< Job 13 >

1 Khenhaw! he e hnonaw pueng heh, ka mit hoi ka hmu. Ka hnâ ni a thai teh a thaipanuek.
Behold, mine eye has seen these things, and mine ear has heard [them].
2 Nangmouh ni na panue e teh, kai ni hai ka panue van. Nangmouh hlak hoe ka rahnoum hoeh.
And I know all that ye too know; and I have not less understanding than you.
3 Hateiteh, Athakasaipounge koevah, ka dei haw nei, Cathut hoi rei pouk hanelah ka ngai poung.
Nevertheless I will speak to the Lord, and I will reason before him, if he will.
4 Hateiteh, nangmouh teh laithoe ka dei e lah na o awh.
But ye are all bad physicians, and healers of diseases.
5 Duem awm awh haw, hottelah pawiteh, na lungangnae la ao han ei.
But would that ye were silent, and it would be wisdom to you in the end.
6 Ka pouknae heh thai awh haw, ka pahni dawk hoi ka tâcawt e kâheinae heh alawkpui lah pouk awh.
But hear ye the reasoning of my mouth, and attend to the judgment of my lips.
7 Cathut hanelah kahawihoeh poung lah a dei awh han maw, Ahni hanelah laithoe na dei awh han maw.
Do ye not speak before the Lord, and utter deceit before him?
8 Ahni hanelah kapeknae na tawn awh na maw, Cathut teh na oun awh han maw
Or will ye draw back? nay do, ye yourselves be judges.
9 Ama ni nangmanaw hah rek na toun awh pawiteh, ahawi han namaw. Tami a panuikhaie patetlah ama hah na panuikhai han namaw.
For [it were] well if he would thoroughly search you: for though doing all things [in your power] ye should attach yourselves to him,
10 Arulahoi kapeknae na tawn awh pawiteh, ama ni na yue awh roeroe han doeh.
he will not reprove you at all the less: but if moreover ye should secretly respect persons,
11 Ahawinae ni na lungpuen sak awh mahoeh maw. Taki thonae hah nangmouh dawkvah bawt mahoeh maw
shall not his whirlpool sweep you round, and terror from him fall upon you?
12 Namamae cingthuinae lawk hah, hraba cingthuinae lawk doeh. Na kângainae khorapan hai tangpung hoi pacawp rumram e la doeh ao.
And your glorying shall prove in the end to you like ashes, and your body [like a body] of clay.
13 Duem awm awh haw, lawk na dei sak haw. Ka tak dawk banghai phat na yawkaw seh.
Be silent, that I may speak, and cease from [mine] anger,
14 Bangdawkmaw ka tak hah ka hâ hoi ka kei vaiteh, ka hringnae hah ka kut dawk ka ta han.
while I may take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand.
15 Na ka thet nakunghai ama teh kâuepkhai han doeh. Hottelah nakunghai a hmalah yonthanae lawk bout ka dei han.
Though the Mighty One should lay hand upon me, forasmuch as he has begun, verily I will speak, and plead before him.
16 Ama teh kaie rungngangnae lah ao han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, tamitongthoenaw teh a hmalah tho thai mahoeh.
And this shall turn to me for salvation; for fraud shall have no entrance before him.
17 Ka dei e heh kahawicalah thai awh haw, ka pâpho e heh na hnâ dawk kâen sak.
Hear, hear ye my words, for I will declare in your hearing.
18 Khenhaw! ka dei e kong dawkvah yo ka pouk e doeh toe, yon na ngaithoum han tie hah ka panue.
Behold, I am near my judgment: I know that I shall appear evidently just.
19 Apimaw na ka oun hane kaawm. Awm boipawiteh, duem ka o vaiteh, ka due yawkaw han.
For who is he that shall plead with me, that I should now be silent, and expire?
20 Kai dawk hno kahni touh dueng heh sak hanh yawkaw, hottelah pawiteh nang koehoi kâhrawk mahoeh.
But grant me two things: then I will not hide myself from thy face.
21 Kai koehoi na kut hah ahla poungnae koe kampuen sak, taki na thonae e ni ka lungpuen sak hanh naseh.
Withhold [thine] hand from me: and let not thy fear terrify me.
22 Hottelah pawiteh na kaw nah na pathung han. Hoeh pawiteh lawk na dei sak haw, nama ni na pathung.
Then shalt thou call, and I will hearken to thee: or thou shalt speak, and I will give thee an answer.
23 Ka payonpakai e hoi ka yonnae hah nâyittouh maw apap vai, kâtapoenae hoi ka yonnae hah na panuek sak haw.
How many are my sins and my transgressions? teach me what they are.
24 Bangdawkmaw na minhmai na hro teh, na taran lah na pouk.
Wherefore hidest thou thyself from me, and deemest me thine enemy?
25 Kahlî ni a palek e lengle teh, na pâlei han na maw, Cakong hah na pâlei han namaw
Wilt thou be startled [at me], as [at] a leaf shaken by the wind? or wilt thou set thyself against me as against grass borne upon the breeze?
26 Bangkongtetpawiteh, kakhat e hno hah, kai na taranlahoi na thut teh, ka nawca nah payonpakai e naw hah na phu sak.
for thou hast written evil things against me, and thou hast compassed me with the sins of my youth.
27 Ka khok hlong na buet teh, ka lamthung pueng hah kahnaicalah na khet. Ka khoksampha hanelah rui khoup na payang.
And thou hast placed my foot in the stocks; and thou hast watched all my works, and hast penetrated my heels.
28 Tami teh kahmawn e hno patetlah atum teh, khakbara ni a ca e hnicu patetlah doeh ao.
[I am as] that which waxes old like a bottle, or like a moth-eaten garment.

< Job 13 >