< 歷代志上 17 >
1 [達味想建聖殿]當達味住在宮殿時,對納堂先知說:「看,我住在香柏木的宮殿裡,上主的結約之櫃卻在帳幕裡。」
Once David had settled into his palace, he spoke to the prophet Nahum. “Look,” he said, “I'm living in a cedar palace while the Ark of the Lord's Agreement is kept in a tent!”
2 納堂回答達味說:「你心中打算的,你全可照辦,因為上主與你同在。」
“Do what you think you should, for the God is with you,” Nathan replied.
But that night God told Nathan,
4 你去告訴我的僕人達味,上主這樣說:不是你要為我建築殿宇居住。
“Go and talk to my servant David. Tell him, this is what the Lord says, You are not to build a house for me to live in.
5 我自從領以色列上來那天起,直到今天,從沒有住過殿宇,只從這帳棚到那帳棚,從這會幕到那會幕。
I have not lived in a house from the time I led Israel out of Egypt until now. I have lived in tents, moving from place to place.
6 在我與全以色列同行時,我何嘗向我立為牧養我民以色列的一個民長說過:你們為什麼不為我建造一座香柏木的殿宇﹖[天主許與達味鴻恩]
But in all those travels with all of Israel did I ever ask any Israelite leader I'd ordered to take care of my people, ‘Why haven't you built a cedar house for me?’
7 現在你要對我的僕人達味說:萬軍的上主這樣說:是我揀選你離開牧場,離開放羊的事,作我民以色列的領袖。
So then, go and tell my servant David this is what the Lord Almighty says. It was me who took you from the fields, from looking after sheep, to become a leader of my people Israel.
8 你不論往那裏去,我總是同你在一起,由你面前消滅你的一切仇敵。我要使你成名,像世上出名的大人物。
I have been with you wherever you've gone. I have struck down all your enemies right in front of you, and I will make your reputation as great as the most famous people on earth.
9 我要為我民以色列安置一個地方,栽培他們,在那裏久住,再也不受驚擾,再也不像先前受惡人的蹂躪,
I will choose a place for my people Israel. I will settle them there and they won't be disturbed anymore. Evil people won't persecute them as they used to,
10 有如我為我民以色列立民長的時候一樣;我要降服你的一切仇敵。並且我告訴你:上主必要為你建立家室。
from the time I placed judges in charge of my people. I will defeat all of your enemies. Also I want to make it clear that I the Lord will build a house for you.
11 及至你日子滿期,到你祖先那裏去時,我必要在你以後給你興起一個後裔,即你所生的一個兒子,鞏固他的王權。
For when you come to the end of your life and join your ancestors in death, I will bring to power one of your descendants, one of your sons, and make sure his kingdom is successful.
12 他要為我建造殿宇,我要鞏固他的王位,直到永遠。
He will be the one to build me a house, and I will make sure his kingdom lasts forever.
13 我要作他的父親,他要作我的兒子;我決不使我的寵愛離棄他,有如離棄你以前那一位;
I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to me. I will never take away my kindness and love from him, as I did in the case of the one who ruled before you.
14 反要使他堅立在我的家和我的國中,至於永遠;他的王位永固不移。」
I will put him in charge of my house and my kingdom forever, and his dynasty will last forever.”
15 納堂便照這一切話,將整個啟示告訴了達味。[達味謝恩]
This is what Nathan explained to David—everything he was told in this divine revelation.
16 達味就進去,端坐在上主面前說:「上主,天主! 我是誰﹖我的家族又算什麼,你竟領我到了這個地步!
Then King David went and sat down in the presence of the Lord. He prayed, “Who am I, Lord God, and what is significant about my family, that you have brought me to this place?
17 天主,者贊你眼裏還以為太小,而你又說明了你僕人家族的未來遠景,竟視我有如一個高貴的人,上主,天主!
God, you talk as if this was a small thing in your eyes, and you also have spoken about the future of my house, my family dynasty. You also see me as someone very important, Lord God.
18 為了你加於你僕人達味的光榮,我還有什麼話可向你說,你認識你的僕人。
What more can I, David, say to you for honoring me in this way? You know your servant all too well!
19 上主! 你為了你的僕人,按照你的心意,成就了這些偉大的事,為將這些偉大的事彰顯出來。
Lord, you're doing all this for me, your servant, and because it's what you want—doing all these amazing things and letting people know about them.
20 上主! 照我們耳朵所聽到的,沒有誰能與你相比;除你以外,也沒有別的神。
Lord, there really is no-one like you; there is no other God, only you. We have never heard about anyone else.
21 世上又有那一個民族,能比得上你的民族以色列﹖天主竟親自將他們解救出來,作為自己的民族,為使你成名,就在你從埃及解救出來的人民前,行了大而可畏的奇事,驅散了異民;
Who else is as fortunate as your people Israel? Who else on earth did God go and redeem to make his own people? You gained a wonderful reputation for yourself by all the tremendous, amazing things you did in driving out other nations before your people as you redeemed them from Egypt.
22 你使你的民族以色列永遠作你的民族,你,上主做他們的天主。
You made your people Israel your own forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.
23 上主! 現在求你永遠堅持你論及你僕人,及他的家室所說的話,照你所說的話履行罷!
So now, Lord, please ensure that what you have said about me and my house happens, and lasts forever. Please do as you have promised,
24 願這話堅定不移,願你的名永遠受尊崇,人人都說:萬軍的上主,以色列的天主,實在是以色列的天主。願你的僕役達味的家室,在你面前堅定不移!
and may your true nature be recognized and honored forever, with people declaring, ‘The Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, is Israel's God!’ May the house of your servant David continue to be there in your presence.
25 我的天主! 因為是你啟示你的僕人,要為他建立家室,因此,你的僕人纔敢在你面前如此祈禱。
You, my God, have explained to me, your servant, that you will build me a house. That's why your servant has had the courage to pray to you.
26 上主! 惟獨你是天主! 是你向你僕人應許了這些恩惠。
For you, Lord, are God! You are the one who has promised all these good things to your servant.
27 現在,就請你惠然祝福你僕人的家室,使它永遠在你面前存立。上主! 因為凡你祝福的,必永遠獲得祝福。」
So now, please bless your servant's house that it may continue in your presence forever. For when you bless, Lord, it is blessed forever.”