silver, and brass;
11 達味王也將這些,連同那些由各民族,即厄東、摩阿布、阿孟子民、培肋舍特人、阿瑪肋克人所得來的金銀,一起奉獻給上主。
also them hath king David sanctified to Jehovah with the silver and the gold that he hath taken from all the nations, from Edom, and from Moab, and from the sons of Ammon, and from the Philistines, and from Amalek.
12 責魯雅的兒子阿彼瑟在鹽谷擊殺了一萬八千厄東人後,
And Abishai son of Zeruiah hath smitten Edom in the valley of salt — eighteen thousand,
13 達味遂又屯兵厄東,厄東人全臣屬於達味。達味無論往那裏去,上主總使他獲勝。[重要的朝臣]
and he putteth in Edom garrisons, and all the Edomites are servants to David; and Jehovah saveth David whithersoever he hath gone.
14 達味作了全以色列的君王,對自己所有的人民秉公行義。
And David reigneth over all Israel, and he is doing judgment and righteousness to all his people,
15 責魯雅的兒子約阿布統領軍隊,阿希路得的兒子約沙法特為御史,
and Joab son of Zeruiah [is] over the host, and Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud [is] remembrancer,
16 阿希托布的兒子匝多克和厄貝雅塔爾的兒子阿希默肋客任司祭,沙委沙為秘書,
and Zadok son of Ahitub, and Abimelech son of Abiathar, [are] priests, and Shavsha [is] scribe,
17 約雅達的兒子貝納雅管理革勒提與培肋提人,達味的兒子們在君王左右為輔相。
and Benaiah son of Jehoiada [is] over the Cherethite and the Pelethite, and the elder sons of David [are] at the hand of the king.