< 歷代志上 10 >

1 [撒烏耳陣亡]那時,培肋舍特攻打以色列,以色列人由培肋舍特人面前逃走,在基耳波亞山陣亡的人很多。
The Philistines attacked Israel and all the Israelites soldiers ran away from them. Many Israelites were cut down on Mount Gilboa.
2 培肋舍特人追擊撒烏耳和他的兒子,殺了撒烏耳的兒子約納堂、阿彼納達布和瑪耳基叔亞;
The Philistines chased down Saul and his sons. The killed Saul's sons Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua.
3 戰爭就集中攻打撒烏耳,弓箭手發現了他,他遂為弓箭手所射傷。
The battle raged intensely around Saul. The enemy archers saw where he was, and they wounded him.
4 當時撒烏耳對自己的執戟者說:「拔出你的劍來,將我刺死,免得那些為受割損的人來凌辱我。」但是,執戟者十分害怕,不肯作這事;於是撒烏耳拔出劍來,伏劍自刎。
Saul told his armor bearer, “Take out your sword and kill me before these heathen come and torment me.” But his armor bearer refused—he was too afraid to do it. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.
5 執戟者見撒烏耳已死,也伏劍自刎。
When his armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also fell on his sword and died.
6 這樣,撒烏耳和他的三個兒子,並他的全家一同陣亡了。
So Saul and three of his sons died there, along with his royal line.
7 所有住在平原的以色列人見軍隊逃散,撒烏耳和他的三個兒子陣亡了,也都棄城逃走;培肋舍特人遂來住在那裏。
When all the Israelites in the valley saw that their army had run away, and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their towns and they also ran away. The Philistines came and occupied them.
8 次日,培肋舍特人來剝去陣亡者的衣服時,發現撒烏耳和他的兒子橫臥在基耳波亞山上。
The following day, when the Philistines came to strip the dead, they discovered the bodies of Saul and his sons on Mount Gilboa.
9 他們便剝去了他的衣服,取下他的首級和武器,送到培肋舍特地方,到處給他們的神和人民報喜信。
They stripped him, cut off his head, and took his armor. Then they sent the news throughout the land of Philistia, to their idols and their people.
10 以後,將撒烏耳的武器放在他們的神廟裏;將他的首級釘在達貢廟內。
They put Saul's armor in the temple of their idols and fixed his head to the temple of Dagon.
11 基肋阿得雅貝士的居民,一聽說培肋舍特人對撒烏耳所行的一切,
However, when everyone in Jabesh-gilead heard everything the Philistines had done to Saul,
12 所有的勇士便起身前去,收殮了撒烏耳和他兒子的屍體,帶回雅貝士,將他們的骨骸葬於雅貝士的篤耨香樹下,且禁食七天。
all their fighting men went and recovered the bodies of Saul and his sons. They brought them back and buried them under the large tree in Jabesh. Then they fasted for seven days.
13 撒烏耳之死,是由於他背叛上主,沒有遵守上主的話,並且還求問過招魂的女巫,
Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord. He did not keep the Lord's commands, and he also went to consult a medium.
14 而沒有求其問上主;因此上主使他死亡,將王位移交給葉瑟的兒子達味。
He did not consult the Lord, so the Lord put him to death and he handed over the kingship to David, son of Jesse.

< 歷代志上 10 >