< 使徒行传 22 >
1 他说:“各位父老兄弟,请听我在你们面前的申辩。”
“Men, brothers and fathers, listen to my defense before you now.”
2 众人听到保罗用阿拉姆语说话,立刻变得非常安静。
When they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they were even more quiet, and he said:
3 他开始讲述:“我是犹太人,生在基利家的大数。但其实我是在这座城里长大,在迦玛列门下接受教育。老师教育我要严格遵守祖先的律法,我满腔热情地对待上帝,就像今天这里的所有人一样。
“I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, educated strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, just as you all are today.
4 我也曾经迫害信奉此道之人,将他们处死,把男女信徒投入监狱。
I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women,
5 大祭司和公议会的长老都可以为我作证。我曾收到他们的授意信,要求处理在大马士革的犹太人信徒。于是我去了那里捉拿那些人,把他们带到耶路撒冷接受惩罚。
as also the high priest and all the council of elders can bear me witness. I even obtained letters from them to the brothers in Damascus, to bring those also who were there bound to Jerusalem to be punished.
6 那天大约中午时分,我正在去往大马士革的路上,即将抵达目的地时,忽然一束耀眼的光芒从天而降,环绕着我。
Now it happened, as I was going and approaching Damascus, about noon, suddenly a strong light from heaven shone around me.
7 我仆倒在地,只听见一个声音对我说:‘扫罗啊,扫罗,你为什么迫害我?’
I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
8 我答道:‘主啊,你是谁?’ 他说:‘我就是你迫害的拿撒勒人耶稣。’
So I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Natsorean, whom you are persecuting.’
9 与我同行之人只看见那束光,却听不到与我说话的声音。
Those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not understand the voice of the One speaking to me.
10 我说:‘主啊,我该怎么做?’ 主告诉我:‘站起来,进到大马士革城里,那里会有人告知安排你做的事情。’
So I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told about all that has been appointed to you to do.’
11 那束光如此强烈,我的双眼便看不到了,我的同伴们牵着我的手走进了大马士革。
And since I could not see, because of the brightness of that light, I entered Damascus being led by the hand of those who were with me.
12 有一个人名叫亚拿尼亚,是一名遵守律法的虔诚之人,当地所有犹太人都很敬重他。
Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the law, well spoken of by all the Jews who lived in Damascus,
13 他站在我旁边对我说:‘扫罗兄弟,你现在可以看见了。’就在那一刻,我又能看到了。我看到了他。
came to me, and standing by me said, ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight!’ And at that very moment I looked up at him.
14 他对我说:‘我们祖先的上帝指认你来理解他的旨意,去见真正良善的正义之人,去听见他要对你所说的一切。
Then he said: ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you to know His will, and to see the Righteous One, and to hear words from His mouth.
15 对于你的所见所闻,你将向所有人作证。所以你还在等什么呢?
For you shall be a witness for Him to all men of the things that you have seen and heard.
And now, why hesitate? Get up, be baptized and wash away your sins, invoking the name of the Lord.’
17 我回到耶路撒冷后,有一次在殿里祷告时,忽然在恍惚间看到了异象。
“Now it happened, when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I came to be in a trance
18 主在异象中对我说:‘快!你必须尽快离开耶路撒冷,因为他们无法接受你所讲述关于我的一切。’
and saw Him saying to me, ‘Hurry up and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not receive your testimony concerning me.’
19 我回答:‘主啊,他们肯定知道,我曾在很多会堂中拷打信你之人,将它们送进监牢,
So I said: ‘Lord, they know that I used to imprison and beat those believing into you, from one synagogue to another;
20 司提芬因为为你作证而被杀害的时候,我就站在那里,而且完全支持那些杀死他的人,还为他们拿着衣服。’
and when the blood of your witness Stephen was shed, I myself was standing there and agreeing to his murder, even guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.’
21 主对我说:‘现在就离开吧,我要派你到远方异教徒那里去。’”
And He said to me, ‘Get going, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’”
22 众人一直都在听他说的话,但听到这里,他们就高喊:“应该把这种人从世间除掉,他不配活着!”
Well they kept listening to him until this statement, and then they raised their voice and shouted, “Rid the earth of this fellow, for it isn't fitting for him to live!”
As they were shouting, tearing off clothes and throwing dust into the air,
24 就在这时,千夫长下令把保罗带到军营,命人用鞭刑拷问他,想要找出高声喊叫的民众反对他的原因。
the commander ordered him to be taken into the barracks, directing that he be interrogated with lashes, in order to learn for what crime they kept shouting against him like that.
25 士兵将他四肢伸开,用皮带将其捆住,准备施以鞭刑。这时保罗对站在旁边的百夫长说:“你们鞭打一个还没有定罪的罗马公民,这合法吗?”
But as they stretched him out with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion who stood by, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned?”
26 百夫长听言就去报告千夫长,说:“这个人是罗马公民,该怎么办?”
Well when the centurion heard that, he went and reported to the commander saying, “Consider what you are about to do, because this man is a Roman!”
27 千夫长就过来问保罗:“告诉我,你真是罗马公民吗?”他说:“是的。”
So the commander went and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman?” So he said, “Yes.”
28 千夫长说:“为了获得罗马公民的身份,我可是花了一大笔钱。”保罗说:“我生下来就是罗马公民。”
The commander replied, “I acquired this citizenship at considerable cost.” And Paul said, “But I was so born.”
29 于是那些想要拷问他的人立刻走开了。得知他是罗马公民,又曾被捆绑起来,千夫长感到很害怕。
So those who were about to interrogate him withdrew immediately; and even the commander was apprehensive when he realized that he had put chains on a Roman.
30 第二天,千夫长想要了解为什么犹太人要控告保罗,于是就解开他身上的锁链,随后召集祭司长和公议会全体成员,将保罗带到众人面前。
But the next day, desiring to know for certain why he was accused by the Jews, he freed him from the bonds and ordered the chief priests and all their council to come, and brought Paul down and set him before them.