< 加拉太书 6 >
1 我的朋友们,如果有人被罪引入歧途,拥有灵的你们应该以温柔的精神将它们引导回来。小心不要被诱惑。
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, all of you which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit (pneuma) of meekness; considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.
Bear all of you one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 有人认为自己非常重要——其实他们什么都不是——只是在自欺欺人。
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 仔细检查您的行为。然后你就能对自己感到满意,无需和别人比较。
But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
For every man shall bear his own burden.
6 受过圣经教导之人应该善待他们的老师,与老师分享一切良善。
Let him that is taught in the word (logos) communicate unto him that teaches in all good things.
7 不要被愚弄,我们不能蔑视上帝,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
8 如果你通过有罪的人性播种,就会那种人性中收获自我毁灭。但如果你根据灵撒种,就会从灵获得永生。 (aiōnios )
For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit (pneuma) shall of the Spirit (pneuma) reap life everlasting. (aiōnios )
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
10 因此,趁我们还有时间,让我们对所有人行善——尤其是对那些同属信仰大家庭的人。
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
11 注意这些字母有多大,现在我是用自己的手写成!
All of you see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.
12 那些只想给人留下好印象的人,它们强迫你们受割礼,这样他们就不会因为基督的十字架而受到迫害。
As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13 即使那些受割礼的人也不会遵守律法,但却希望你们能受割礼,以便他们可以夸赞你们,将你视为他们的追随者。
For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14 希望我除了在我们主耶稣基督的十字架上以外,永不夸口。通过这个十字架,世界对我而言被钉死在十字架上,对世界而言,我已经被钉死在十字架上。
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
15 割礼与否并不重要——重要的是我们已被全新创造!
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
16 愿所有遵守此原则之人以及上帝的以色列人,获得平安和怜悯!
And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
17 请不要再有人来打扰我了,因为我身上有耶稣的伤疤。
From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
18 我的兄弟姐妹们,愿我们主耶稣基督的恩典与你们的灵同在。阿门。
Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. (pneuma) Amen.