< Matthai 6 >

1 Hnokahawi na sak e taminaw hmalah na tawk na sak awh hoeh nahanlah kâhruetcuet awh. Telah hoehpawiteh Kalvan kho kaawm nangmae na Pa koehoi tawkphu na coe awh mahoeh.
[But] take heed, that ye do not, your righteousness, before men, to be gazed at by them, —otherwise at least, reward, have ye none, with your Father who is in the heavens.
2 Hatdawkvah hno na poe awh navah ka kâsaknaw ni a sak awh e patetlah sak awh hanh. Ahnimanaw teh taminaw e barinae a ngai awh dawkvah tamikâluinae koe, lamsalunnaw koe, mongka ueng laihoi sinakok koe a sak awh e patetlah sak awh hanh. Atangcalah na dei pouh awh. Ahnimouh teh amamae tawkphu hah a hmu awh toe.
When, therefore, thou mayest be doing an alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, just as, the hypocrites, do in the synagogues and in the streets—that they may be glorified by men, —Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.
3 Hno na poe awh navah na poe tie a kamnue thai hoeh nahanelah aranglae na kut ni a sak e hah avoilah e na kut panuek sak hanh.
But, thou, when doing an alms, let not, thy left hand, know what thy right hand is doing;
4 Arulahoi na sak e kahmawtkung na pa ni tawkphu hah kamcengcalah na poe han.
that thine alms may be in secret, —and, thy Father, who seeth in secret, will give it back to thee.
5 Na ratoum awh navah ka kâsaknaw patetlah ratoum awh hanh. Ahnimouh teh tami pueng ni na hmu kong titeh sinakok koe a kangdue awh teh ratoum e hah a lungpataw awh. Atangcalah na dei pouh awh. Ahnimouh teh amamae tawkphu hah a hmu awh toe.
And, when ye may be praying, ye shall not be as the hypocrites, because they love, in the synagogues, and at the corners of the broad ways, to take their stand and pray, that they may shine before men; Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.
6 Na ratoum awh navah na imthungkhu kâen awh nateh takhang na khan awh hnukkhu mithmuhoehnae koe kaawm e na pa koe ratoum awh. Mithmu hoeh e kahmawt e na pa ni tawkphu hah kamcengcalah na poe awh han.
But, thou, when thou wouldest pray, enter into thy closet, and, fastening thy door, pray unto thy Father who is in secret, —and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.
7 Na ratoum awh navah Jentelnaw patetlah cungkeihoehe lawk hoi boutbout pâbo awh hanh. Ahnimouh ni teh lawk moikapap dei e lahoi mae lungngai akuep han telah a pouk awh.
And, being at prayer, use not vain repetitions, just like the nations, —for they think, that, in their much speaking, they shall be hoard;
8 Hotnaw patetlah sak awh hanh. Bangkongtetpawiteh nangmouh ni na ngai awh e hno pueng teh na hei awh hoehnahlan vah nangmae na Pa ni a panue toe.
do not, therefore, make yourselves like them, for [God] your Father knoweth of what things ye have, need, before ye ask him.
9 Hatdawkvah na ratoum awh hane teh: Kalvan kho kaawm maimae na Pa, na min barinae awm lawiseh.
Thus, therefore pray, ye: Our Father, who art in the heavens, —Hallowed be thy name,
10 Na uknaeram phat lawiseh. Na lungngainae kalvan vah akuep e patetlah talai van hai kuep lawiseh.
Come may thy kingdom, —Accomplished be thy will, as in heaven, also on earth:
11 Von kawk khuem rawca sahnin kaimouh na poe awh haw.
Our needful bread, give us, this day;
12 Ayâ ni ka tak dawk a yon e ka ngaithoum e patetlah kaimae yonnae hai na ngaithoum haw.
And forgive us our debts, as, we also, have forgiven our debtors;
13 Yon tacueknae dawk ka bawk payon hoeh nahanlah a thoenae koehoi na rungngang haw. Uknaeram, bahu, hoi bawilennae pueng teh a yungyoe nange doeh. Amen. telah ratoum awh.
And bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.
14 Nangmouh koe yonnae ka sak e naw hah na ngaithoum awh pawiteh nangmae kalvanlae na Pa ni nangmae yonnae hai na ngaithoum van han.
For, if ye forgive men their faults, Your Father who is in the heavens, will forgive, even you;
15 Hatei, nangmouh koe yon kasaknaw e yonnae hah na ngaithoum awh hoehpawiteh nangmae na Pa ni nangmae yon hai ngaithoum van mahoeh.
But, if ye forgive not men [their faults], neither will your Father forgive, your faults.
16 Nangmouh teh rawca na hai awh navah ka kâsaknaw e patetlah na minhmai dawk kamnuek sak awh hanh. Ahnimouh teh rawca a hai awh, tie hah taminaw hmalah a minhmai dawk a kamnue sak awh. Atangcalah na dei pouh awh. Ahnimouh teh amamae tawkphu hah a hmu awh toe.
And, when ye may he fasting, become not ye, as the hypocrites, of sullen countenance, —for they darken their looks, that they may appear, unto men, to be fasting: Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.
17 Hatei, nangmouh teh rawca na hai awh navah taminaw e hmalah kamnuek sak awh hanh.
But, when, thou, art fasting, anoint thy head, and, thy face, wash, —
18 Mithmuhoehnae koe kaawm e na Pa hmalah dueng kamnuek sak awh. Na lû satui kâhluk nateh na sam hak so awh. Na minhmai hak pâhla awh. Mithmu hoeh e ka hmawt e nangmae na Pa ni tawkphu hah kamcengcalah na poe awh han.
that thou do not appear, unto men, to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, —and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.
19 Sumei hoi khakbara ni a ca thainae koe, tamru ni a paru thainae koe talai van vah na hno pâkhueng awh hanh.
Be not laying up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where, moth and rust, do tarnish, and where, thieves, dig through and steal;
20 Sumei hoi khakbara ni a cathaihoehnae koe, tamru ni a paruhoehnae koe kalvan kho vah na hno hah pâkhueng awh.
but be laying up or yourselves treasures in heaven, where, neither moth nor rust, doth tarnish, and where, thieves, dig not through nor steal:
21 Bangkongtetpawiteh na hno aonae koevah na lungthin hai ao van.
for, where, thy treasure, is, there, will be, thy heart [also].
22 Mit teh tak e hmaiim lah ao. Na mit hawi pawiteh na tak abuemlah a ang han.
The lamp of the body, is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body, shall be, lighted up;
23 Hatei, na mit hawihoeh pawiteh na tak abuemlah a hmo han. Na tak dawk kaawm e na angnae hah hmot pawiteh hote hmonae teh banghloimaw a hmo han.
But, if thine eye be, evil, thy whole body, shall be, in the dark; —if therefore, the light which is in thee, is, darkness, the darkness, how great!
24 Apihai bawi kahni touh e san lah awm thai hoeh. Bawi buet touh hah pahnawt vaiteh buet touh hah a lungpataw han. Hoehpawiteh buet touh hah banglahai na pouk hoeh vaiteh, buet touh hah na kâuep han. Cathut hoi tangka san lah vai touh lahoi mek na tawk thai mahoeh.
No one, unto two masters, can be in service; for either, the one, he will hate, and, the other, love, or, one, he will hold to, and, the other, despise: Ye cannot be in service, unto God, and, unto Riches.
25 Hatdawkvah bangne ka canei han tihoi na hring na hanlah na lungpuen awh hanh. Bangne ka khohna han tihoi na tak hanlah na lungpuen awh hanh. Rawca hlak hringnae heh aphu bet ao nahoehmaw. Khohna hlak na tak aphu bet ao nahoehmaw.
For this cause, I say unto you: Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat [or what ye shall drink], —or for your body, what ye shall put on: Is not, the life, more than, the food? And, the body, than, the raiment?
26 Kahlun kamleng e tavanaw hah khenhaw. Hote tavanaw ni cati hai patûe awh hoeh, cang hai a awh hoeh, capai dawk pâkhueng awh hoeh. Hatei, nangmae kalvanlae na Pa ni hotnaw hah a kawk. Hote tavanaw hlak nangmouh teh aphu moi na awm awh hoeh maw.
Observe intently, the birds of the heaven, —that they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet, your heavenly Father, feedeth, them: Are no, ye, much better than, they?
27 Apimaw a lungpuennae lahoi amae hringnae hah bet ka saw sak thai han.
But who from among you, being anxious, can add to his stature one cubit?
28 Bangkongmaw khohna hane dawk na lungpuen awh. Kahrawng e lilikungnaw hah bangtelamaw a roung ati e hah khenhaw. Thaw hai tawk awh hoeh. Pahla hai sawn awh hoeh.
And, about clothing, why are ye anxious? Consider well the lilies of the field, how they grow, —they toil not neither do they spin;
29 Solomon siangpahrang e khohna e ni hote akung e khohna boehai phat hoeh.
And yet, I say unto you, not even Solomon, in all his glory, was arrayed like, one of these!
30 Yuemnae kayounnaw, sahnin kahring ni teh tangtho hmai dawk phum e phonaw patenghai hottelah Cathut ni pathoup pawiteh nangmouh natawng teh hot hlak na pathoup awh mahoeh na maw.
Now, if the grass of the field—which to-day, is, and, to-morrow, into an oven, is cast—God thus adorneth, not much rather, you, little of faith?
31 Hatdawkvah bangne ka canei han, bangne ka khohna han ti hoi na lungpuen awh hanh.
Do not then be anxious saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be arrayed?
32 Jentelnaw ni doeh het patet e hnonaw dawk a lungpuen awh. Nangmouh ni na panki awh e hah nangmae kalvanlae na Pa ni koung a panue.
For, all these things, the nations, seek after, —for your heavenly Father, knoweth, that ye are needing, all these things.
33 Hatei, Cathut uknaeram hoi a lannae hah hmaloe tawng awh. Hathnukkhu hote hnonaw teh na poe sin awh han.
But be seeking first, the kingdom and its righteousness, —and, all these things, shall be added unto you.
34 Hatdawkvah tangtho hanelah lungpuen awh hanh. Tangtho e hnin ni nang han lah a lungpuen han doeh. Sahnin kaawm e hno kahawihoehe hah sahnin hanelah a khout.
Do not, then, be anxious for the morrow; for the morrow, will be anxious, for itself: Sufficient for the day, is the evil thereof.

< Matthai 6 >