< Mark 13 >

1 Jisuh teh Bawkim thung hoi a tâco teh a kâhlai navah, a hnukkâbangnaw buet touh ni, Bawipa kalenpounge talung doeh khe, ka cak poung e im pui doeh khe atipouh navah,
And as he was going out of the temple, one of his disciples says to him, Teacher, see what stones and what buildings!
2 Jisuh ni hete imnaw hah na hmu nahoehmaw. Talung buet touh van buet touh, a kâpacounghoehnae tue ka phat han. Abuemlah koung katim han atipouh.
And Jesus answering said to him, Seest thou these great buildings? not a stone shall be left upon a stone, which shall not be thrown down.
3 Bawkim hmalah kaawm e Olive Mon dawk Jisuh a tahung teh a radoung navah, Piter, Jem, Jawhan hoi Andru tinaw niyah,
And as he sat on the mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
4 hete heh nâtuek han maw, hete hno pueng a tho nahane tue ti panue nahanelah, mitnoutnaw teh bangmaw kaawm han ti teh arulahoi a pacei awh.
Tell us, when shall these things be, and what is the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?
5 Jisuh ni, apinihai na dum awh hoeh nahanelah kâhruetcuet awh.
And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any one mislead you.
6 Tami kapap ni ka Min kâmahrawk awh vaiteh, kai doeh Khrih toe tet awh vaiteh, tami moikapap a dum awh han.
For many shall come in my name, saying, It is I, and shall mislead many.
7 Taran kâtuknae kamthang, tarankâtuk hane kamthang na thai awh han. Na lungpuen awh hanh, Hottelah ao han. Hatei apoutnae phat hoeh rah.
But when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be not disturbed, for [this] must happen, but the end is not yet.
8 Miphun buet touh hoi buet touh, uknaeram buet touh hoi buet touh, a kâtaran awh han. Khoram tangkuem Tâlî a no han. Takang a tho han. Puennae ao han. Hetnaw teh runae a kamtawngnae lah doeh ao.
For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be earthquakes in [different] places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these things [are the] beginnings of throes.
9 Namamouh hoi namamouh kâhruetcuet awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, lawkcengkungnaw koe na thak awh han. Sinakok vah na hem awh han. Kai kecu dawk khobawinaw hmalah hoi siangpahrangnaw hmalah lawkpanuesaknae lah na tâcokhai awh han.
But ye, take heed to yourselves, for they shall deliver you up to sanhedrims and to synagogues: ye shall be beaten and brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them;
10 Kamthang kahawi hah miphun pueng koe hmaloe pâpho lah ao han.
and the gospel must first be preached to all the nations.
11 Khobawinaw koe na thak awh navah, bangtelamaw ka dei han aw, tie ka ngai awh hanh. Sut pouk awh hanh. Dei hanelah ka tâcawt e hah dei awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh nama ni na dei e na hoeh. Kathoung Muitha ni na dei sak e doeh.
But when they shall lead you away to deliver you up, be not careful beforehand as to what ye shall say, [nor prepare your discourse]: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak; for ye are not the speakers, but the Holy Spirit.
12 Hatnae tueng dawkvah, hmaunawngha ni a hmaunawngha, a na pa ni a ca, canaw ni a manu napanaw hah taran awh vaiteh, due sak hanelah a pahnawt awh han.
But brother shall deliver up brother to death, and father child; and children shall rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death.
13 Tami pueng ni kaie ka Min kecu dawk nangmanaw hah na hmuhma awh han. Apihai a pout totouh ka khang e tami teh, rungngang lah ao han.
And ye will be hated of all on account of my name; but he that has endured to the end, he shall be saved.
14 Profet Daniel ni a dei e patetlah panuetthopounge karaphoekung, ao hoeh nahane hmuen koe a kangdue e na hmu awh navah, Cakathoung ka touk e ni teh thai panuek na lawiseh. Hote na hmawt pawiteh Judah ram kaawm e naw mon lah yawng awh naseh.
But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not, (he that reads let him consider [it], ) then let those in Judaea flee to the mountains;
15 Lemphu kaawm e tami ni kum hanh lawi naseh, im thung e hno la hanelah kâen hanh lawi naseh.
and him that is upon the housetop not come down into the house, nor enter [into it] to take away anything out of his house;
16 Laikawk koe kaawm e ni hai amae khohna la hanelah hnuklah ban hanh naseh.
and him that is in the field not return back to take his garment.
17 Hat hnin toteh, camo ka vawn e napuinaw hoi camosen kaawm e napuinaw teh a temdeng awh han.
But woe to those that are with child and to those that give suck in those days!
18 Nangmouh ni na yawng nahane atueng teh, kasik tue hoi a kâvoe hoeh nahan, ratoum awh.
And pray that it may not be in winter time;
19 Bangkongtetpawiteh, Cathut ni talai a sak pasuek hoiyah atu sittouh kaawm boihoeh rae, ato hmalah hai bout kaawm hoeh han e, runae teh hatnae tueng dawkvah ka phat han.
for those days shall be distress such as there has not been the like since [the] beginning of creation which God created, until now, and never shall be;
20 Hote a tue teh Cathut ni saw sak pawiteh apinihai khang thai mahoeh. A rawi tangcoung e taminaw hane kecu dawk Cathut ni atueng aduem sak han.
and if [the] Lord had not cut short those days, no flesh should have been saved; but on account of the elect whom he has chosen, he has cut short those days.
21 Hatnavah tami tami buetbuet touh ni hi doeh Khrih a o, haw doeh ao ka tet awh nakunghai, yuem awh hanh.
And then if any one say to you, Lo, here [is] the Christ, or Lo, there, believe [it] not.
22 Bangkongtetpawiteh, khrihkaphawk hoi profetkaphawk teh tâcawt vaiteh, rawi tangcoung e taminaw pateng haiyah, dum thai pawiteh, dum thai totouh kângairu hnonaw hah a sak awh han.
For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and give signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
23 Nangmouh teh kâhruetcuet awh. Hete kongnaw teh sut na dei pouh toe.
But do ye take heed: behold, I have told you all things beforehand.
24 Hote runae hnukkhu vah, kanî teh kahmawt han, thapa hai ang mahoeh.
But in those days, after that distress, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give its light;
25 Kalvan âsinaw teh a bo awh han. Kalvannaw e bahunaw hai a kâhuet han.
and the stars of heaven shall be falling down, and the powers which are in the heavens shall be shaken;
26 Hatnavah, tami Capa teh, ka talue poung e bawilennae hoi tâmai a kâcui vaiteh, a kumcathuk e hah a hmu awh han.
and then shall they see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory;
27 Hat toteh, tami Capa ni a kalvantaminaw hah patoun vaiteh, kanîtho, kanîloum, atung, aka kaawm e, a rawi tangcoung e taminaw hah a pâkhueng sak han.
and then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from end of earth to end of heaven.
28 Thaibunglung kung bangnuenae hah pâkuem awh. Thaibunglung kung teh a dawn a cawn, a hna a nâw toteh, kompawi a hnai toe tie na panue awh.
But learn the parable from the fig-tree: when its branch already becomes tender and puts forth the leaves, ye know that the summer is near.
29 Hot patetlah hote hnonaw a tâco toe tie na hmu awh toteh, tami Capa teh takhang koe totouh rek a pha toe tie panuek awh.
Thus also ye, when ye see these things happening, know that it is near, at the doors.
30 Atangcalah na dei pouh awh. Hete catounnaw be a due awh hoehnahlan hete hno pueng teh, ka tâcawt han.
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall in no wise pass away, till all these things take place.
31 Kalvan hoi talai teh a rawk han, hatei ka lawk teh a kangning han.
The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall in no wise pass away.
32 Hote tueng teh, apa hloilah apinihai panuek hoeh. Kalvan kho e kalvantaminaw ni hai panuek hoeh.
But of that day or of that hour no one knows, neither the angels who are in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Tami Capa ni hai panuek hoeh. Hote a tue teh nâtuek ne a pha han tie na panue awh hoeh dawkvah, kâhruetcuet awh nateh, ratoum laihoi ring awh.
Take heed, watch and pray, for ye do not know when the time is:
34 Bangnuenae teh, tami buet touh ni alouke ram lah cei hane a pouk dawkvah, a im hah a cei takhai teh a sannaw koe kâtawnnae hah a poe. Thaw tawk kawinaw tawk hanelah, thaw lengkaleng a poe teh, takhang ka ring e koe kâ a poe teh a ceitakhai.
[it is] as a man gone out of the country, having left his house and given to his bondmen the authority, and to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper that he should watch.
35 Imkung teh tangmin na ou, karumsaning na ou, akhawng na ou, amom na ou a tho han tie na panue awh hoeh dawkvah ring awh.
Watch therefore, for ye do not know when the master of the house comes: evening, or midnight, or cock-crow, or morning;
36 Hottelah ring hoehpawiteh, Bawipa hmatara a tho toteh, kukkuk na i e hah Bawipa ni a hmu han.
lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37 Ring awh, telah nangmouh koe ka dei e patetlah tami pueng hane la hai ka dei telah a ti.
But what I say to you, I say to all, Watch.

< Mark 13 >