< Sam 37 >
1 Kathutkung: Devit Thoenae kasaknaw kecu dawk lungmathoe hoi awm hanh awh. Payonnae kasaknaw hai ut awh hanh.
“A psalm of David.” Be not thou angry on account of the wicked, Nor be envious of those who do iniquity.
2 Bangkongtetpawiteh, phokahring patetlah palang kamyai awh vaiteh, anhna kahring patetlah palang a due awh han.
For soon shall they be cut down like grass, And wither like the green herb.
3 BAWIPA kâuep nateh, hawinae hah sak haw. Ram thung awm nateh, yuemkamcunae hah hringkhaih.
Trust in the LORD, and do good; Abide in the land, and delight in faithfulness.
4 BAWIPA dawk konawm haw. Na lungngai e hah na poe han.
Place thy delight in the LORD. And he will give thee thy heart's desires.
5 Na lamthung hah BAWIPA koe poe haw, ama kâuep haw, ama ni a sak han.
Commit thy way to the LORD; Trust in him, and he will give thee success!
6 Na lannae teh angnae patetlah tâcawt sak vaiteh, na kângingnae hah kanîthun patetlah ao sak han.
He will cause thy justice to shine forth like the light, And thy righteousness like the noonday's brightness.
7 BAWIPA dawk kâhat nateh, lungsaw laihoi ring haw. Amamae lamthung dawk tânae kahmawtnaw kecu dawk thoseh, thoenae a noe e naw dawk a kâvoe awh kecu dawk thoseh, na lungmathout hanh.
Hope thou patiently on the LORD, And in him place thy trust! Be not angry on account of the prosperous, —On account of him that deviseth deceit!
8 Na lungphuen sak hanh, lungkhueknae cettakhai haw. Lungmathoe hoi awm hanh. Hot ni teh, hawihoehnae koe doeh na hrawi.
Cease from anger; give not way to wrath; Be not provoked, so as to do evil!
9 Bangtelah tetpawiteh, thoenae kasaknaw teh, raphoe lah ao awh han. Hatei, BAWIPA ka ngaihawi e naw ni, talai heh râw lah a coe awh han.
For evil-doers shall be rooted out; But they who trust in the LORD, they shall inherit the land.
10 Bangtelah tetpawiteh, tamikathoutnaw teh dongdengca dawk awm awh mahoeh toe. Bokheiyah, a onae hmuen koe kahawicalah na tawng han, hatei, awm mahoeh toe.
Yet a little while, and the wicked shall be no more; Thou mayst look for his place, and he will not be found.
11 Hatei, a lungkanem e ni talai râw a coe vaiteh, kapap e roumnae dawk a lunghawi awh han.
But the meek shall inherit the land, And delight themselves in the fulness of prosperity.
12 Tamikathout ni tamikalan a youk teh, a hâkam a kata sin.
The wicked man plotteth against the just, And gnasheth at him with his teeth.
13 Hatei, Bawipa ni tamikathout teh a panui sin. Bangkongtetpawiteh, ahnimae hnin ka tho hane hah a panue.
The Lord laugheth at him; For he seeth that his day is coming.
14 Mathoe hoi kavoutthoupnaw kamlei sak hane hoi, kalan lah kahringnaw thei hanelah, tamikathoutnaw ni amamae tahloi sut a rayu awh teh, licung sut a sawn awh toe.
The wicked draw the sword, And bend their bow, To cast down the afflicted and the needy, And to slay the upright.
15 Hatei, amamae tahloi teh amamae lung dawk kâen vaiteh, ahnimae licung teh khoe lah ao han.
Their swords shall enter their own hearts, And their bows shall be broken in pieces.
16 Tamikathout ni tawnta e hlak, tamikalan ni younca a tawn e ahawihnawn.
Better is the little of the righteous man Than the great abundance of the wicked;
17 Bangtelah tetpawiteh, tamikathout e kut teh khoe lah awm vaiteh, tamikalan e kut teh BAWIPA ni a kabawp han.
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, But the LORD will uphold the righteous.
18 BAWIPA ni tamikalannaw e hnin a panue pouh teh, a coe awh e râw teh a yungyoe kangning e doeh.
The LORD careth for the life of the upright, And their inheritance shall endure for ever.
19 Ahnimouh teh, atueng mathoe nahaiyah, yeirai phawt awh mahoeh. Takang tue nahaiyah, a von a paha awh han.
They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, And in the days of famine they shall have enough.
20 Hatei, tamikathout teh a kahma han. BAWIPA e tarannaw teh, ka sungren e phokahring patetlah kahmat awh vaiteh, hmaikhu lah a pâyam awh vaiteh a kahma awh han.
But the wicked shall perish; Yea, the enemies of the LORD shall be consumed, like the glory of the fields; They shall be consumed into smoke.
21 Tamikathout niteh, a cawi e patho hoeh toe. Hatei, tamikalan niteh, a pahren teh a poe.
The wicked borroweth, and repayeth not; But the righteous is merciful and bountiful.
22 Bangtelah tetpawiteh, yawhawi poe lah kaawmnaw ni talai râw a coe awh han. Thoebo lah kaawmnaw teh raphoe lah ao awh han.
For they who are blessed by God shall inherit the land, And they who are cursed by him shall be rooted out.
23 Tamikalannaw e khoktabei teh BAWIPA ni a caksak teh, a ceinae lamthung hah a ngai pouh.
The steps of the good man are directed by the LORD; He delighteth himself in his way.
24 A tâlaw nakunghai, poutnae koe phat mahoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni ahnie kut a kuet pouh.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, For the LORD holdeth him by the hand.
25 Thoundoun lah ka o teh ka matawng toe. Tamikalan ceitakhai e ka hmawt boihoeh. A ca catounnaw kutdaw lah ao e ka hmawt boihoeh.
I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his offspring begging bread.
26 Ayâ a lungma teh, a cawi sak dawkvah, a ca catounnaw teh yawhawinae a coe awh.
He is ever merciful and lendeth, And his offspring shall be blessed.
27 Yonnae cettakhai nateh, hawinae sak nateh, hete ram dawk pou awm haw.
Depart from evil, and do good; So thou shalt dwell in the land for ever.
28 Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni kângingnae hah a lungpataw. A tamikathoungnaw cettakhai boihoeh. Lungmawng lah pou ao sak.
For the LORD loveth righteousness, And forsaketh not his servants; They are preserved for ever; But the posterity of the wicked shall be rooted out.
29 Tamikalan ni ram heh râw lah a coe vaiteh, a thung vah kho pou a sak awh han.
The righteous shall inherit the land, And shall dwell therein for ever.
30 Tamikalan e pahni ni lungangnae lawk a dei teh, a lai ni kângingnae hah a pâpho.
The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And his tongue speaketh what is right.
31 A Cathut e kâlawk teh a lungthin thung ao dawkvah, a cei toteh tâlaw mahoeh.
The law of his God is in his heart; His footsteps shall not slip.
32 Tamikathout ni tamikalan a pawp teh, thei hanelah ouk a tawng.
The wicked watcheth the righteous, And seeketh to slay him;
33 Hatei, BAWIPA ni ahnie kut dawk tamikalan hah tâkhawng mahoeh. Lawkceng lah ao nakunghai yonpen lah awm mahoeh.
The Lord will not leave him in his hand, Nor suffer him to be condemned, when he is judged.
34 BAWIPA hah ring haw. A lamthung hah dawn haw. Hete ram coe hanelah, na tawmrasang han. Tamikathoutnaw koung raphoe lah ao e hah na hmu han.
Trust in the LORD, and keep his way, And he will exalt thee to the possession of the land, Whilst thou shalt see the destruction of the wicked!
35 Tamikathout hoi tamitongthoenaw teh, ung e thingkung patetlah, hluthlut a naw awh e hah ka hmu toe.
I have seen a wicked man in great power, And spreading himself like a green cedar;
36 Hatei, a due teh, khenhaw! ahni teh awm hoeh toe. Bokheiyah, ka tawng eiteh, hmu hane awm hoeh toe.
But he passed away, and, lo! he was no more; Yea, I sought him, but he was not found.
37 Kuepnae hah pouk nateh, lannae hah lueplueppouk haw. Bangkongtetpawiteh, hmâ lah a coe hane teh, lungmawngnae doeh.
Mark the righteous man, and behold the upright, That posterity is to the man of peace!
38 Hatei, tamikayonnaw teh, koung raphoe lah awm vaiteh, tamikathoutnaw ni a coe hane haiyah, raphoenae hah doeh.
But transgressors will all be destroyed; The posterity of the wicked shall be rooted out.
39 Tamikalan rungngangnae teh, BAWIPA koehoi doeh. Ahni teh runae tueng nah kânguenae im doeh.
The salvation of the just is from the LORD. He is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 BAWIPA ni kabawm vaiteh, a rungngang han. Ama a kâuep dawkvah, tamikathoutnaw thung hoi a rasa teh ouk a rungngang.
The LORD will help and deliver them; He will deliver them from their enemies, and save them, Because they trust in him.