< Sam 68 >
1 Kathutkung: Devit Cathut, thaw nateh tarannaw koung kâkayei naseh. Cathut kahmuhmanaw teh ama koehoi yawng awh naseh.
“To the chief musician, by David, a Psalm or song.” Oh that God would arise, that his enemies might be scattered, and those that hate him might flee before him.
2 Hmaikhu a kahma e patetlah ahnimouh teh koung kahmat naseh. Khoilai teh hmai hma lah a kamyawt e patetlah, tamikathoutnaw teh Cathut hmalah kahmat awh naseh.
As smoke is driven off, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
3 Hatei, tamikalannaw teh lunghawi laihoi Cathut hmalah konawm awh naseh. Bokheiyah, puenghoi konawm awh naseh.
But the righteous shall rejoice; they shall exult before God: yea, they shall be exceedingly joyful.
4 Cathut koe la sak hoi a min pholen la sak awh. Tâmai dawk kâcuie hateh pholen awh nateh, a min teh BAWIPA, pholen laihoi a hmalah lunghawi awh.
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rideth upon the heavens: the Everlasting is his name, and rejoice before him.
5 Na pa ka tawn hoeh naw e napa, lahmainunaw karingkung, Cathut teh hmuen kathoung koe ao.
A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.
6 Cathut ni amadueng kho ka sak e hah imthung a poe teh, paung e naw hai tawntanae hmuen koe a hrawi. Hatei, tarankathawnaw teh kenae hmuen koe ao sak.
God places those who are solitary in the midst of their families: he bringeth out those who are bound unto happiness; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.
7 Oe Cathut na taminaw hrawi hanelah na tâco teh, kahrawngum vah hmalah na cei navah, (Selah)
O God, when thou didst go forth before thy people, when thou didst tread along through the wilderness—Selah—
8 Talai a kâhuet teh, Cathut hmalah kalvan ni kho a rak sak. Sinai mon teh Cathut hmalah, Isarel Cathut hmalah a kâhuet.
The earth quaked, also the heavens dropped at the presence of God, yea, this Sinai, at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
9 Oe Cathut nang ni kho thouk na rak sak teh, na râw taminaw ka patang e hah na kabawp.
Rain of beneficence didst thou pour down, O God, whereby thou didst truly strengthen thy heritage, when it was weary.
10 Hawvah na tamimaya teh kho a sak awh. Oe Cathut, nang ni ka mathoenaw hah na hawinae hoi na kawk.
Thy assembly dwelt therein: thou didst prepare it with thy goodness for the afflicted [people]. O God,
11 BAWIPA ni lawk a dei teh, hote kong ka dei e tamimaya teh ao.
The Lord gave [happy] tidings; they are published by the female messengers, a numerous host.
12 Siangpahrang e ransanaw teh a yawng awh teh, im ka ring e napuinaw ni lawphno a kârei awh.
The kings of the armies flee away—flee away: yet she that tarried at home divideth the spoil.
13 Tutakha thung na ka ip nakunghai, ngun hoi pathoup e bakhu rathei patetlah thoseh, sui hoi pathoup e rathei muen patetlah thoseh, na o awh han.
When ye lie still between the folds [of your cattle], [ye will be like] the wings of the dove covered with sliver, and her pinions shining with flaming gold.
14 Athakasaipounge Cathut ni siangpahrangnaw a kayei navah, Zalmon mon dawk e ka pangaw e tadamtui patetlah ao.
When the Almighty scattered kings in the midst of her, then even in darkness shone light [as pure] as snow.
15 Bashan mon teh Cathut e mon lah ao teh, Bashan mon dawk monsom moikapap ao.
A mountain of God is the mount of Bashan; many peaks hath the mount of Bashan.
16 Monsomnaw bangkongmaw utsinnae mit hoi na hmaiet awh. Hetheh, Cathut ni o han ngainae mon lah ao. BAWIPA teh hawvah pou ao han.
Why watch ye enviously, ye many-peaked mountains, yonder mountain which God hath chosen for his residence? yea, the Lord will also dwell [there] for ever.
17 Cathut e lengnaw teh a thong thong hra hlak moi apap. BAWIPA teh Sinai mon, hmuenkathoung koe ao e patetlah ahnimouh koe ao.
The chariots of God are two myriads; thousands of angels [follow him]: the Lord is among them: so is Sinai holy [among mountains].
18 Arasangnae koe na luen teh, tami moikapap na man teh, BAWIPA Cathut teh taminaw koe ao thai nahanlah, tami koehoi dueng laipalah, ka taran e taminaw koe totouh poehno hah a dâw.
Thou didst ascend on high, lead away captives, receive gifts among men, yea, even the rebellious, to dwell among them. O Lord God.
19 Hnintangkuem hnori na ka hlai e Bawipa, rungngangnae Cathut teh pholen lah awm lawiseh.
Blessed be the Lord; day by day he loadeth us [with benefits]; our God is our salvation. (Selah)
20 Cathut teh rungngangnae Cathut doeh. Duenae koehoi hloutnae hai Bawipa Jehovah e doeh.
Our God is to us the God of salvation: and by the Eternal the Lord are the escapes from death.
21 Hateiteh, Cathut ni a tarannaw lû thoseh, yon pou kasaknaw e sam onae lû roeroe thoseh, hmâ a ca sak han.
But God will crush the head of his enemies, the hairy skull of him who walketh in his guiltiness.
22 Bawipa ni Bansan hoi ka bankhai vaiteh, ka dungpoung e talîpui koehoi bout ka bankhai han.
The Lord hath said, From Bashan will I bring back, I will bring back from the depths of the sea:
23 Na khok ni na taran thi coungroe vaiteh, na uinaw ni hai a palem awh han telah ati.
In order that thou mayest wade with thy feet in blood, feeding the tongue of thy dogs from the enemies' blood.
24 Oe Cathut, hmuen kathoung koe na tho e, ka Cathut, kaie Siangpahrang na tho e hah a hmu awh toe.
Men see thy goings forth, O God! the goings forth of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.
25 La kasakkungnaw hmalah a cei awh teh, tumkhawng katumnaw ni a kâbang awh. A lungui vah tanglanaw ni tâbaw a khawng awh.
First come singers, then follow players on instruments, in the midst of maidens playing on timbrels.
26 Kamkhueng e maya thung dawk, Cathut Isarel hringnae a kung, BAWIPA teh pholen awh.
In assemblies bless ye God, [praise] the Lord, ye sprung from Israel's fountain.
27 Hawvah, cahnoung Benjamin hoi kahrawikung ao. Judah bawinaw a huinaw ni a kâbang teh Zebulun hoi Naphtali bawinaw ni a kâbang awh.
There Benjamin the youngest leadeth them on, the princes of Judah in purple robes, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali.
28 Na Cathut ni na thaonae teh kâ a poe toe. Oe Cathut kaimouh hanlah na sak tangcoung e patetlah hoehoe thasai sak haw.
Thy God hath ordained the rule to thee: strengthen, O God, what thou hast wrought for us.
29 Jerusalem e na bawkim kecu, siangpahrangnaw ni poehno a sin awh han.
Because of thy temple over Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.
30 Lungpum um e sarangnaw hai thoseh, maitotannaw hoi, maitolanaw hai thoseh, a yue teh, tangka hoi kârahnoum awh naseh. Tarantuk ka ngai e miphunnaw hah, koung kayei naseh.
Rebuke the wild beasts hiding among the reeds, the troops of steers among the calves of nations, that hasten along with presents of silver. He scattereth nations that are eager for the fight.
31 Izip hoi laiceinaw tho awh vaiteh, Ethiopianaw ni Cathut koe karang poung lah a kut a dâw awh han.
Nobles will come out of Egypt: Ethiopia will stretch forth eagerly her hands unto God.
32 Talai siangpahrang uknae Cathut koe la sak laihoi Bawipa pholen laihoi la sak awh. (Selah)
Kingdoms of the earth, sing unto God; sing praises unto the Lord: (Selah)
33 Ayan vah, kalvannaw e kalvan kâcuie koevah, athakaawme lawk, a lawk roeroe a tâco sak.
To him who rideth over the highest heavens, of ancient days: hear! he sendeth forth his voice, the voice of might.
34 Cathut koe thaonae hah poe awh. A lawkpuilah, ahawinae hah Isarelnaw lathueng ao. A thaonae teh tâmai dawkvah ao.
Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the skies.
35 Oe Cathut, na hmuen kathoung hlak hai takithohnawn. Isarel Cathut teh a taminaw thaonae hoi hnotithainae kapoekung doeh. Cathut teh pholen lah awm lawiseh.
Thou art tremendous, O God, from thy holy residences: O God of Israel, [thou art] he that givest strength and power unto [thy] people. Blessed be God.